Opinions on DSC


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10 Sep 2004
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So would you agree (notwithstanding that you're not allowed to change the spec) that having a volume control on the alert would be preferable to people switching off their sets?

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I think a better solution would be to be able to mute non essentials. i.e. keep Mayday, pan pan and piracy attack! (hope I never have to use that one). Dump Securite’ as most will be monitoring 16 anyhow.

The only alert I have heard that annoyed me was from the coast guard to tell us that Portpatrick Navtex was now operational again, possibly the most pointless use of a DSC alert yet. Though I imagine the duty officer was made up to send it as his possibly first DSC /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Have an orange flashing light on the helm rather than an alarm, that would get your attention at night!


I think a better solution would be to be able to mute non essentials. i.e. keep Mayday, pan pan and piracy attack! (hope I never have to use that one). Dump Securite’ as most will be monitoring 16 anyhow.

[/ QUOTE ]Surely, on a yacht, securite is more important than mayday or pan pan? After all, most yachts are in a very limited position to offer assistance but need to be warned of strong winds, submerged objects, etc. The problem is that the CG constantly repeat these things and that's what Navtex is for. GMDSS works as a complete system for commercial vessels but is a pig's ear for the typical yacht.

Have an orange flashing light on the helm rather than an alarm, that would get your attention at night!

[/ QUOTE ]Excellent idea but I bet they'd never approve it!


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15 Nov 2004
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Totally agree .. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif as long as we can have a sensible lowest level for alarms....

One thing I did mention in a similar post, ages back, would be the option to program a range in which to hear alarms/alerts - after all ... your not going to be able to help with my DSC mayday call when your on your way out of Chi harbour and I'm being chased down by all the tankers mid channel ... perhaps as a safeguard - if the call isn't acknoledged by the CG or whoever then the next alarm would come through at full volume ...
Not sure how this would work for alerts though ....


I agree, ideally the system would only give us an alert when it deemed that we 'need' to know about it. But none of us would be happy with that, I imagine? I don't suppose that they would give it to us even if anyone could agree the spec. We wouldn't even be able to amuse ourselves listening to Ch16 on days when we are harbour bound due to bad weather /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

So we go back to a good old-fashioned VHF /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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30 May 2001
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Well, I asked for opinions and I got opinions!! Many thanks to all.

I think I've concluded that for my sailing (lots of coastal with the occasional X channel) I can safely stick to my conventional VHF set and use the cash for something else (perhaps an AIS Radar /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif )


Let's be absolutely honest....most of these things only improve safety very marginally for the average yachtsman unless he does a lot of sailing in poor viz and they don't do anything for your lifestyle. A better entertainment system, heater, underbunk slats, water filter, cockpit cushions, better tender, cruising chute, would give much more FUN and lifestyle improvement. Just a personal view /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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14 Jan 2002
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Hi Jon

I visited your oposition today, I had a problem with my radio,(I thought you would like that) They spoke very highly of you. The Radios on the larger boats I sail are Icoms by the way.

Many professional seamen also have a similar problem with the whole GMDSS System. I eluded to this in my earlier post. There are so many alarms included in the system, in modern shipping that there is considered to be a major problem, with alarms being ignored because there are so many going off.

For Robin the Mast I was talking about is well in excess of 100feet & crosses the channel most weeks through the summer.

My comments are really to bring a little balance to the argument. In my experience the problem is blown out of all proportion by some on this forum & I do not think it reasonable to put somone off changing to DSC on the basis of extreme views. That & I love to wind people up /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif



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15 Nov 2004
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Is there a boat under that mast? or is the mast just lowered across the channel ?? /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


New member
5 Sep 2003
Hi Jon

I visited your oposition today, I had a problem with my radio,(I thought you would like that) They spoke very highly of you. The Radios on the larger boats I sail are Icoms by the way.

My comments are really to bring a little balance to the argument. In my experience the problem is blown out of all proportion by some on this forum & I do not think it reasonable to put somone off changing to DSC on the basis of extreme views. That & I love to wind people up /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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See I am a nice bloke really! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Sorry to hear you were having trouble /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
No matter what I say they are a good bunch down there (a few ex of here!)
We have a great working relationship.
We, over the years, have done countless exibitions together, stayed in the same hotels, got drunk with each other!
To the extent that they always book the hotels for all the manufactures.
Mainly on the ham side, please do not tell anyone I do ham shows!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
This, I am sure will migrate to the marine side now.
There new guy Chris is a top bloke and we get on well.

Your comment are a great leveler.
I agree fully with the blowing out of all proportion, it does seem to happen a great deal, is that a sailing thing? :grin



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14 Jan 2002
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Its just youre common or garden Ocean 75. An excellent boat that will take you anywhere. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

My own boat? Well thats a 26 footer with gran pretentions. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Martin /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


New member
14 Jan 2002
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Some say that Jons a nice guy & others tell the truth! /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Well I mean you haven't bought me that beer yet, have you. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

You are right they are a nice bunch. Next time i'm in Kent I'll come & annoy you.

As to blowing things out of proportion being a sailing thing. I'm not sure but its hard to get a real perception of perspective when your out on the water there's very little to guage things against.

When it comes to safety, in a boat or on dry land, the great truth is that the only person you can rely on is yourself. In a life or death situation prevention has alot to be said for it. Cures don't always work. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Martin /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif