registered country is primary ensign. Rearmost and largest.
I believe that you also fly courtesy flag of country that you are in on the starboard spreader and nationailty of owner on port side. Hope this won't cause a row...
You fly (wear) the country of registration on the stern, and a courtesy flag on starboard spreader. In the US only a US citizen can own a US registered vessel, in the UK the majority owner has to be a British citizen.
By the way I saw a funny flag on TV the other day at the jubilee celebration. It was a union flag (jack) one side and a St. Georges cross on the other, where can I get one of those for my boat?
Thats what I throught. But I noticed in my UK yacht club news letter ( that the ensign flag of the 'owner' should be flown off the stern. (Motor Boat Section).
Thats OK if you say, your British with a British registry. But I'm British, living in Norway with a Norwegian registry. I fly the Norwegian Flag. But this had me wondering.
So can I fly the 'red dust' from the port or starboard cross tree.? And which side the yacht club pendant? - I cant fly it at the mast head.
I think you fly the red ensign from the port spreader with yacht club below that. Straboard should be kept for courtesy flag. Thats my understanding but I could well be wrong!
Howver if you visit Britain you could be flying the Red Ensign from both left & right! Have you got two? And if so are they the same size? Which one should be the bigger?
The Norwegians being a nation of enthusiastic flag flyers (I suspect that every single garden has a flagpole!) - due no doubt to their being a rather new nation having recently booted out their former colonial power (any Swedes reading this?) and having the benefit of all that oil and gas, I would recommend consulting a Norwegian friend as to Norwegian etiquette here. They take it more seriously than we do.
My hunch is that you just fly the Norwegian ensign.
Could the reason be that you don't need planning permission for a flagpole in Norway, unlike the UK? Not sure they take etiquette more seriously either - they don't have a blue ensign and all the other nonsense we have.
Tome implies that Norway does not have 'special ensign nonsense like the British'.
Wrong. There are indeed some special defaced Norwegian ensigns for nominated clubs.
In theory you should only need permission to for a flag pole flying a flag other than any of the Union flags.
Certain council's in conservation areas seem to think otherwise, but i think i am correct