One for all you IT bods..


New member
1 Jun 2003
I'm abit shocked.

I have on my desk a machine that i'm installing Win2K server SR2 on as part of my DR tests..

So, windows is 51% into the "copying files" bit of the install procedure and then... *BANG* (v loud) and file progress stops. After a short investigation and a stiff brandy, i have a W2K select CD in about a thousand bits and a knackered drive..

Anybody had this happen to them? Reasons being passed around the office are..

1) The Laser in the drive went "Military"
2) Resonant frequency theories
3) Usual Microsoft "shoddyness"
4) Something to do with Iraq


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22 Apr 2004
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This kind of thing has been reported in Computing and Computer Weekly (IT trade mags) over the past few months, mostly in the 'not so serious' sections, showing what a warped SOH us IT bods have!! It would appear that some CDs have manufacturing faults which mean that when they are subjected to the forces created by a high spin speed, together with the heat generated by the laser pickup, they simply 'explode'. Basically, the two layers of plastic substrate peel apart along the metal film in the middle of the sandwich, BOOM!!

You might like to relate your experience to Mr Gates, you may get a replacement CD and drive, just don't hold your breath!!

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