Princess 37


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24 Jun 2002
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Thanks, I'll have a try.
Went to look at the one in the brokerage today - under offer already!! Had a look round it though and have to say I liked it. Looked at Brooms as well and despite previously being convinced that an aft cabin boat was what I wanted and the bigger internal accomodation in the Brooms, the benefits of the saloon opening into the cockpit and the lazerette storage space are growing on me. I could stand upright in the shower as well, which is a first (I am 6' 5'').

They have another one coming in later in the week - has been re-engined with 300hp engines apparantly and had a lot spent (wonder of its the one you mentioned) - only trouble is they want just short of £60k which is a lot more than others on the market.

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6 Jul 2003
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I had P33 but know the P37 quite well. One additional bit of information that may help is that Mermaid Marine who made 120Hp and 180Hp Ford based engines are really brilliant to deal with if you need help or spares. They have a Mermaid Owners Club which for around £15 is fantastic value. My present boat has Volvo's and I miss the low cost parts and assistance believe me! I also know the boat Sharlo II referred to in one of the postings. It is a really nice example but the owner put a lot of work into it. To be honest I don't really think that there are many better boats of 37ft in the £40000 to £50000 bracket. A non flybridge with 120's, Y hull should be at the lower price and flybridge 180's with a V hull will be at the higher end, with nice ones going even higher. I think they are great boats for the money and you'll get your money back when you sell it. Hope that helps.

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24 Jun 2002
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Thanks - I think you are right about the value for money - they are the best I have seen to date.

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22 Sep 2020
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As Nick says, I currently own one.

The 120s will only give about 12Knots (at least thats what I get).

They are however excellent for the river as without turbos they dont smoke much, the hull also handles very well due to the large keel.

I disagree with Byron over the space inside, I looked at Brooms and Oceans and found them depressing and very old fashioned. I much prefer the patio doors and my mobile veranda.

I also have a friend with same boat who has just re-engined with new Mermaid 135s, he is getting 14knots out of his.

I still reckon at the right price its a lot of boat for the money.



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Dear Mike,

Ur know this is a very old post, and more than likely you don't have this ship anymore, but do you by any chance have any paperwork or knowledge about the original or best prop dimensions and pitch for this boat with given 120 engines, y-hull and flybridge?

We recently bought one, but I lost a blade, and we found out the pitch had been changed. When I re-prop I would like to get back to original (or best config with reasoning behind it).

Any info would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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22 Sep 2020
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Thank you John,

This I know, but as said, former owners have changed the props in pitch (and maybe even dimension), and I would like to go back to original if possible..