I wonder if basic rules could be devised for boating in the solent? There are lots of boats, primarily displacement (sailing) and a few higher speed craft causing a load of aggro to the sailors novice and expert alike. It shouldn't need licencsing, nor a whole load of rules but:
1. a 25 knot speed (SOG) limit throughout solent (inside IOW, say). A 10 knot SOG limit within innner zones (hamble, harbours) and within x ? m of shore, and within 100m around each sailboat. Other existing limits all apply too.
2. No use of autopilots when travelling above displacement speed within solent at weekends. And someone on the bridge/helm at all times (bit obvious but anyway...) .
3. Pass in any case by 100m from any sailboat if at above displacement speed, and behind sailboats wherever possible. Colregs still apply viz turning to starboard. This may "orbiting" or stopping, as below.
4 "Avoid" means stopping, oprbiting, or wide deviation of 60degrees from original course.
5. No clever-clever standing-on by sailboats in front of ferries when a tack yonks ago would have avoided this silly situation and now the ferry is hooting.
Above policed by praps 6 or so RNLI inflatable boats (they have loads of loot) who communicate to central station for first offenders, and fine second offenders a load of cash or seize boat or whatever.
Abiding to new rules and penalties (to be decided) to be condition of berthing in/around solent.
Nice leaflets to be funded by RNLI, all the mags publish the rules and yak on about them, so lots of easy newsworthy opportunities for rulebreakers and protesters etc. etc. etc.
I commend this rather qucikly though-up but basically fairly sound set of rules to the panel, for ripping apart.
1. a 25 knot speed (SOG) limit throughout solent (inside IOW, say). A 10 knot SOG limit within innner zones (hamble, harbours) and within x ? m of shore, and within 100m around each sailboat. Other existing limits all apply too.
2. No use of autopilots when travelling above displacement speed within solent at weekends. And someone on the bridge/helm at all times (bit obvious but anyway...) .
3. Pass in any case by 100m from any sailboat if at above displacement speed, and behind sailboats wherever possible. Colregs still apply viz turning to starboard. This may "orbiting" or stopping, as below.
4 "Avoid" means stopping, oprbiting, or wide deviation of 60degrees from original course.
5. No clever-clever standing-on by sailboats in front of ferries when a tack yonks ago would have avoided this silly situation and now the ferry is hooting.
Above policed by praps 6 or so RNLI inflatable boats (they have loads of loot) who communicate to central station for first offenders, and fine second offenders a load of cash or seize boat or whatever.
Abiding to new rules and penalties (to be decided) to be condition of berthing in/around solent.
Nice leaflets to be funded by RNLI, all the mags publish the rules and yak on about them, so lots of easy newsworthy opportunities for rulebreakers and protesters etc. etc. etc.
I commend this rather qucikly though-up but basically fairly sound set of rules to the panel, for ripping apart.