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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      Thank you for all your advice. Am just about to reassemble pump and outboard with all new service parts but have yet one more query...
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      Thank you for info. Outboard serial number is 6A1 050363 but don’t how that ties down the year of manufacture.
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      You were right about having to destroy the stainless cup to remove it. Having hammered inwards to form the star shape in photo above and...
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      I not sure any water was getting to head. The exhaust noise was different than normal and not a drip of water was coming out of the tell...
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      1.Think you are right about hole being a drain when outboard is tilted but can’t understand how or why water is being piped out of there...
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      Thank you Steve65 for suggesting use of electric drill, bucket of water and pipe at pump discharge to check impeller. That is exactly...
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      Having cleared all waterways at the power head end and checked that the pipe from the pump to the block is clear have found that cooling...
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      Thank you Poignard. Sorry for a very slow response to your kind offer but a workshop manual for the Yamaha 2B would be most useful. My...
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      SteveIOW replied to the thread Yamaha 2B Outboard.
      Thank you Poignard. Have just noticed that the torque and tightening sequence is embossed on the cylinder head casting!
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      Can anyone please advise me on the torque for the four cylinder head bolts on a Yamaha 2B outboard.
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      Decks, Ropes, Spray Hood, Mailnsail Stackaway...... all covered in Green Algae. What's best / easiest way to remove it? Patio Magic...
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