More advice needed re UK live aboard possibilities


Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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For anyone having trouble registering with a GP, you do not have to have a utility bill. That would discriminate against the homeless and travelling populations.
Be nice to the receptionist and explain your situation without getting their backs up, Then if you have no joy speak with your local Health Watch and ask them to help sort it for you. It may take a week or so but in the end you are entitled to be registered with a GP.
You should find your local Health Watch from leaflets in the surgery, the local library of on the internet.

Thanks, useful information. I'm actually more concerned at being able to register the boat we buy as close to that time as we can, so that we can have the documentation required if we choose immediately to leave for a new home base abroad, for argument's sake say to Cherbourg where the annual fees are way less than the south coast but they will almost certainly want to inspect the papers


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25 Jan 2004
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as this thread has made clear, many of the decisions about assorted "qualifications" that you fear are generally made in cases more conventional than yours. But the tests are actually more nuanced than that. This link describes in detail the process used by the NHS, which will be mirrored in many other fields:

Banking: there is no legal requirement to have a fixed address to open a UK bank account. Indeed the FSA's guidance to banks specifically details the procedure applicable to homeless people. That said, banks are well known for turning customers away "due to money-laundering regulations" when the real reason is their perceived self-interest. If you haven't retained a UK account, you may have a bit of a battle.

Regarding registration, I suggest you contact the MCA direct to explain your circumstances and plans. The tightening of SSR elegibility in recent years was due to the abuse of a system with almost no checks. There was no intention to disbar legitimate applicants.

Good luck.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Thanks to all. I have found a number of sale boats tht are still on Part 1 and have been told there are workarounds by at least one broker also re SSR. We kept all our UK bank accounts live even with our overseas address and indeed our pensions are paid into there, it is primarily the boat reg procedure that was worrying, chicken and egg situation when the boat will be our new UK address but we need to transfer registration/ownership on purchase


24 Dec 2001
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Robin, looks like you have things under control.

Just FYI my own Plan B (or C or D ) for a soft return to the UK before I become decrepit, after many, many, many years elsewhere, include simply bringing the boat back via truck from any French Mediterranean port to Calais, then scurrying the four hours over to Dover and thence turning left, then left again into the Thames and holing up for a time to regroup and rethink in any or all of the marinas in London - South Dock, Limehouse or St Katherines next to Tower Bridge. I understand Gallions Reach may not survive.

If they play silly bees about liveaboards just alternate between the three. I am sure the neighbours can help solve the nhs issues, and residence/tax as well.

The Thames is a fine place in its own right.

I once spent 4 months at St Kathrines putting on a suit each morning to go out and wrestle with various lawyers. I remember well the immense relief of being back on board.

Good luck!


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30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Thanks again. I just had along talk with one broker and it seems I'm worrying unduly on the SSR score. The tax status is another matter but resolvable. We currently pay no UK tax on pension income but do pay US tax on it, untangling and reverting to paying in the UK will no doubt line an accountant or twos pockets but all in a good cause. NHS re-reg might be awkward but we would try to go back to our previous GP in Poole who knows us and argue the point face to face.


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25 Jan 2004
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We currently pay no UK tax on pension income but do pay US tax on it, untangling and reverting to paying in the UK will no doubt line an accountant or twos pockets but all in a good cause.

I'd suggest your first port of call re income tax advice should be HMRC themselves. The double taxation treaty between the USA and UK gives full relief on pensions and interest, and it's obviously very much in HMRC's interest that they, rather than the IRS, get any dosh due. You may find that, unless your affairs are particularly complicated, you can do it yourself.


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20 Dec 2011
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Leaving aside the details of taxes, DVLA etc, I am very pleased to have settled into Clyde Marina, Ardrossan, Firth of Clyde. See their website. The marina has excellent rail and bus services with the rail right alongside the marina, a full ASDA supermarket just outside the marina, smart Italian restaurant, sail repair, mechanical, electrical contractors close by. The yard fellows are enthusiastic and cooperative. Glasgow is some one hour by car.
The harbour has high dyke walls and a storm gate. There is easy access to the wider area of Firth with alway superb veiws of Arran to life the spirit.
Presently, I move around in the summer on Firth or beyond. I winter afloat at vey reasonable rate.
There is a large condominium apartment complex around the marina with flats for rental also.
I am Scots Canadian and had no problems resettling, I arranged my Canadian pension as without tax and tax to be paid here. Notified HMRC for self-assessment. DVLA was OK while I did have to sit the test again for manual shift.
Sure it is cool and windy in winter and warmish and windy in summer with stunning landscapes...


Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Can you not use one of the many postal services available to provide a uk postal address.....

Eg couple of hundred £ a year.........??

Thanks for that tip/link. I signed up and today got my first mail via a scan, so some success as the mail contains our newly renewed EHIC cards, renewed to 1/7/2017 ( previous ones expired in 20140). Slight cockup mind as the accompanying letter is in welsh!! Unless there is an unscanned page 2 or reverse side, I will find out in a week i guess..
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10 Nov 2010
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Hi, you should not have a problem with the doctors, we have just moved from north wales to the south coast, I just walked in and registered no problem at all, just wanted to see my passport, we've been uk live aboards for 6 years. Hope this helps