Morocco - West coast


New member
16 May 2001
Is there anybody who can share some experience and info about crusing the Atlantic coast of Morocco, especially down south, close to, or even across the (former) border of West Sahara?
Also, has anybody any knowledge of good pilots for this area?

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16 May 2001
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there was an article in ym (jan i think) about a boat having trouble on the way to the canaries and having to put into a port on the mainland. seem to have had fairly major hassles with authorities who wanted to send them back out to sea. have you tried contacting the embassy?

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27 Jun 2002
Isle of Skye, Scotland
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I'm just back from a (land-bound) holiday in Morocco, mostly spent exploring the coast west and south of Marrakesh. Decent harbours seem to be few and far between. Essaouria is full of fishing boats and there was a fair bit of surge when we were there but the town is definitely worth a visit. I saw two yachts (one French one UK) tied up alongside so the formalities must be 'do-able'.

The next port south is Agadir. I didn't get to inspect the port but I believe it has a marina. It certainly has some good fish stalls where you can stuff yourself full for a couple of pounds.

The only other harbour that I saw of any size was at Sidi Ifni. It's big, looks fairly new and set up for fishing boats, of which there was only one in evidence. There were guards on the gates and I'm not sure how welcome visitors are - we didn't ask to go in.

There may be more between Essaouira and Sidi Ifni but I didn't see them.

I found the Morrocans to be very easy-going and helpful. Well worth a visit if you're heading down to the Canaries and beyond.

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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Re: YM - Morocco

The article - also published by Nicho on this site - said a lot about the problem yachts had with officials there. The Cruising association on London may be able to give more information. I;ll have a look to see if there are any articles written.


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Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
Surely not more reliable than my awful memory, but I remember having read on a pilot: the coast often has breaking waves all along caused by ocean swell and upward sloping sea bottom, especially in bad weather; fog is not uncommon, facilities are few and far between, conclusion was better stay at least 100-200nm from shore.
fwiw Gunnar..

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New member
22 Nov 2001
on board or in Austria
Been to Tangier last summer andit was just great and the peole very nice.

I plan to go back to Morocco this year, for both med coast and west coast.

A friend was extremely pleased sailing the west coast last year and recommends especially the yacht clubs at Mohammedia and Agadir. Essaura should also be quite nice to visit by boat, but he recommends to visit Casablanca from some other place.

Off course there are no Marinas and facilities are quite simple, but he says people and also the officials are very nice and treat you very well.

I'm definitely going.

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New member
22 Nov 2001
on board or in Austria
Re: HaraldS!

Didn't do any extensive research and my french isnt good enough to waste a good french pilot book. I'm using the RCC guide "North Africa" through Imray, which is very good, quite up-to-date and it covers the Morocco coast completely and quite detailed.

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26 Jan 2004
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I sailed to Morocco from Lagos, Portugal to EL Jadida. The harbour there is nice, but it is not a marina, you lie longside the harbour walls. The only marinas I believe are in Casablanca and Agadir. Agadir is quite dull, bit leaving the boat and venture to Marrakesh or other may be possible. We had no problems with the security. As far as the harbourmasters go, come well prepared and accept the fact that people expect a little tip or two. Being prepared means making lists with crewmembers detalils, boat information etc, in french. The more official-looking the better. We had no problems whatsoever with the nice englishspeaking harbormasters in el jadida. The customs guy brought a translator, and when we left he asked if we had any books for him (A noble request, I think. Maybe a french-english dictionary or likewise is a fine thing to give out. Beer is welcomed by the younger guys, (american)cigarettes for the other guys ) You will have plenty of opportunities to meet people and enjoy their hospitality) Our worst experience with Morocco was the local fishermen who sadly are not very capable of handling their boats. Look out. As for heavy seas along the coast: yes. Take care in heavy weather. And look out for tuna-nets. Morocco is such a great country to visit, very rewarding. Knowing some french will make you enjoy it more. Inside the 200m depthrange you are garanteed to meet light winds along this coastline, it can be a good idea to stay well offshore and head straight in.

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20 Nov 2001
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Re: Thank´s for all replies! (n/m)

I'm fairly sure there is a pilot for this area published by Laurie Norrie etc. Covers this coast & N. Africa as far as Tunisia

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7 Jul 2003
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Re: Morocco - West coast - Casablanca

I would defiantly NOT sail into Casablanca again. See Yachting Monthly Feb 2004. Had a similar experience in 2002.
Charts and Pilots mention a Marina in Casablanca. It does not exist. It may be possible in an emergency to get a berth at the city end of the port opposite the fish dock but the area is usually closed off by a barrage. Be careful in this area as the water if full of rubbish and sewage.
The port authorities, if you can find them, will normally direct you to the end of the container port, just inside the breakwater on the port side as you enter the port.
Beware, this area contains a part submerged wreck in the centre that local fishermen string nets from.
It is possible to anchor with care in this area which has a sand/mud bottom.
If going ashore from here look of for dangerous unattached pontoons, you may also have problems with the authorities getting out and back into this part of the port.
It's also a long walk into the City. If you manage to find a taxi for any trip in or around Casablanca they will always try to rip you off by overcharging. Don't stand for it!

By all means visit Casablanca but don't take your yacht!

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