Put to Sea check list


Active member
4 Feb 2002
Still going south currently in Corsica for winter
Having taken the plunge after many, many, months of looking at boats,
I have now got to move from Plymouth to Dartmouth

Apart from the obvious: Radio; Flares; Good sails etc.
Has anyone thought of a minimum safety requirment check list, for putting to sea the first time in a 30' Yacht

It may well be interesting for newbies too!


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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Congrats poter!

I think that you should generate your own put to sea check list, as these will vary between different boats, and between different trips that you plan. If unsure, one of the items on the 1st Time Put To Sea checklist might be "someone who's done it".

Note also that "checklists" are a vital aspect of (say) flying because once off the ground one is totally committed, with little chance of rectifying anything once aloft. And there are well-known (for pilots) extreme risks involved in trying to turn back downwind and attempt to land immediately after takeoff.

Setting off sailing is far les risky in these respects, and especially out of Plymouth -where you can hoist sails, check engine performance and so on long before the breakwater.

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20 Jan 2002
Scotland - Black Isle
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Presumably you had a survey done. Have a chat with the surveyor. He will be able to highlight any major issues to be tackled before setting off.

Also worth contacting the RNLI to have a SEA Check carried out. This will give you a chance to discuss items of equipment you should carry for your delivery trip, and for your sailing activities thereafter. Contact the RNLI Water Safety folk on 0800 328 0600. Both the phone call and the SEA Check are free.

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Well-known member
9 Mar 2003
s e wales
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some good advice above. as well as the experienced crew and the sea check, make sure you have a good passage plan, fall backs, charts and almanacs,a good weather forecast, plenty of time (many nasties are caused by the "have to be back in the office on Monday syndrome") plenty of diesel and a well serviced engine, and sea sick pills.

take the sea sick pills - its part mental, and if you're at all wound up about the trip, tired from a restless night etc.....

and finally - no booze under any circs!

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One thing rarely mentioned ....

Having been caught out with a trip lasting considerably longer than the 12 hours or so expected .......

A GOOD set of warm clothes to change into ...... that keep out wind and cold.

A good supply of Cupa Soups etc.

OK - you may think they are obvious and not necessary to quote - but believe me skimping on warmth is one of the worst things out ...... you can survive / suffer many things on boat - but cold, damp, hungry etc. is the PITS !!!!

So your list should cover :

Safely operating the boat
Knowing where the boat is and being able to navigate / know surrounding dangers.
Keeping spirits up and all warm and in good condition.
Being able to call on help if all fails ...... so a HH VHF is a good idea to back up the main set.
Good dinghy, preferably inflatable as it floats whatever !!!!

Once you cover those basics - we all have our own additionals ......

But one good item mentioned was the experienced crew that had maybe done similar trip before. So the art of good skippering here - is to be able to listen and command with due respect for anothers experience and advice.

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
Plymouth to Dartmouth could be considered a fair old trip if you are:
Short handed, without Auto pilot, inexperienced, in an untried unfamiliar boat.
The first thing I would suggest is to break the trip at Salcombe and also make a plan for Newton Ferrers as a just in case bolt hole. Then the checklist comes down to no more than you would need to have for putting to sea at any other time.
You don’t say if you have sailed the boat on day trips, how it is already equipped, what does and doesn’t work and if you know how to use the equipment supplied! This info would be helpful.

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Active member
4 Feb 2002
Still going south currently in Corsica for winter
In answer...........

I will probably be solo
An Auto pilot is fixed........ she is wheel steering by the way, apparently all the Moody 30's were!
I am very familiar with the south west coast & waters.
Agree would certainly look at Salcomb as a break (mind the bar) so I can bimble say over two days.
I will be doing some, shakedowns in the Sound.
Most of the equipment on board is fairly standard ...not a lot of problems there,
not familiar with the engine though, which is a lister petter, I trust not very different to a volvo etc.?

My main reason in asking the question re list is that my old check list is now probably very out of date and I was trying to make sure that I had all contigencies covered, now one should make a passage plan etc. etc.

thanks for help.


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Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
<blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

I will probably be solo


In which case as for 'safety requirement check list', I would include an EPIRB and an immersion suit or dry suit.

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1 Jan 2002
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An immersion suit for single handing from Plymouth to Dartmouth in September? He's not going via the Cape! (ps okay I do carry an epirb)

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Active member
4 Feb 2002
Still going south currently in Corsica for winter
Immersion Suit???

Hmmm... yes tend to agree that an immersion suit is a bit OTT

I will be getting the existing liferaft serviced. and pick up an epirb......
oh hum....it ain't cheap is it?
I am thinking of publishing all the costs on here but I am sure it will put prospective sailors off.
So far... apart from the yacht itself ... we are talking around £2350 for essentials,
almost as expensive as a house.

SWMBO would go bananas if she new the real cost!


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1 Jan 2002
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discounts available

You need to join the SWMBO discount scheme. Since they won't go into chandleries except to try on clothes and the clothes in the chandlery look like they were designed at the RNIB, you can just pluck prices out of the air. For example, she's never going to believe you're such a fool as to spend £500 on lifejackets so you can happily tell her they were £30 each. Equally she doesn't think you're stupid enough to spend £300 on fire extinguishers for the wretched boat, so you can tell her that lot cost £60. But watch out for blabbermouth friends.
'How much was that new sail?'
'That's odd, Simone told me Charlie paid £900 for his.'
Your mouth dries, your knees turn to jelly. A bulb lights in your head.
'It was special.'
'How special?'
'Er... he bought at the top of the market. I got mine in an out of season loft clearance.'

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And if you really are clever .....

you could ask if anyone on forum / around you locally wants a trip ----- crewing ????

But care that you don't end up with what I had ...... sold my old boat to guy ....... in Langstone. He wanted boat at Brighton. No problem ...... there she is, fitted out and well suited for it.

He asked for help to do it, so I agreed - knowing the boat could do it OK. He said that he would bring someone else as well so that there would be 3 on board who knew boats.

He arrives in 'city-slicks' and nothing else - no food, no fuel etc. etc. His pal with him was not much better. So I rustled up some spare jackets and bits / bobs. Its summer so shouldn't be too bad and its about 12 hours trip ........ YEEEEEEHHHHHH ?????

I filled every container I could with 2T mix for the outboard, picked up CupaSoups etc. etc.

We set off ...... new owner promptly went green and collapsed on bunk to stay for rest of trip ....... his pal couldn't hold a course for more than 5 minutes before wandering off !!! Wind died, lobster pots and long-lines from solent to Brighton forced us more and more offshore ....... fuel started getting low, time was getting on and on ...... 26hrs and about 1/2 gal of fuel left we arrived of Brighton Marina entrance .... I could barely keep my eyes o[pen and then this new owner insisted that HE was going to pilot / helm her in ..... Sod you mate - I've brought her this far - I'll complete the job thanks !!!!

So that one really taught me a lesson ...... I now before setting off and accepting anyone - make sure they understand what is prudent to have !!!!!

But anyway its worth seeing if anyone else wants to do it ..... I know if I was back in UK I would really be interested .....

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


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1 Jan 2002
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26hrs Langstone to Brighton must be a record nm

dunno why this has inserted twice. Sorry everyone

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by JohnM on 01/09/2003 12:57 (server time).</FONT></P>


You think I was happy ??????

I couldn't believe it myself !!!!

But honest I had to sail as much as possible in literally calm airs to save the fuel - that he didn't buy !!!!! It was literally moonlight mirror water etc. I still to this day don't know if it was drift or actual sail that took us to Brighton !!!!! I tried cutting inshore to get past the pots / nets etc. but then looked at distance and counter currents etc. and decided better to head out and trust that we picked up a bit of wind etc.

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


Active member
4 Feb 2002
Still going south currently in Corsica for winter
Re: discounts available

Yes I like that ... only problem is its getting a bit streched...
I already own 1 pair of £50 speakers & a £50 labrador along with £100 MG spriget.. which by the way has to go, aparently I'm not allowed 2 toys.

You gota luv em' though.


He who dies with the most toys Wins!!!!!

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13 Sep 2001
Whitby, Yorkshire, England
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Rather obvious but Charts and a plan are vital. I know soemone who set off in fog and then realised the charts were in the car boot!! His route was from Swansea to Fishguard and he had a rough time on route!!.
I personally have suffered badly when I failed to do a proper navigation plan for my journey, estimating arraival times, planning routes, planning boltholes and noting their accessibility is now a vital part of my "check list". It would be good if you could offer an Aunt Sally check list for forum members to add to so that we can all have a really good version for cutting and pasting into the old Cap'ins Log

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1 Jan 2002
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there is safe and there is nervous

If you wear an immersion suit on the basis you are going to be tossed overboard and towed by a safety line every time you do a bit of inshore sailing along the southern English coast in summer you are taking this safety malarky too far. What do you do if you have kids on board? Buy incy wincy immersion suits?

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