'Nice run but....


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14 Feb 2002
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\'Nice run but....

Sombody nicked me rope!!!

Sunday morning decided to go out for half an hour and give the engine an airing, so headed off about 9am, sun shining, a bit fresh but pleasant all the same.

After initial checks I set off through the pierheads towards Herm, a nice bit of chop going across, through percee passage and on down the big russell to have a play at some nav/pilotage exercises. Lots of fun playing with the following sea and practicing my boat handling.

Came into our berth and COMPLETELY fluffed it, a gust came just as I blipped the throttle to get the bow into the berth and kept the bow down wind, 'managed to drift down the fairway sideways and had real problems getting the bow up into the wind, eventually got facing the right direction opposite Doms boat (about 10 boats down wind) with no damage done to anything other than my pride.

After getting in I took the spare line that we use on the bow and dropped it on the pontoon, then set about sorting out the fenders and cover. gave her a hose down and scrubbed off some marks on the deck then went to put the extra line on the bow. And there it was gone! some git had nicked from right under me nose!

I trebble checked that it wasn't in the boat (or under it) but no it was definately gone.

There was a familly going out in a rib as I came in and I suspect that one of their kids picked it up with their gear so hopefully it'll come back ;-(

apart from the hiccup(s) it was a brill morning out.

Steve D

<hr width=100% size=1>No. I was right the first time....


Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Re: \'Nice run but....

Sounds like a great run, shame about the rope, cos its dear stuff!!

What's the weather like down there?, cos its crap in North Wales. I'm hoping for some improvements as I intend to give mine a run on Sat 29th.

<hr width=100% size=1>Madoc Yacht Club
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New member
14 Feb 2002
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Re: \'Nice run but....

The weather is mixed, as you'd expect this time of the year.

Its nice being close to the boat 'cos tides willing I can pop out anytime the weather looks OK.

I can see herm from the dining room at the top of the building at work so quite often take a quick gander at the conditions and go out for a run at the end of the day or even at lunchtime to blow away the cobwebs.


Steve D

<hr width=100% size=1>No. I was right the first time....