New (England) restrictions impact on sailing?


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3 Apr 2007
Westwick - Essex
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If we are honest with ourselves ... how many “yachties” were genuinely surprised about the announcement? We have had warnings that another lockdown was going to be introduced weeks ago. We can be annoyed and frustrated but many would have made preparations over the last couple of weeks. The Marinas in my area have been busy with lift outs and folks have been shuffling back and forth with trolleys full of tools, spares, antifreeze etc etc.
Spare a thought for those “not for profit” sailing clubs that rely on its members and volunteers to help with the lift outs. These boats are often on drying moorings, dependent on tides etc would have got away with the “rule of 6” and will be exposed to potential November gales.

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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If we are honest with ourselves ... how many “yachties” were genuinely surprised about the announcement? We have had warnings that another lockdown was going to be introduced weeks ago. We can be annoyed and frustrated but many would have made preparations over the last couple of weeks. The Marinas in my area have been busy with lift outs and folks have been shuffling back and forth with trolleys full of tools, spares, antifreeze etc etc.
Spare a thought for those “not for profit” sailing clubs that rely on its members and volunteers to help with the lift outs. These boats are often on drying moorings, dependent on tides etc would have got away with the “rule of 6” and will be exposed to potential November gales.

Even as late as yesterday afternoon the Conservative Party Twitter account was proclaiming that 'Boris' wouldn't succumb to the opposition demands for a national lockdown..

Fortunately the other half's club were able to lift thier boats out before the recent run of appalling weather


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27 Jul 2010
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Do people want to help stop virus spread
Absolutely I do. What we're seeing here isn't working towards that goal though, is it? The number of things remaining open is insane. Schools and universities are the biggest risk areas already and they will continue as they have been. Delivery drivers will still be free to go house to house like Typhoid Mary. Airports and ports will remain open, as will public transport. The latest scientific studies have shown that immunity is already being lost by those who have had Covid, which, if true, means that any vaccine will be innefective at best. That's assuming we can still afford one having bought hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine which had not been tested and has now proved worthless. The virus isn't spreading because a small number of people aren't wearing masks or sanitising - the vast majority are and the virus is spreading faster than before we brought in those measures. Cut through the BS and you'll quickly see how little the government know about what to do, and how most decisions are based on the idea of "We must do something, This is something, Therefore, we must do this.". The idea that it's pointless never enters their minds - they just like to look busy.

All the government have achieved so far is a massive reduction in personal freedom, huge mental health issues, a society with dwindling fitness and potential long term health implications of a sedentary lifestyle, and ruin of the economy.
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28 Apr 2020
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Last time the crouch harbour authority sent a note round effectively banning recreational use on the crouch and roach. Reasonable reasons given emergency services focus on other areas. I suspect the CHA were asking their staff to work from home as much as they could


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31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
Absolutely I do. What we're seeing here isn't working towards that goal though, is it? The number of things remaining open is insane. Schools and universities are the biggest risk areas already and they will continue as they have been. Delivery drivers will still be free to go house to house like Typhoid Mary. Airports and ports will remain open, as will public transport. The latest scientific studies have shown that immunity is already being lost by those who have had Covid, which, if true, means that any vaccine will be innefective at best. That's assuming we can still afford one having bought hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine which had not been tested and has now proved worthless. The virus isn't spreading because a small number of people aren't wearing masks or sanitising - the vast majority are and the virus is spreading faster than before we brought in those measures. Cut through the BS and you'll quickly see how little the government know about what to do, and how most decisions are based on the idea of "We must do something, This is something, Therefore, we must do this.". The idea that it's pointless never enters their minds - they just like to look busy.

All the government have achieved so far is a massive reduction in personal freedom, huge mental health issues, a society with dwindling fitness and potential long term health implications of a sedentary lifestyle, and ruin of the economy.
Have you researched how the virus is passed? It might be worth doing then returning to the forum and seeing if your argument still stands.


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27 Jul 2010
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Yes I have done quite a bit, hence I don’t have knee jerk reactions like others do and I understand what’s going on. Reading the news isn’t the same as research by the way, if anything it’s the antithesis


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27 Jun 2017
Port Solent
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Have you researched how the virus is passed? It might be worth doing then returning to the forum and seeing if your argument still stands.
Since September my glorious children have passed two horrid little colds on to me which they caught from school friends (who reported identical symptoms immediately beforehand). I personally believe that leaving schools and universities open is more about preserving a functioning economy than limiting virus spread.

It is probably correct to say children won't be harmed much by covid but I bet they still spread it. Teachers are just cannon fodder, obviously (edit: just to clarify - this was sarcasm. It could be construed that teachers are being put at increased risk for the sake of the wider economy)

A little trip to my boat where I sit in the middle of the sea for a bit, in contrast, seems like next to zero risk of anything apart from having a good time.
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27 Jul 2010
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Children and pets certainly spread it. A nice body temperature moist surface is just the ticket for these things whether the host is harmed or not.


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14 Aug 2009
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Since September my glorious children have passed two horrid little colds on to me which they caught from school friends (who reported identical symptoms immediately beforehand). I personally believe that leaving schools and universities open is more about preserving a functioning economy than limiting virus spread.

It is probably correct to say children won't be harmed much by covid but I bet they still spread it. Teachers are just cannon fodder, obviously.

A little trip to my boat where I sit in the middle of the sea for a bit, in contrast, seems like next to zero risk of anything apart from having a good time.
Most teachers, like most people of working age, are near-zero risk themselves. They are not "cannon fodder" any more than doctors/nurses/supermarket workers, none of whom showed greater fatality or susceptibility through the first lockdown.

This isn't about protecting individuals. It's about collectively protecting those actually at risk, mainly the elderly, but also a small number of working age folks with e.g. type 1 diabetes or obesity. Those small numbers of teachers actually at risk may wish to seek time off, the rest must crack on.

This is about deciding (right or wrong) that keeping schools open is one of the top priorities and therefore society/government accepts the collective risk to overall infections associated with schools. I strongly agree, because schools and children are NOT ANYWHERE shown to be significant or even average spreaders of disease; and because by having schools open you enable swathes of the country to go to work, including doctors and nurses as well as boring old taxpayers like me, because some children would otherwise be cooped up in sub-standard accommodation (and some of those again with their sub-standard parents), and because children's mental health seems to be an admirable health concern priority.

I agree with your last observation. We should be able to travel, with our households, to our boats and go sailing. The "overnight" bit is a shame, but I can see where it comes from and will reluctantly observe it.


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27 Jul 2010
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That’s simply not true. Any large congregation of people increases risk massively. It’s a simple case of contact between parties and the more you contact the wider your web becomes. It’s not who you touch, the question is who they touched! Children and parents congregate in huge numbers at schools. University students collect and then disseminate widely throughout the country when returning home. I don’t know where you got your information but it’s incredibly wrong.

Blue Sunray

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20 Jul 2015
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Most teachers, like most people of working age, are near-zero risk themselves. They are not "cannon fodder" any more than doctors/nurses/supermarket workers, none of whom showed greater fatality or susceptibility through the first lockdown.

This isn't about protecting individuals. It's about collectively protecting those actually at risk, mainly the elderly, but also a small number of working age folks with e.g. type 1 diabetes or obesity. Those small numbers of teachers actually at risk may wish to seek time off, the rest must crack on.

Cannon fodder is an inappropriate term but I know of at least one teacher who will not be retuning to work tomorrow (and as a result will loose their job) as their partner is in a high risk group (chemo), " may wish to seek time off," is trite and doesn't reflect reality.


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27 Jul 2010
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Or reasonable well educated individuals trying to stay healthy while taking reasonable steps to stay safe. Many on here have said quite rightly that there is zero risk from being alone within your own property. Propaganda to the contrary is only in the interest of government and media to have a suitable scapegoat to receive blame when the terrible plan inevitably fails.
Let’s not forget that many of those “selfish individuals” have been the people writing the rules. If they thought the rules would help they’d have followed them.


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12 Feb 2019
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That’s simply not true. Any large congregation of people increases risk massively. It’s a simple case of contact between parties and the more you contact the wider your web becomes. It’s not who you touch, the question is who they touched! Children and parents congregate in huge numbers at schools. University students collect and then disseminate widely throughout the country when returning home. I don’t know where you got your information but it’s incredibly wrong.
I love the facts when people have no child at school,
Scottish schools have been opened since Augusr a minority had cases and were dealt with , my daughter is in a school of 500 and over 40 teachers , were still awaiting this mass virus called Covid, strangely enough my little one has had 4 viruses since being at school but still no Covid and I’m in tier three in Scotland.


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22 Sep 2008
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Spare a thought for those “not for profit” sailing clubs that rely on its members and volunteers to help with the lift outs.

Helping with a lift out is exercise, IIRC the definition was pretty broad last time -encompassing exercise of the mind and soul as well as running etc.

Gutted about the "overnight" restrictions although I do understand why they've been imposed. Also gutted that marinas may well decide to consider themselves "Leisure venues" and save themselves some staff costs while keeping the marina fees.

This will be my last year in a Marina, having my boat held hostage over someone else's interpretation of some rules is untenable IMHO. (Ok, I admit, I was leaving the marina in the spring anyway, they they don't know that.)
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Well-known member
22 Sep 2008
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I know of at least one teacher who will not be retuning to work tomorrow (and as a result will loose their job)

Their job is safe - all they have to do is claim they lost their sense of smell during the night and have to self isolate. Repeat at appropriate intervals until Dec 2nd.

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