Northill anchor


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7 Sep 2001
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I've asked evrywhere I know and been told, for a northill anchor, I can't find one in europe, plenty in the states, a 85lb'er for $162, cheap, only problem is it's $395 to ship to Barcelone!! So.................A man I met on the rig who is a steel/stainless fabricator is going to make one, in Denmark for me, then get it trucked down, "groupage", which is cheap to Barcelone. The thing is when I get it made, shotblasted, acidized and then hot dip galvanised, it's going to be the same price as a stainless one. So he's going to make me a 90lb stainless one, question is, does anybody else want one, 90lb, because he is going to make at least two, one for himself. Let me know if you want one. If theres enough demand, he amy make smaller ones. The anchor will be to my and my brothers design, taken from the smaller northill he has himself, using CAD to get the angles spot on for it to "bury" itself properly, it will be quite a vicious bit of gear, to overcome the problem of weed in the meddy. He may also get a bigger one made for his boat.