Next boat Sealine S34 or S37 engine choices?


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30 Sep 2019
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Looking for a sensible upgrade to our Sealine S28. Overall we have been quite happy with our S28 except for the sleeping arrangements and the need for a little more space, particularly with more than two of us onboard. We have always liked the look of the older Sealines and were thinking about an S34 but I am now thinking the extra space of the S37 may be a better option although we have not yet been onboard one!

Whilst our sailing needs are modest, we are currently sitting on a lake! ;) , I would like to bear in mind future sales possibilities and which engine choices would be the best (if available), and which may be best to put last on our desired list. I would like to look after the engines myself as much as possible within my current limited knowledge; perhaps basic servicing etc.

For the S34 I have seen most offered with KAD32's, which we also have on our S28. Is there a preferred choice of engine over the KAD's?

For the S37 I really have no clue although I do see mention of the KAD44's being the desirable option (at least in brokers ads :) )

So your thoughts, experience, and suggestions are greatly appreciated to guide us to a sensible choice for our next vessel
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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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The age you are looking at go for the non electronic KAD43. Easy to maintain. No out of stock ECU’s to worry about. I have an S37 and I’m also a fan of the S34. I bought from new and the decision making process for me because they are similar boats I thought I might regret going for less space. 21 years later I still think I’ve made the right choice.
How much do you want to spend?
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Well-known member
19 Feb 2002
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We have AD41’s on our S34 - 30 more hp than the KAD32’s, but don’t have the initial “bite” of the supercharged 32’s. I like the AD41’s because they are old school, straight 6 turbo diesels, extremely smooth with no electronic trickery to go wrong. We also had them on one of our previous S37’s, but they did struggle a bit when heavily laden with fuel and water. Our other S37 (which we had from new) had Mercruiser 4.2l engines - smooth and reliable engines when they were brand new, but I’m not sure I would want them at 20 years old. For me the simplicity and by reputation, bomb proof reliability of the AD41’s make a perfect partner for the S34. KAD43’s for the S37.


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30 Sep 2019
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The age you are looking at go for the non electronic KAD43. Easy to maintain. No out of stock ECU’s to worry about. I have an S37 and I’m also a fan of the S34. I bought from new and the decision making process for me because they are similar boats I thought I might regret going for less space. 21 years later I still think I’ve made the right choice.
How much do you want to spend?
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Thanks for the engine thoughts. Having experienced purchasing our S28 over the larger and costlier S34 that was for sale at the same time, and with the benefit of time and the wisdom of hindsight I think we would have been happier with the accommodation of the larger boat; which I am pleased to say that now SWMBO agrees with me ;) :D

We have AD41’s on our S34 - 30 more hp than the KAD32’s, but don’t have the initial “bite” of the supercharged 32’s. I like the AD41’s because they are old school, straight 6 turbo diesels, extremely smooth with no electronic trickery to go wrong. We also had them on one of our previous S37’s, but they did struggle a bit when heavily laden with fuel and water. Our other S37 (which we had from new) had Mercruiser 4.2l engines - smooth and reliable engines when they were brand new, but I’m not sure I would want them at 20 years old. For me the simplicity and by reputation, bomb proof reliability of the AD41’s make a perfect partner for the S34. KAD43’s for the S37.
Thank you, had not really considered AD41's but I will now. Always felt unsure about Mercruisers, not based on quality but selling on the boat in the future as at least one brokerage advised against them for this reason alone


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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Thanks for the engine thoughts. Having experienced purchasing our S28 over the larger and costlier S34 that was for sale at the same time, and with the benefit of time and the wisdom of hindsight I think we would have been happier with the accommodation of the larger boat; which I am pleased to say that now SWMBO agrees with me ;) :D

Thank you, had not really considered AD41's but I will now. Always felt unsure about Mercruisers, not based on quality but selling on the boat in the future as at least one brokerage advised against them for this reason alone
Yes whenever you see an S37 come up for sale cheap (it’s all relative) it’s usually a Mercruiser. Although there is an argument for buying cheap selling cheap they do seem to hang around a long time waiting for a buyer.
Also in its day the S37 was a popular charter boat so there are some cheap (again relative) high mileage boats around.


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7 Feb 2008
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In the S34 the kad32's have the advantage of greater space in the engine bay compared to the six cylinder Volvos (and Mercruisers).
However ad41's will be smoother than the kad32's at low speed and I expect faster to speed.
kad43's in a S34 must go very well.
Some very late S34's have D4 engines.
For me the kad43's would be top of the list.


Well-known member
19 Feb 2002
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In the S34 the kad32's have the advantage of greater space in the engine bay compared to the six cylinder Volvos (and Mercruisers).
However ad41's will be smoother than the kad32's at low speed and I expect faster to speed.
kad43's in a S34 must go very well.
Some very late S34's have D4 engines.
For me the kad43's would be top of the list.
You are right about engine space with AD41’s - very tight.


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10 Jul 2003
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The age you are looking at go for the non electronic KAD43. Easy to maintain. No out of stock ECU’s to worry about. I have an S37 and I’m also a fan of the S34. I bought from new and the decision making process for me because they are similar boats I thought I might regret going for less space. 21 years later I still think I’ve made the right choice.
How much do you want to spend?
I’ve PM‘ed you
Ex S37 owner agreeing with every word.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2002
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We had an S34 (great boat) with KAD32s and would agree with an MBY/MBM review that described the boat as more cruiser than sport with those engines. For us that was fine as a 20 ish knot cruise speed was perfectly acceptable and the engine bay was an absolute dream when it came to maintenance.

We nearly bought one with AD41s but there were problems so we pulled out. Great engines but the engine bay was very tight. Probably a higher speed than the 32’s but as nicho says, no supercharger to provide that early oomph to get on the plane.

On balance my personal choice with the S34 would be the 32’s for the balance between space and power. They are probably as reliable as the AD41 and given the extra weight of six cylinders the speed differential might not be that much. An equally good case could be made for the 41’s though and given current availability finding the right boat and going with whatever engines it has might be the way to go.

One or two S34s had the KAD43 but it has been suggested that they were a little over-powered with possible issues due to the hulls been driven too hard. Never heard any real life confirmation but read that in one review.
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