New member
I would like to say its down to the dodgey radio you have but we both know that not to be true /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
You are right about some of the comments that end up on forums and then when people who do know the facts post they get shot down in flames!
I hope that this season there will be a change and the comments feed back from here and other forums to HMGC have made certain coutries think about the way they do things.
The biggest worry is people turning their radio's off.
This was of grave concern to me and others.
I spent all weekend on the water, around here.
Not one single DSC message or alert.
In all my time of boating around the solent, not many.
Maybe I am lucky as I am not on a sailing vessel with a large mast.
Whilst you must back up your DSC alert with a voice call, maybe I should have made that a tad more clear, surely the whole point is to alert the large vessel you are there with no engine.
If they have ch16 turned down they will as sure as hell know you are there once you send the alert via DSC.
Then when you do the back up voice call you weill have their full attention.
Like you the commercial craft can not turn down the alarm.
IMHO nad not as Jon from Icom, I think DSC is a great enhancement to VHF if it is used in the right way.
Like all new things it will take time.
It is not going to happen and be perfect over night.
Mainly because I can't and never will be forced of the some 62,000 licenced pleasure craft in the UK.
I don't think that it should be force on us either but you have to give these things a chance.
Look what they said about mobile phones!!
I know because I worked for Vodaphone in the very early days!
I would like to say its down to the dodgey radio you have but we both know that not to be true /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
You are right about some of the comments that end up on forums and then when people who do know the facts post they get shot down in flames!
I hope that this season there will be a change and the comments feed back from here and other forums to HMGC have made certain coutries think about the way they do things.
The biggest worry is people turning their radio's off.
This was of grave concern to me and others.
I spent all weekend on the water, around here.
Not one single DSC message or alert.
In all my time of boating around the solent, not many.
Maybe I am lucky as I am not on a sailing vessel with a large mast.
Whilst you must back up your DSC alert with a voice call, maybe I should have made that a tad more clear, surely the whole point is to alert the large vessel you are there with no engine.
If they have ch16 turned down they will as sure as hell know you are there once you send the alert via DSC.
Then when you do the back up voice call you weill have their full attention.
Like you the commercial craft can not turn down the alarm.
IMHO nad not as Jon from Icom, I think DSC is a great enhancement to VHF if it is used in the right way.
Like all new things it will take time.
It is not going to happen and be perfect over night.
Mainly because I can't and never will be forced of the some 62,000 licenced pleasure craft in the UK.
I don't think that it should be force on us either but you have to give these things a chance.
Look what they said about mobile phones!!
I know because I worked for Vodaphone in the very early days!