Notices to Mariners - Week 36 and day 1 of Week 37


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary
1. New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published on 19th September, 2024 -
SN Chart 323 - International Chart Series - Dover Strait Eastern Part. 1:75,000 - Includes changes to depths from the latest British and French Government Surveys.
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy. - The SHB marking the SW corner of the Gunfleet Sand Wind Farm has been removed permanently. The buoy was installed many years ago prior to the installation of the two ‘extra large’ demonstration DONG turbines. The turbine are, of course, still there and both are lit.
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoyage. - This notice confirms Trinity House Notices Nos 14 and 15 reported in Week 31 this year notifying the moves of the NW Scroby SHB (very small move) and the S. Corton SCB and NE Holm PHB.
4. BELGIUM - Buoyage. - This Notice duplicates Notice 2008 this year to amend further SNC and SC charts. This notice announces a family of four cardinal buoys (one each) marking the site of the ‘soon to come’ Princess Elisabeth Island. This is located west of the Westhinder bank and east of the NE going TSS. NtM 783 placed two yellow special buoys earlier this year in the same location. The Belgium plan is from the ELIA group and the object is to create an energy hub which will connect UK, Belgium and Norway. I have linked a brochure with the usual pdf image download. The island is to be built from now to mid 2026 and then the energy hub will be built. The location is probably unlikely to hinder leisure craft given that crossing over the Westhinder bank is best avoided.
5. BELGIUM - Buoy. - A small move to the NE of the OH6 PHB just inside of the Oostende harbour entrance.
6. ENGLAND - East Coast - Drying heights. - One new drying height at Mersea Stone (opposite the entrance to Brightlingsea Creek. The drying height has increased over one metre (to 2.6 drying) and will of course be very steep edged. The tide round there does run quite hard.
7. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - Five reduction of depth in the River Thames, two opposite Barking Creek and three opposite Crayford Ness. None likely to hinder leisure craft.
8. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - This is a regular check on depths on the Black Deep DW channel. Two small reductions of depth between Dynamo and SHM yellow special buoy on the DW line. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft – and don’t hinder there!
9. ENGLAND - South East Coast - Depths. Drying height. - This one from Week 37 (.e. today) - A preliminary Notice warning of reduced depths on and around the Goodwin Sands: two reductions just north of the Goodwin Knoll SHB (unlikely to hinder leisure craft), three on the north edge of the Goodwin Knoll, one just east of the North Goodwin SHB and one in the Gull Stream north of the NW Goodwin. Most important is a new drying patch on the east side of the Gull Stream north of the North Goodwin SHB – illustrated by a dotted circle.
1. River Thames - Anchor Lay Works -
on or about Monday 26th August 2024, works involving the laying of anchors for storage purposes will be carried out in the vicinity of the Nore Sand. These works are being carried out in connection with the Neuconnect cable lay project and will involve 7 x anchors being positioned on the seabed inside an area bounded andshown by lat/long on the chartlet in the notice - see it in the Local list at: Notices to Mariners The 7 anchors will each be buoyed on the surface by a yellow-coloured mark, which will show a yellow light, and are expected to remain in position for approximately 2 weeks.
2. The Swale – Faversham Creek - Changes to Aids to Navigation (AtoN) - as a result of a recent application, the consent of the Corporation of Trinity House under section 199(2) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1995 has been given to Peel Ports Medway for the following:
• N19950 Downstream Wreck Revenge – Change from beacon to buoy.
• N19949 Upstream Wreck Revenge – Change from beacon to buoy.
Details of the new buoys are as follows:
Aton No /Name : Downstream Wreck Revenge NE - Changed from Beacon to Buoy
Location description : Positioned NE (downstream) of the wreck. Latitude : 51*19.453’N Longitude : 000*54.482’E
Character : Unlit Structure/buoy size : 4ft Can Colour : Red Topmark : N/A
Aton No /Name : Downstream Wreck Revenge SW - Changed from Beacon to Buoy
Location description : Positioned SW (Upstream) of the wreck. Latitude : 51*19.450’N, Longitude : 000*54.471’E
Character : Unlit Structure/buoy size : 4ft Can; Colour : Red Topmark : N/A
This is in Faversham Creek by the Sewage Farm. the wreck is marked on UKHO and Imray charts.
3. Approaches to Sheerness – Grain Spit - Nearshore/Landfall Cable Laying Operations - as part of the ongoing Neuconnect Interconnector project a programme of cable laying operations is due to commence on Grain Spit and across the Swatchway. Work is due to commence on or around 31st August 2024 with completion provisionally expected by 30th September 2024. See the chartlet and full lat and lon on the above quoted web page.
4. River Colne - Prohibition to Navigation - Notice to Mariners: 28th August – 19th November 2024 - Maintenance and Repair of the Fieldgate Quay Wall - Colne Estuary, Essex - Henderson & Taylor who are working on behalf of Colchester City Council are scheduled to begin works on vital repair work to the collapsing quayside wall at Fieldgate Quay in Colchester on the 28th of August. Works will involve excavation of the currently collapsed Quayside followed by Piling and Sheet Piling works to construct the replacement quayside wall. A temporary sheet pile wall will be used to cordon off the construction area from the river. This Temporary sheet pile wall will not protrude into the river beyond the point of the original placement of the quayside. Site Location Coordinates. 51°52.4542'N , 00°56.2141'E (DMS). This is on the west bank of the Colne on the approaches to the Hythe. Frankly I wouldn't go there anyway (ugh) - unless of course you want your injectors serviced - well within 4 minutes walk from the Hythe pontoon!
5. River Crouch - Whitaker No 2 Lighted Buoy - the Whitaker No 2 Lighted Buoy in approximate position: 51°40.250 N, 001°05.400 E is currently unlit.
6. Dover Harbour - Diving ops extended to 30th August (see previous)
7. Dover Harbour - Eastern Entrance Green Light FI G 5s 12m 5M -
the green navigation light on the Eastern Entrance (FI G 5s 12m 5M) is currently unlit
8. London Array Wind Farm - the Jack-up Vessel “Wind” provided by Ziton, will be on site from 10/09/2024 until 31/10/2024 to carrying out Heavy lift Component exchanges at various locations throughout the windfarm. Jack-Up Vessel Ziton Wind has a length of 55m, breadth of 18m with a draft of 4.8m. Equipment will be periodically deployed and suspended from the vessel crane during jack up operations. A 500m radius restricted zone will be in place, centred on the Ziton Wind whilst pinned on location. If access is required to this zone for non-project vessel traffic, authorisation must be requested from the vessel master. The vessel will be supported by CTV’s Windcat 27, 29, 21, 36, 39 and Spectrum 2 as required during its time on site at London Array.

That's it. I shall be unavailable for next Monday's notices but back on 9th Sept.
