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i have juzst got back into my pc.& thedownload i had specific for this site isnt working. link help pleasegrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Should you be peeking here whilst you are at work?Adverts?
What adverts?
Our corporate network has PiHole as an advert sink for every single device on the network, It works for all servers, computers, tablets and phones.
Plus Ghostery + uBlock Origin + DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials on every browser.
As part of our corporate Terms and Conditions of allowing any traffic across our network.
Why would being at work prevent using the forum? Things have changed in the corporate world while you’ve been sunning yourself at seaShould you be peeking here whilst you are at work?
THANK YOU THANK YOU i never knew ans now i doIt's so simple. Download AdBlock. I never see an advert.
Oh yes!Should you be peeking here whilst you are at work?
I use Brave to ward off pop ups etc
No you didn't. You managed with letters, stamps, house phone, board games, stereo systems, Cameras and lenses, camcorders, walkman, TV, VCR, library, maps, trips to the bank, cheque books etc.Really - how can people stomach prices like that. We seemed to manage a few years ago based on letters with threepenny stamps and telex.
Most people don't. That is the extreme top end of a high-status brand with the latest everything. 1Tb of storage is so you can film HD movies on them, which some people do. The 'pro' kind of gives it away. And that's a lot cheaper than you could get even a low-range pro video recorder for back in the day.Really - how can people stomach prices like that. We seemed to manage a few years ago based on letters with threepenny stamps and telex.
Are people any happier now. Are they more affluent (cannot be if they buy those phones), healthier.....
And - I don't get any ads (though for some reason I am getting junk mail promoting a hotel in Killin)
To be fair, you sound more boomer than Gen X. Most yoof can't afford the top range phones, and for those that can, how is that different from any other generation's yooful acquisition of status symbols (cars/motorbikes/whatever).FWIW, I saw a meme a while back, the image was a photo of a girl and a guy looking at each other across a tube train and the quote was "I thought they were hot until I saw them using an iPhone 6" - the iPhone 6 being several models older than the current model.
I also have the distinct impression as a "Generation-X " myself, that a lot of younger generations view a iPhone as a status symbol to aspire to. Depressing huh? I think so when compared to the ambitions of previous decades?
Could this be marketing at it's most powerful from the worlds most valuable company. Cynical? Moi? Absolutely.
+1 for a good ad blocker for your browser.
I have not seen any online adverts for years.
I also record any TV I want to watch and fast forward past adverts. I have no idea what crap is being peddled out there these days or how people are being programmed into wanting things. But when I see the things people buy I remain convinced most of them have been hoodwinked somehow.
Come on now, every one to two years please buy another one to replace the one you just bought last year, eh, come on, you know you want it.
View attachment 152473thanks it was stylish i remember from a goo while ago. my browser has now found/remembered it