Boatone has kindly webbified some pictures of the boat in build taken early december by jfm. They're on I may have some more later in the month.
Looks like a wreck! (ducks) it will be fun to see the next series and how the build is coming on. Thank you for sharing them. I'm not in the least bit jealous, well maybe a little.
Looks very tasty and rather poshe, but I can't work out what type of keel it is and where the mast will go. Will it be a sloop or ketch rig? And Matt, what sort of boat would you buy if you were a full time bank robber? (Oh by the way, have you got any vacancies, seems to be quite lucrative work!)
Droooooool (do a lot of that at my age).
Question: what's the significance of the KaMeWa jet drive? Make sure they don't put a prop on one side and a jet on the other!
BTW, forgot to mention earlier but was reminded when I read review of Baja, that when we looked at a Mangusta 75 in Ft Lauderdale show I noticed the rather awkward position of the wheel and throttles, esp when one is seated at the helm. MBY noted the same with the Baja. Had you experienced this during your "shopping?"
I think I'm going to paint my little phut phut 'green'....before she goes that colour on her own. - One look at this beauty of yours would turn anthing green with envy....well done, and enjoy her to the full!
Is that you in the unspeakably tasteless red leather jacket? Also am rather confused by profusion of jet drives and propellors or perhaps props are for cocktail mixing only? More woody bits and less grp mouldings than I thought - it really is handbuilt.
Hows it going? Is it on time? Have the Italians given you that 'what do you expect, we're artists' look yet?
Absolutely stunning, but 'scuse me for being fick, but have we got piccies of more than one boat here or are you trying to confuse us? Or is there a prize for spotting the photographers error. Jfm let you down again eh?
Oh and the foredeck looks a bit short for John Matthews to land his exec jet?
Ah yes sorry to confuse. The pics include shots of several boats in several factories. The KaMeWa jets were being fitted to LS27s in the same factory as Matt's LS23, and also to the Mangusta 108s in Viarregio. The Arnies were being fitted to an LS24. The captions page explains a bit - the numbering on the captions page corresponds to the picture file numbers that you see when you click-to-enlarge each individual picture. (Come on Colin, keep up
There were some vids but I failed miserably to email them to web guru boatone, despite several attempts. The filesizes are 2Mb upwards and just got rejected as too big. I was using cheapie email like hotmail and freeserve, I admit.
Sorry if the camera distorted the foredeck shots. I can assure you that in the flesh it is indeed quite long enuf to land a modest executive jet
Great pics Matt, reminds me of a factory visit I made some years ago at Birchwood, no offence intended!.All that open plywood and dust, crap everywhere, makes you think about the build cost to them and will it ever be finished, when wil it be done as I am already polishing my snapon spanners and packing my best white boiler suit, sorry new shorts and shades ready to come and do the first service and sea trial to the Balearics.
The self-confessed crappo photographer has made my dark bordeaux red coat look bright red.
There indeed no grap mouldings ither than the main hull thingys, so one option would be a ballroom, I suppose.
The Italians (and the French) have given me all sorts of looks. But their early sneers were wiped away as I asked for a double expresso, announced that the colour of the downstairs seating woudl be purple, and then correctly guessed the age of the owner who specc'd hull#21 without meeting him, only by looking around the boat.
Seriously, tho, still nothing like a watertight contract exists, but everyone of the blokes knows the spec inside out: they argued with one of the salesmen, who had things mixed up, and they were right. They were ready to change the avonite colour (ie re-make all the sinktops) which was correct "as I chose", but which looked awful until inside small loos with bright lights. They are as keen (or keener ) than I am to make the thing a marvellous creation. Each week they DHL stuff to me, with suggestions for linen, towels, curtains, and I say OK, and then they ask if I want it embroidered with the boat name, or a motif...
hey jfm....not so quick to denigrate the quality of your pics....and not sure I'm too impressed with Matts willingness to agree with the crappo tag either, especially when you were so kind as to act as 'gentlemans companion' for the trip!
IMHO your pics were pretty good compared with many i have to work with and believe me I see some REAL crappo if you know what I mean.
Sorry about the confusion re how many boats etc. have clarified a little with a comment to the captions link.
Tony thanks. There's nothing wrong with my camera. His coat WAS that colour! Any ideas how I can send you the vids? I wondered could I send you the memory card from my camera, plus a tiny USB plug in card reader so as to get the pics onto your pc, (I would send you the driver disc too). All by snail mail. Or is it too hard, so give up? I'll bring em on the 11th anyway for anyone who wants a look. Thanks for making the website, fab job, very pro.