I thought that as I wrote it. Glad you picked it up.
I attended a conference a few years ago, at which one of the papers presented by a Russian speaker was entitled something like "A matrix for the guidance of aircraft crash investigations". The speaker's first words were "We have tested this matrix on literally hundreds of investigations". Nice advert for the Russian aircraft industry. Probably true, though.
When the Sniper was potting the yanks in Washington I had the misfortune to drive from Oxford to Poole with Radio 5 Live on. Every news item started with "Another shooting..." By time I got to Poole half the population of DC was shot.
There had of course only been one shooting.
As an expat living in France I enjoy listening to the BBC whatever the accent - EXCEPT for the completely disproportionate amount of time given over to that most boring of activities called cricket. Not only does it pervade the longwaves in summer but now one gets it for hours and days on end in winter as well.
BBC there is a life outside of cricket !!
Also why is it always the ENGLISH cricket team that features? As far as I know the organisation is the BBC and not the EBC. For all the success the English team has why not feature the Ulster cricket team. At least you might get a few laughs on the way.
As far as accents are concerned it should be remembered that the long A in the South is probably due to the Norman French influence and thus is less authentic than the older purer forms of the language......!
PS. Despite this I am married to an English laaaass.