Saturday evening, 9:45pm or so for the fireworks. See <A target="_blank" HREF=>this thread</A>.
er Swanage is past Studland...../forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Last week those with moorings (and more people on board than berths) ran back into Poole and the others stayed o/n in Swanage. With less than 2ft of tidal drop in Swanage on the 6th, from mid afternoon to mid morning Sunday there is the option to get in quite close. Equally little in Poole harbour and there are some wonderfull spots to sling your hook but I suspect they will be quite occupied by 2300h when you are likely to arrive following fireworks.
Theyr is giving easterly 3/4/5 through Saturday and into Sunday so (1) Swanage and Studland will be exposed (2) the few really sheltered areas in Poole Harbour will be "rather full".
of course this is only a forecast and it could well turn out SW 2-3..../forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Yeah - its a bit confusing currently. Various places are showing SE 2/3, reaching 4s by Sunday midday - but Theyr is showing as you say. I think windguru pretty much always underestimates, but its showing even lighter winds picking up on the Sunday morning. Not that SE is that much better.
Just got back from another couple of days afloat. Called into Swanage to see mid week fireworks. Most spectacular, two displays, one on the normal jetty, and another on the Stone Quay, towards the pier.
The hostelry of previous debate managed to serve up a steak in 15 mins, on Wednesday, so perhaps they are vindicated?
After the steak, got back to the dinghy and started to row out. As we get nearer, my daughter says, 'hey the boats a different colour, the graphics on the side are different.Hey! The names is different!'
What! A boat the same make and model as ours, anchored where ours should be. Whats going on? Look out to sea, theres ours drifting towards the Needles. Frantic rowing to catch up with it, manage to make it eventually. Anchor missing.
Tied onto a buoy for the night, watch fireworks, listen to live music, and then retire for night. After about an hour hear a hefty bump on side of boat, followed by another. Scramble out of cabin to see another boat drifting by, with a somewhat bemused chap scrambling out of his cabin. Seems he's lost his anchor, and drifting out. Still, he gets his engine going and is able to make fast.
Following morning use plotter to track back to where anchored, and see anchor and chain lying on bottom. Now do I want to go over the side at 7:30 in the morning? How much is a new anchor and chain? 50 quid, yes I do! retireve said iron mongery, broken shackle.
Before visiting the pub on previous evening, I dragged the anchor into to deeper water using engine. Anchor was well dug in, so had to use a bit of power to break out. Must have knackered shackle. Not very clever really!
Alls well that ends well/forums/images/icons/smile.gif
<hr width=100% size=1>Old Chinese proverb 'Man who sail boat into rice field, soon get into paddy'