MiToS re-built/fit- versilcraft Mystery43


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21 Jun 2011
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thanks for all the kind words,

yes she's shaping up nicely although I had a major exhaustion/bug combo crash on Monday night and took me 3 days to recover :(
Need to sort out a work pattern that keeps me going for longer :rolleyes:

Anyway, progress to report on cabin flooring where all frames for the two heads and bow cabin is ready and glued in place:

George is currently cutting the ply floor pieces and I'll join him after I finish my babysitting at 7 to test fit and get them in place.

Also prepared and will epoxy today the plugs for three hull holes all above waterline (two toilet exits, one washbasin one)



I've setup a ventilation system on 3inch pipes with a rule engineroom fan that will help reduce the heat builtup on the lower helm. As it stands it's bloody noisy, so I'm planning to built a soundbox for the intake (ok, during a cold winter night...) Outlet is on the f/b slanted panel below the ledge. Idea is that the BMS will be checking temps on lower helm, outside and down at the cabins and when delta is over x degrees, fan will kick in for 15mins, wait 15mins and check again. Er, at the same time, check service bank charge level and stop if/when it drops...

Also got a 32mm ID flex tube duct for the NMEA2K cabling that should arrive from London next week (again many thanks JFM!) and sorted the f/b supply for 24V and signal cables for BMS input on nav lights/horn/windlass/et al.

Sorted and named (as some where already identified last year and I'd forgotten what they were for...) the remaining unidentified cables around the lower helm (that was a feat I'm really proud of!) and moved to clear up and wire the supply to the grey and black water tanks, the toilets and the windlass. Amazingly found reasonable solutions, routings and relaying options so greywater tank is ready, black to be done tonight and el.toilets also with a thicker gauge cable I had to buy this morning. One of the toilet feed cables was badly damaged as it was routed in a lousy way through the duct at right angle:

As per the other thread on windlass wiring, searching for the windlass cables ended up with a bow pressure pump supply that I'll use eventually for an anchor wash.

Overall, everything is getting too tidy in the cabins/bilges I'm even impresed myself!

Regarding bilge pump layout, I'm planning the following (and comments objections as usually much appreciated!):

Central Manual manifold system with 4 quarter turn ball valves living in the engine-lazarette bulkhead
  • bow cabin
  • central cabin section (port and stbrd cabin)
  • engine room
  • free flex pipe to get to wherever I want
This is all setup as 3/4inch so planning to use either the spare whale 220 diaphragm pump or one of the old ones I had.

an auto bilge pump on the bow section (getting it's current from the beefy grey water tank supply) with one of these new electronic pump switches (water witch)

another auto bilge pump on the lazerette (already installed but will rewire it as it's on too thin wires for my liking)

Considering the repairs carried out, i'd expect to have relatively dry bilges (I'd really like them to be very dry, but we'll see) so I don't see the point of anything else.

I will have two float switches one on the centre and one at the e/r wired to the BMS and via it to the 5inch in dia old school ding dong bells at the two helms so I hope if something happens on route I'll get a quick warning :D

George is finishing with the 6 coats of prep to the cabinets and will start full time on superstructure preparation and priming from Monday.
Left arm is getting worse, so no way I'm finishing off the paint stripping, but still haven't got someone to do it, got two options to check/test next week.




Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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updates not turning up as regular as they could, but need some time to post, as I have to sort out/edit/resize/rename pics, write text, upload pics to server, link (typically just under an hour per post!). Semester is finishing, exam period so extra work, exams, meetings, you name it...

Anyway, all bow cabin and heads flooring is cut, test fitted and layed in place (not glued!)
mocks for the bow cabin bed frame cladding are done and will be cut over the w/e with other bits and bobs that need done.
A lot of time spend head scratching, measuring, sketching to get the toilet bowls in the right hight, orientation so that they are functional and not in the middle of other things.


and mb heads:

Finished cabling for the grey/black water tanks, decided NOT to install a typical autobilge pump switch (on the grounds that I'll have the waterwitch el.sensor and I simply don't like these switches anyway!)

On the salon, lifted the massive leatherette lined panel that has all the flag holes and lights for the lower helm and galley and installed it in place. Covered all this nicely organised wiring (that took me ages to setup) and all's good.



and after (sorry crappy pic...):


Removing this panel out of the salon, meant I could AT LAST after 18m clear the accumulated mess/dirt/etc. In the process I found a few tools that I'd lost over the period and easily managed to remove the main part of the corner sofa. Shifted to George's workshop for minor treatment, sanding and painting.


Having done that I managed to remove the hatch over the port engine (that's the one with the stuck turbo) and as presented in another thread, I removed the riser and turbo dropping most of the coolant in the bilges :rolleyes:

Turbo is 1100 euro new (if I'm to believe the IVECO dealer there are two in Italy central depot as we speak) but I'm sending it to be refurbed and before that I'll spent a few hours trying to remove layers of rust on the turbine part and try to loosen up the lot and without forcing it see if it will move.

Yesterday had a go and managed to remove the two 1.5 or was it 1.25inch engine seacocks, skinfittings (with the help of a screwdriver and hammer to loosen up the nut on the stbrd side but simple angle grinder on port (was turning...)

Nice detail was the fact that the reinforcing pieces of ply on the skinfittings came undone when trying to remove the fittings :eek: On close examination, they were "glued" on top of painted hull ffs!
More and more impressed that she floated and made the delivery trip with no serious issues...

Tested the 4 valves for the four diesel tanks they all work (unsurpisingly as they are 36yrs dipped into diesel :D ) but the "collector" box with the three outlets (one for each engine prefilter and one for the visual marker and genny) is rotting away nicely. Will remove it completely and get a ss one done locally, shouldn't be much and would be much safer for the fuel.

Anyway, stopped working in the e/r as I get embarassing dirty hands and fingernails and got lots of tuition and a conf. presentation to do at the w/e and I'd rather have clean hands for that... Me and these thin nitrile surgical gloves don't get along so I'll try some proper mechanic gloves and see.

Also seeing what's involved in any semi major operation in the engine room with hatches removed, I'm dismissing the idea of laying timber (teak or cedar) on the salon and I'll only do that for the galley and low down at the cabins. So carpet for the salon I'm afraid...

Got a guy working on scrapping paint on the stbrd hull side, he's done a reasonable job and looks like he'll have it finished by Monday. Only a couple of minor areas to attend above waterline, should be done easily and quickly.


also did the aft bit remaining on the port side:

All these areas will have to be done with a 60grit orbital sander before epoxied once or twice and then working along priming and topcoats.




Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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Still planning on launching this summer Vas? Great progress, my hat is permanently off for what you have achieved.

LJS, don't forget we have loooong summers down here ;)
Most of the ppl dont even go swimming as yet, too cold!

plan was for mid July, I can see it stretching to August. Mind wont be finished!
It will have to be painted, semifitted inside with various ceiling panels missing, no carpets or teak on board (only the heads!) and will be working on it throughout Oct when it should be out again for further fitting work.

we shall see.
It's interesting that as I sort out one thing, a new one pops up, or some new disruption at work/home to keep me away from my 8h on MiToS schedule. The whole week I've only worked 12h and that was in 5 sessions :(




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21 Jun 2011
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time for another update

weather's been awful can only work 7-12 am and then 7-12pm. 12-7 it's only good for a sauna.

Had two sessions on the dash trying to remove the 4 window frames on the lower helm.
First (short) session was yesterday morning (couldn't last long as it heated up pretty quickly)
Managed one of the four and last night 10-12 made the other three. Very impressed with myself as it meant I was folded in two on the dash with an impact driver undoing bolts (admittedly ss ones) that hadn't moved in 35 years. Amazed they all came out except for two that had their heads cut sometime in the past due to water ingress.
Window seal was the original turquise ffs! I wonder what were they thinking at the time :rolleyes:
Had a good 5-6 coats of white paint on it (as does the neighbouring part of the frame...)

On close inspection the whole area needed 2 patches 5X5cm, so all's fine. Did the patches and all thoroughly sanded with a 60grit so that it will soak nicely with CPES I'm treating it tonight.
A bit of headscratching as the ledge over the front facing screens needs sanding but it's a bloody impossible task at areas as the slope of the screen frames is at a v. small angle to that meaning only a scarpel would fit. Decided to scrape as much as we can, remove all loose bits, sand it by hand and prime it. Not much else we can do tbh.

small patch:

removing the wiper motors:

a very airy and cool helm :D


and all frames layed on the bow:

Having all these frames out and too knackered to work under the sun I had a go at cleaning them using a special ss/chrome polishing paste (you know the ones you apply some paste on a cotton cloth and rub). Quite amazed that it cleaned so easily! Not a bling person myself, so was worried after an hours worth of rubbing to realise that I was actually enjoying it :(
Frames look very robust and well engineered by this company:

To make sure i'm not going to be converted, I decided to pass that job to someone else and went down to the bilges to get my hands dirty with a mixture of diesel and coolant. Felt much better :p

Also cleared the primer and a/f off the trim tabs. That was a hard job with softbrush drill bit to the extent I'm wondering if I should prime and a/f them again or not ever :(



In the heads dept, I'm slowly deciding on the way the toilet will be secured in place and covered as I don't particularly like all the mess that's around/behind it. Have a plan, will elaborate in a couple of days as soon as I have it checked.


Also had a go at cleaning and possibly freeing the turbo off it's rust. A two hour session has me moreorless certain that it wont release and spin again ever under this guise, so looking at places that could possibly repair it as the turbine is the expensive part (800 or so out of 1100 total). At least the setup was nice and tranquil (wife wasn't at home else she'd not be impressed at me sending flakes of rust all over the place :rolleyes: )





Well-known member
19 Jan 2009
Stratford on Avon
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Nice update, thanks Vas. Looks like tremendous progress, and she is starting to look like a boat again. Can you send some of your surplus heat our way please? Nice today, 23 C, but back to normal, horizontal rain and 15C tomorrow :(


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Hi Vas
Looking fantastic. Can't wait to see the outside with paint on. Bet you can't either!

Sorry to hve been busy for last few weeks doing boat shipping, but i now have a free couple of weeks so I have got around to sending you the box of Garmin hardware. I'll PM the tracking number

Box contents are as follows in case you want any input from forum on how to design the installation:

4 GMI 10 colour displays
2x5m cables and 8x2m N2K cables. These can be used as backbones or spurs/drop cables
2x power spur cables to power the n2k netwrok (you only need one)
About 10 "T" pieces to connect drop cables to the backbone, plus end-of-backbone termination resistors. Note, the T pieces can be connected directly together to create "manifolds". You don't need a cable then a T then another cable then the next T, etc.
Garmin GPS 19x n2k GPS mushroom - 10Hz new model so you might need to check software in plotter
Remote card reader - a new Garmin device that lets yuou insert the SD card (with charts) remotely from the plotter. Reduces theft risk (of SD card) I suppose, Connects to plotter with Cat5 cable, included. You don't have to install this
A Garmin 19pin NMEA0183 cable - might come in handy
A Garmin 2 pin power cable, to power a plotter - again might come in handy


Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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This is like watching a grade 11 listed building getting a make over an epic task
This thread is putting a big smile on my face good luck and keep it going

:D sort of, good thing is I don't have to deal with these archaeologists that wont let you alter things that make functional/aesthetic sense. Been there, messed with them both in Bath and Volos...

Nice update, thanks Vas. Looks like tremendous progress, and she is starting to look like a boat again. Can you send some of your surplus heat our way please? Nice today, 23 C, but back to normal, horizontal rain and 15C tomorrow :(
indeed, once the first topcoat is on, I'm starting refitting (no dust!)
I could send the heat but then you'll have to get the mosquitos as well ;)

Hi Vas
Looking fantastic. Can't wait to see the outside with paint on. Bet you can't either!

you bet J!

Sorry to hve been busy for last few weeks doing boat shipping, but i now have a free couple of weeks so I have got around to sending you the box of Garmin hardware. I'll PM the tracking number

Box contents are as follows in case you want any input from forum on how to design the installation:

4 GMI 10 colour displays
2x5m cables and 8x2m N2K cables. These can be used as backbones or spurs/drop cables
2x power spur cables to power the n2k netwrok (you only need one)
About 10 "T" pieces to connect drop cables to the backbone, plus end-of-backbone termination resistors. Note, the T pieces can be connected directly together to create "manifolds". You don't need a cable then a T then another cable then the next T, etc.
Garmin GPS 19x n2k GPS mushroom - 10Hz new model so you might need to check software in plotter
Remote card reader - a new Garmin device that lets yuou insert the SD card (with charts) remotely from the plotter. Reduces theft risk (of SD card) I suppose, Connects to plotter with Cat5 cable, included. You don't have to install this
A Garmin 19pin NMEA0183 cable - might come in handy
A Garmin 2 pin power cable, to power a plotter - again might come in handy

again, many many thanks J!

looks like ALL can be used, already decided where I'm going to place the GPS mushroom except for the card reader which I guess will become downwards compatible on the next firmware release ;)
Will let you know how the electronics setup develops.
Ah, was checking the actisense kit for interfacing old engines with analogue gauges to N2K, it's doable and quite interesting. Also means that two of the GMI10s could replace/act as engine gauges for the f/b (only got a rev.counter and 3indicator bulbs up there atm)

two updates in a day - bloody mosquitos didn't let me work as much as I wanted, left at 11...

Various details of the f/b window frames. Note the way the bronze screw holds the two pieces of ply together!



The stbrd engine intake was a real mess as far as the flat bow facing slab where the alloy grille fits! Scarf joint prepared, to be completed tomorrow. (then move to the port one...)


The first sprayrail that had to be chopped when the two sheets of ply were replaced on port side is back in place, the second to be done in the morning (or rather noon time when it's unbearable to work on the bow deck). Note, that's new from iroko (as the original one) done by George and I must say spot on.




CPESed all frame surroundings plus the endgrain (250ml of the thing!) and will get another coat tomorrow evening as I got to do it when temps drop so that wood cools and soaks more material in.




Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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more progress (and litres of sweat...)

from the bottom up, second sprayrail is matched and glued/screwed in place.

Paint stripping is completed, minor bits of the blue strip around the hull to be finished tomorrow. Will need a good two day sanding (80grit) to get it smooth and show up minor bits that need attention and then a couple of coats of CPES, then a coat of plain epoxy, fill bits with epoxy filler and eventually go for the painting (guess in 2 weeks time at least)
Stern view with Angello posing...

Removed the passerelle (waiting for the hydraulic one to arrive mid next week) and will have a go at removing the davits :(
Means I got to rip (was planning to anyway!) the lining of the aft deck to get to the screws that hold them in place. Wonder how heavy they are as I'll probably need someone helping me to lower them safely.
Undid half the screws keeping the broken/rotten/dodgy bathing platform frames in place, will need another 2 h session I guess to lower that to the ground as well.
Don't want to stress it, have done half a dozen sketches on the bathing platform, still not happy, so wont bother for this summer.

Lower helm work has progressed to the point that the 4 window frames that will be painted black as per original, have had 2+ coats of CPES, epoxy filler and are now on their first coat of black epoxy and down to 180grit. Tomorrow will hopefully pick the paint and Wed should have a first go at painting that area.



Port air intake repairs carried out (in a different manner to the stbrd, we shall see which one lives longer :p )



Inside work is progressing early in the morning or after 8pm!
stbrd cabin ready for lining:

port cabin also:

main heads shower arrangement. Need a wideangle camera else you'll make little sense of the following two pics.

bow cabin heads:

Waiting tonight the family to pay a visit and mark/deside on the leatherette samples which colour goes where so that I can measure and buy the necessary quantities.




Well-known member
19 Jan 2009
Stratford on Avon
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Great progress again Vas, well done. She really is starting to look like a boat :) You can keep your Mozzies, especially if they are carrying Denghe. I have to take my chances with these regularly in India and Malaysia :(


Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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another report with a few more pics...

Sanding/epoxy filling/sanding and a bit more filling and sanding on the superstructure.
Down to 200+ grit on the helm roof and f/b, 150+ on the sides.
Will apply a coat of primer this evening to the black areas, needs 24h before sanding and then 2 coats of paint on Monday.
That means that windows (which are already cleaned and polished) will be back in place on Tuesday and I can start concentrating on vacuuming, cleaning and lining lower helm and the cabins.

The air intakes were test fitted on the solidly formed ply:


Bathroom resin tiles (2x2cm) arrived as did the superflex glue for them.

Etalbond 5mm alloy-rubber-alloy lining for the side walls where the port windows fit was ordered and should be here midweek.
Will all that around me I can spend a couple of sweaty weeks and finish all the interior (famous last words...) I mean I'm not missing anything.

Main head arrangements finished all panels there:


In the bow cabin I used a mock to shape the worksurface on the stbrd side. Wasn't that easy, after 3-4 sets of marks and a final cut, did a lot of patching and reshaping to get it where I wanted.





In case you're wondering, part of the deal with wife is that she's going to have a reading space (the bit by the bed where I'm going to built a custom seat) and a worktop for her books and laptop (the rest of the space with the gentle curve by the entrance). Suits me as well as I can steal the space and work myself as well :p Final worktop, that's 15mm ply, will be reinforced on the front edge by another 15mm offcut then sanded and laquered (probably clear and most likely the only visible piece of wood in the whole craft)


The next pic shows the piece of ply triangular (almost) in shape in front of the port window organising the linings and setting up the cupboard space.


Here is the whole layout with just the bed floor missing to complete the view:



All these pieces will be lined and during winter the cabinet frame/doors will be built, laquered and fitted.
Talking about lining, spent 700euro on leatherette and 5mm sub foam thing, got my el.stapler ready, so this project is on as soon as the helm windows are on again.

Final bit of info (should be in the turbo thread...) is that I got the rusty turbo from the port engine to an allegedly excellent mechanic in Larissa and will know on Monday if he needs any parts (cannot believe he's going to revive this solid bit of rust!) and at what cost.




New member
24 Jun 2012
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Im impressed you know where to start. Its good to see that there are people out that like you who can do things And have the traditional skills necessary. I would be utterly lost. The overall view shows its still a boat at least. Some dedication and time. Whats the job you are dreading, or are you over that bit...
We are not worthy :)


Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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Im impressed you know where to start. Its good to see that there are people out that like you who can do things And have the traditional skills necessary. I would be utterly lost. The overall view shows its still a boat at least. Some dedication and time. Whats the job you are dreading, or are you over that bit...
We are not worthy

Rob, everyone's job is special and others wouldn't dream of doing (talking about yours for example :rolleyes: )
I'm trained as an architect and the whole point is being able to imagine and draft how things will look at the end, and then go to the intermediate stages of figuring out details, sorting jobs and subcontracting. Well, I've got the advantage of skipping this last one since I'm mainly doing the lot myself (except for George helping in some woodwork and being responsible for the preparation/painting (I DONT want to do that!)
Jobs I'm dreading, not quite, some awkward or difficult ones (as in never done them before and not particularly sure how long will take) were more than a few. At this stage it's mainly refitting plus a couple of days in the engine room but nothing to worry about. More excited on how/where I'm going to wire and fit the passerelle leaving enough space for the desalinator in the lazerette than anything else. Tiling, plumbing, upholstering, not too much of an issue tbh...

Anyway, a new set of photos, sorry for the almost weekly updates, but I'm usually too knackered after a 6-7h morning session and often an 3-4h evening/night session to sort out pics, resize, name, upload and type.

So inside I managed to sort out under floor cabling and seawater/waste outlets from the toilets. Extensive use of large tiewraps means I made sure that there's not going to be any waste water remaining in sags in the pipes and all goes via gravity to the blackwater tank. Runs are actually quite short 3m and 2m for the two heads.




Also built and sorted the placement of both toilets on 140mm pedestals to bring them up to a reasonable 440-450mm height. Also decided on a funky method for covering up the macerator and inlet/outlet pipework by using this etalbond aluminum/rubber/aluminum 5mm sandwitch covering the lot. means that in order to service the toilet I have to first undo the four 10mm screws holding the porcelain bowl in place and then do the rest :eek: Any thoughts on that???


Today did a test warm up session on tilling (hadn't done any for 12+ yrs) and these are 2X2cm mosaic (but resin so light ;) )
Didn't go that bad at all, looks much better than in the pic. Took 400gr of superflex glue to do an area of 640X640mm
Was told not to do too much glue as it settles quickly, but wasn't that bad was useable for almost an hour, so next session I'll do the rest of the wall and move to the other side.



Also chamfered the reinforcement on the worksurface in the bow cabin and it's now at George's workshop for clear laquering. It was a carving exercise with an angle grinder fitted with a 24grit paper, all done in hand, no tooling, just by feel.



Outside, sanding of the hull is almost finished (note not stripping, sanding with 100grit) and getting ready for 2-3 patches and then epoxying before priming.


note the large patch to be done on the bow. Water ingress from the deck messed up the ply on both sides. The massive iroko frame is intact



and stbrd side

Final set of pics are from the helm preparations for painting. The grey is the Sikkens primer 5+1.

To be sanded with 300grit the day after tomorrow and then apply the black around the windows and the greys in the rest of the area (err, haven't decided on the colour shades as yet and I quite like this light grey, but got to be two tones so will think again and listen to the wife on that (maybe...)




Final issue to report on, was that 10days ago coming back from the boat yard I was was greeted with two DHL deliveries :D

A large box from our JFM with all the cabling 4X GMI10 and a few other bits and bobs (again many thanks J.) and a small one (ebay bought) airmar triducer (speed, temp, depth)
So MiToS from being a NMEA0183 fitted craft became in one morning a mess of 0183 and N2K one :D

Reading and figuring out the routing of the N2K backbone hasn't come up with a definite solution as yet other than since the GMIs can work as anchor drag alerts, one display will be in the bow cabin next to my headrest, two on the f/b and one on the lower helm (no idea where though yet)
The GPS mushroom will probably fit on the ceiling of the bow cabin as far fwrd as I can push it under the deck with clear sky access over the ply (no metals and screws to mess with it around- bow cleats and anchor winch will be around half a metre each away. Hope that's ok.

Plan is to possibly scrap the tachos on the f/b and get an actisense engine monitoring unit EMU-1-BAS and get one GMI on each side showing revs/temps/pressures/et al. Lower helm has a full set of gauges and I'm not messing with it (had enough trouble getting them to fit in one lasercut sheet of reasonable size...

Reached the limit of 20 images (this includes smileys as well, odd...) so enough for today.

