What nonsense. That would make me seem intransigent which would never do. So, yet again, i have decided not to repond to any of your posts, ever, and cancel all my subscriptions for the third time this week.
I appreciate you are open-minded and you have definitely not yet decided to trade in your W124 eclass estate for that marinised Zephyr or whatever.
So can I advise you check how difficult it is to adjust the tappets. I have absolute proof that you have to remove ALL the toilets sinks and showers on that boat just to remove the rocker covers. I saw a very skilled mechanic, much more highly qualified than you matey, do excatly this. The pontoon looked like Bathroom City. AND I have photgraphic evidence. I will put the photos up here or email them to you, honestly I will, I mean I really really will.
OK I will. Yes, I will. I'll put those photos up here and I'll send them to your email. Can't do it right this mo, busy, but will do it this very afternoon. Facts simply do not matter to you. Your very points you are making against me actually support the findation of my points. I know what I saw and I will fight your journalistic lies with the simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of fair play!
While on the subject, does anyone have any comparative data on the Pifco geysermattic vs the Pifco geysermattic+ (the version fitted with the self-stabilising 360deg swivel)?
I do but I want to see what others say first so that I can decide whether to argue your data, your conclusions, or just call you names...
Spoiling for a fight eh! The Geysermattic+ is a shoddy imitation and does not have the fully featured advantages of the Geysermattic TM,as you would know had you bothered to check your spec sheets.I do have all the specs on my database and sent them yesterday.
<hr width=100% size=1>No dear,the water goes in the other one.
It has been replaced by the 'plus' version, shown below.
As you can see, it is a far more attractice unit, even without the 360deg swivel, and gives far better fuel economy. With the optional swivel, it can be used while underway, but only on displacement, semi-displacent, or fictional hull forms, or on vessels with leopardskin carpets.
<hr width=100% size=1>Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
I actually own the Geysermattic Plus- and as you are damaging the potential good name of my soon to be marketed product I am instructing my lawyers to sue you and everybody else on this thread for an undisclosed sum. You can of course get out of this by being nice to me and sendind as many Xmas trees as you can afford to Norway.
Is this not an internal displacement model with all the water INSIDE?
Are you by any chance a closet displacement freak but just do not wish to admit it?
you must have. The facts are the facts: the upper photo shows the new Fairline Geezermagic , capable of well over 300 posts/hour, while the one at the top shows the old Pifco Geysermattic TM. The latter unt consumes over 100 litres of water per foot, averaged over the lifetime of the hump.
So yet again, you prove my point! I suggest you go and check your own so called 'facts' again.
<hr width=100% size=1>Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.