You need your photo on a website somewhere. Jpg format is good because the file size is efficient. There are plenty of places you can upload your photo for free. Boatone from the Mobo forum has made just such a facility, find it here...
Then when you have your photo there, view it in your browser (the full size photo, not the small thumbnail). Right-click on the photo and choose properties. Highlight the address in the properties box, and copy it (Ctrl-C).
Then come back to your post. In your post edit box, enter a line like this one...
where the http://.... bit is your photo's address, which you can paste (Ctrl-V) in as you previously copied it.
Then do a preview to make sure it all works. Here's what the above line will appear like in a post...
<hr width=100% size=1>One day, I want to be a real sailor. In the mean time I'll just keep tri-ing.
If you don't follow Extravert's answer, then send a PM to Boatone, who is a regular on the MoBo forum. He runs a photo gallery for people wanting to show a photo on these forums.
PS The Website News & Feedback forum is the best place for asking questions about how to use these forums. Check there for loads of advice about pics.
Just remember not to put the photo on the Yahoo 'Geocities' free site. Only full pages can be downloaded from there.. as I found out when trying to create a thumbnail once. I got a deluge of irritated comments.
I've just done this with lots of help and friendly abuse from forumites see:"test" recently posted on web feedback forum.
Use Boat ones site as he's terribly understanding when you cok it up!
This<A target="_blank" HREF=></A> is a useful tool for resizing images so simple even I understood it.
My problem is that when I say that I'm an idiot they still overestimate my ability/forums/images/icons/smile.gif.
PM me if it gets to much I'm going to form a special sub group for the technically retarded!
<hr width=100% size=1>If it can't be fixed with a lump hammer dont fit it!
Not good enough I'm afraid what you have to do is wire it in and in the process blow it up and disable at least one other piece of equipment you will then be welcomed with open arms/forums/images/icons/smile.gif.
A special welcome if you post on the forum ask for advice totally ignore it and then do the above.
<hr width=100% size=1>If it can't be fixed with a lump hammer dont fit it!