MiToS re-built/fit- versilcraft Mystery43


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21 Jun 2011
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Vas I really do take my hat off to you. There is no way in a million years that I would attempt what you're doing, and I bet most people would take years and years rather than a year and a bit to get to where you are now. Very much looking forward to seeing the end results. Still anticipate it being mid summer?

thanks, one of the reasons for this thread is the educational value :)

yes, have to get her in the water this year!

Plan is to do as much as possible down at the cabins and definitely finish with all the sawdust and general messy bits down there. Mind I'm pretty close on that!
Then put up new upholstery in the cabin bulkheads, fit doors and seals, refit beds/wardrobes. Lights/electrics are already done.
Not too bothered with the ceiling lining tbh, it's not at all messy and can be done at home and put back in place when I have them finished.

Heads are a bit of a tricky part, should have them piped and almost ready soon. BUT not got a lining material for the walls yet as the linoleum/vinyl thing I found in Athens was fugly colours and I have to order them in 40sqm rolls... I only need something like 3-4sqm of 3 different colours. So still looking.

exterior painting of the superstructure and hull will be done. Not sure if George will do it or I'll get someone else on that so that George helps me in refitting the lot.

Aft deck wont be redone as lazarette wont be touched. That's for next winter together with the e/r ;)
Should really lay the teak on the bow on top of all the new decks, but not sure I'll have the time, we shall see.

on the f/b I'll just add the helm bench, no more. Still not fully decided on the design of the rest and the bimini, so I might as well skip it for now.

Problem is I'd planned this semester differently and ended up with much more work than planned for, so struggling with time. Mind for every bit done, there's a fair amount of time looking and measuring in situ as well as sketching and thinking everywhere else ;)

we shall see




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21 Jun 2011
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Will take some pictures of our Galley this WE and post them here for you, if interested.

yes please, always good to see how similar boats are fitted ;)

started sketching how i'm going to take some of the chart table space for a cabinet for plates/glasses/etc.




Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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update on work carried out last week, as I'm just back in Volos with a load of new stuff to fit (will report on them in their respective threads :D

right, bowthruster tunnel work. Made a mock out of some foam carton sheet that some students left in my office 3-4yrs ago (and that I always thought there'd be a use for it...)





and outside:



the tunnel, it's bleeding thick and heavy!


and a bit of geometry work:



one side done:


and placed in situ:



Not particularly perfect tbh, but will be corrected on the spot. The good thing is that I've done a reasonable calculation and it fits :D

Keep in mind that there'll be one or two layers of ply on each side glued on the hull, BEFORE this goes in and another two layers of ply with the tube going through it. Maybe a bit excessive, but better safe than sorry, plus I have enough ply to smoothen the stern sides of the tunnel the way I want them.
Yes, I'll add a wedge shaped layer of 15mm ply on the bow side of the tunnel to deflect water.

Now, don't know when I'll be working there again as I have a horrible back ache after two 660km round trips on wifes seicento since my bmw is at the garage with either a cracked block or cracked cylhead, bloody german cars, second and last I'm getting! Back to Italians for me...

In the meantime George is working on the cabinets for mods and preparation for laquering, plus he's prepared all the port cabin flooring panels. More photos of them tomorrow




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1 Apr 2003
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Maybe I missed it, but curious why you didn't put uncut tunnel in and the cut from the outside to be flush with the hull.


Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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Maybe I missed it, but curious why you didn't put uncut tunnel in and the cut from the outside to be flush with the hull.

hi, didn't miss anything, just me not explaining myself :rolleyes:

right, ply + GRP tunnel + epoxymat + epoxy is a tad messy in my book.
so I thought I'll do it slightly differently, namely cut the hole in the hull to the inner dia of the tunnel, and add another two layers of 15mm ply inside (on each side) at the same dia. Effectively forming the last 45mm of the tunnel out of ply that means I can shape the trailing part of the tunnel the way I want to minimise turbulence.
Following, I'll add another two layers of 15mm ply AROUND the tunnel (i.e. hole in ply to the outer dia of the tunnel)
This way I'll have an IMHO decent layup of ply on both sides holding the tunnel in place, skipping the mat and just use epoxy to glue it together plus of course screwing the bits together.

Hope it's more clear now. Mind, never said that it's easier and quicker this way, did I?

BTW, first layer of ply shaped so that it fits nicely on the slightly curved part of the hull so that the rest of the layers just lay flat on them:


and since I've not updated the thread for about a week, a report on progress in different fronts:

Since back was hurting a bit, spend a couple of days working on electics (nice job no folding in two ;) ) even made a nice worksurface (out of the mock for the bow cabin worksurface:


Result is that I have the two cabins plus two heads completely wired with controllers, switches, light fittings, cabling nicely organised in conduits (that's how you call them spiral piping, right?) and all working! (er, following a lot of swearing due to a silly mistake I made in wiring the leds on the controllers, but wont elaborate...)

So, port cabin with 3 lights in stock position plus one led under the ledge by the bed heads. I decided to split the 3 in 2 + 1, so that once someone walks in the room and the ambient light levels are low, the one dims up, if he/she wants some "proper" light levels, they can turn on the rest. Haven't bother with measuring lightling levels, but looks v.sufficient.

Port cabin with no lights:

the "service" one:

the "main" ones:

all three on:

Bow cabin with "main" lights on:


The two heads needed something a bit more IP whatever compliant from the 35yo chrome light fittings with nice opalina glass :rolleyes:
So got two cantalupi lights I bought from coastalrides and converted them for some 30 surface led fittings I had lying around. Conversion meant of moving the GUwhater (always confused with the #) towards the center of the fixture so that the LED is centered when assembled. Just a five minute job drilling out the two rivets, marking and drilling the new holes, fitting the mount with through screws and use thermosilicone on the various gaps around the back of the fitting:





and the finished article in place


In case anyone is wondering, yes there's going to be lining on the ceiling, have them all at home (although bow cabin will need modifications and heads wont have leatherette lined ply!) and will fit them when other more pressing jobs are out of the way. I'd hazard a guess that it's going to be after MiToS is back in the water in July.

Also managed to finish the stbrd side of the hull stripping. Now only got the last metre in the port side plus the transom (not a lot there tbh)


Running out of pics, so another post later with cabinet repairs and modification progress ;)




Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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following a short break due to last w/e being the orthodox easter,
and following a couple of days or relaxing, swimming in the sea and trecking up in mount Olympus, the next installment of work progress is well overdue.

George took most of the cabinets at his workshop and did a series of de-delamination, modification and repair operations...

So, the following pics are of the salon cabinet was a corner item 2.3m long by 0.95m wide. Due to having to fit the second fridge in the long and shallow bit, I had to get the drawers 60mm narrower so that I gain these 60mm for the depth of the fridge (420 vs 350, plus the 20mm spare to the structural members of the side deck). Furthermore I decided that a two seater sofa would be more important than two-three more 330mm deep cabinets, so the 2300mm long cabinet was chopped down to 1100mm. Again using scarf joints he's done an excellent job:




Next was the corner elemnt of the galley that was badly damaged from water ingress and stupid modifications by the aircon installers... To make things worse, the new fridge JUST fits under the worktop which means that the base of the fridge cabinet had to be removed and the overall cabinet lengthened by 4mm :rolleyes:




that's the type of sink /taps leaking water damage that George had to deal with:

Will be back in Volos tonight to check progress, should be all glued together and prepared for primer.

No other progress to report other than I'm struggling to find a Garmin B60-20 tilted through-hull transducer with 6pin from the bloody EU and NOT U.S. of A. at a reasonable price (150euro+ship) so that I don't have to deal with Greek customs !




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19 Jan 2009
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Vas, I have colleagues visiting regularly from the US, so if this is the only route for the transducer, let I can get something to the UK, then post on to you?


Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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Vas, I have colleagues visiting regularly from the US, so if this is the only route for the transducer, let I can get something to the UK, then post on to you?

Raf, not worth "wasting" such contacts for a transducer... Found a single frequency one (just 200kHz) for 110usd plus 50usd shipping, so will order that this week. Thanks for the offer, will probably take it on something more important :D

Kids started school today and that means I can get back to my 3X8h +2X3h schedule.
Sorted out some wiring mishaps in the intelligent sensor/light/warning system, everything's working fine down at the cabins.
Port & stbrd cabins are complete with flooring and bed test fitted.


yes, floor is already glued on, just forgot to take a pic today...

even replaced the "removed" part of the bulkhead on the stbrd cabin with new ply:

Bow cabin needs a couple of days (at least!) work for the bowthruster tunnel.

Following that I got to upholster all bulkheads and beds and bolt them back in place.
A week ago I went to a upholstery place (with wife and kids), decided on the colour schemes per cabin, tamed the exceptionally wild ideas of the daughter and son, and all are happy. Just got to measure how much material I need for each colour and place the order.

The zig-zag bulkhead between the heads is also to be glued/secured in place, so that I can start the plumbing. Hopefully to be done this week.
Probably will be ordering a Plastimo 108lt holding tank and go for the pipe over it to a decent quality macerator pump (and keep a second one just in case...) Still cheaper than the large diaphragm pumps that are inxs 350. Will be easy and less messy to swap if it fails as well.

At George's workshop most of the repairs are done and he's planning to start preparation and priming on Thursday.





Weather after a spell rather unsettled, being raining most of the day today with temps down to 18C so uncovering and preparations for painting have to wait a bit more...

More to come during the week.




Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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quick update

port cabin, ready, clean and waiting for upholstering.
That waiting means, matching colours with wife and kids, ordering and THEN upholstering...

stbrd cabin floor in place, bedframe in place, side panel at the workshop to be extended by 50mm to fit. Further, decided to modify the bow cabin (rather wide) chest of drawers from 600mm wide down to 430mm so that it fits at the end of the corridor making the layout and feel of the cabin identical to the port one (and daughter happier!)

Bulkhdead between the two head compartments are glued in place, just a strip 220mm wide missing.
Following a visit to my window and panel fabricator I decided on a material I did mention a few dozen pages before for cladding the heads walls. It's called etalbond its a sandwitch alloy sheeting (anodised in various colours if you so prefer) and rubber in the middle. Overall thickness is 5mm. They can accurately form it (perfectly crease it, cut it, whatever you wish actually) and then I can epoxy it on top of the bulkheads. For areas that I want to be accessible, I'll simply press glue it onto a 4 or 6mm ply so that I can have a structurally sound panel, bolted with nice countersunk screws (still to be sourced though!)



Cabinet modifications are done and George has started the priming/sanding process. A final pic of the galley bits just before priming:

Spend a good 6h yesterday unfortunately under awful conditions paintstripping the hull above the waterline and up to the side deck. managed only 2.5m in length, plus have a slightly itchy back and sun tan (luckily not burn) Was hotter than it should :(



and for the record, a pic of the transom done last week





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21 Jun 2011
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Thanks Vas, was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms.

no, we don't want that do we???

mind, considering that the plan is STILL that she'll be in the water during July, we all need to find another project to follow closely!

Two canditates I can see are Robs steel sd trawler and the sunk/recovered massive timber boat up north. So got to make sure ppl keep on posting pics :D

cannot really be of much help as I've only managed 4h work over the w/e but I can for the first time show pics of CLEAN BILGES!!!
For the last couple of years MiToS bilges were full of water or holes (er, or both!) or lately sawdust, rubbish, bits of ply and iroko, cable ends, you name it.
So following two sessions by George (got a nasty allergy with dust so wouldn't try it myself) I can now go down there and wire pumps, get all the pipework secured and finish off the fold in two jobs:





On another note, weather is just too nice (and hot!) A pic from the view off a colleagues flat overlooking the port of Volos just after a delicious lunch in the veranda.


in the middle of the pic above among the saily things, was what looked like a larger brother to LittleShip. On closer she was indeed a Grand Banks (I assume a 42??)





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29 Jan 2011
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'Little Ship' is far cuter.......can you describe a boat as 'cute'?

Great to see the work continuing Vas.................I haven't replied to this thread before but have been following it with admiration and anticipation in equal amounts.

Keep up the good work.:cool:


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15 Jan 2002
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
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Vas, breathtaking progress, which I envy you... I only have one day during the WE to work (sometning about preparing for my 50th... and need to get house etc., ready as I have 10 guys staying here for a week-end of distillery tours...)...

Anyhoo... here are the long promised pictures of our galley... (cracking weather this morning as you can see....).





Contemplating a similar L as yours at the aft section....

Cupboard underneath sink houses microwave, but are looking at replacing this with a small oven at some stage...
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Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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Vas, breathtaking progress, which I envy you... I only have one day during the WE to work (sometning about preparing for my 50th... and need to get house etc., ready as I have 10 guys staying here for a week-end of distillery tours...)...

aha, so you're 10months older than me then :p
Hope you have a good time, although 10guys w-e distillery tour sounds a bit stressing for the liver but you Vikings are well trained :p

Contemplating a similar L as yours at the aft section....

Cupboard underneath sink houses microwave, but are looking at replacing this with a small oven at some stage...
check the pics I'll post in a couple of weeks when the cabinets are in place.

Not so sure about the L shaped galley. You do struggle in the washbasin (way offcentre to make it comfortable)
Actually looking at yours started thinking of moving my fridge under the gas hob and chopping the short part of the L by 100mm so that I just fit the oven and gain 100mm of space there ;)
George wont be impressed when he hears that tomorrow (he's at the final preparations for laquering the cabinets!) but just sketched it in acad and it makes sense! Just need to do some final measurements tomorrow.

Will also post pics of my new gas oven only 400mm deep 400mm high and 500mm wide.

cheers Alf



Well-known member
15 Jan 2002
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
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Time will tell how we feel after the WE .. :D..

Re; L shape, I would rotate sink & drain board if I were to fit a shallow L shape piece.

Good luck and please say sorry to George for the delay in posting pictures....


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21 Jun 2011
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Vas, does your Garmin plotter have a n2k port? Are you installing a n2k backbone and network?

good to have you back JFM :D

you reading my mind or something (was about to ask about it, so might as well start here)

So, I currently have the following:

Garmin GPSMAP 520 for the f/b (NMEA0183 me thinks 2 in/out, plus a propriatory bus for the sounder)
Garmin GPSMAP 3006C for the lower helm (bought s/h today off ebay) (NMEA2K, I guess it does 0183 as well, but not gone through the manual as yet)
Garmin GSD20 sounder black box

will probably get a GPS17X NMEA2K antenna for the 3006C unless it can pick up GPS coords from the NMEA0183 output of the 520 (which then means that the 520 must be on, which is probably going to be the case anyway as i'll be mainly helming from the f/b).
If I do get a GPS antenna, I'll stick it at the ceiling of the bow cabin inside a ply cabinet a metre and a half from the bow roller ;) (with just 15mm ply + 10mm teak on top of it, should be fine as per the vhf antenna thread)

I'll have my eyes open for a radome compatible with the 3006C but not in a hurry.

also have a CETREK autopilot built way before NMEA2K standard developed (works with 0183 though) which I dont really want to scrap (yet)

Haven't got a fcking clue how to prioretize and organise this lot considering that I assume that only one plotter will "talk" to the CETREK autopilot. I'll probably run the f/b one as standalone and import routes to the 3006C. Fishfinder display will also be there (or in both ???)

That's a long intro/fact sheet, so to answer your Q, I'd probably setup a short network in the lower helm but not having read the specs of the NMEA2K cabling I'm NOT going to do it now if that's 200euro worth of CAT5e cabling with fancy waterproof boots (which I don't need as it's going to be indoors!) If I can get away with normal shielded cat5e cable and decent crimped ends I'll do it.

Now since you obviously have something in mind, I'm all ears :D




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16 May 2001
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Well I have loads of new Garmin stuff left over becuase it has been replaced by the glass bridge stuff. I mean, fairline installed it during the build and last week it got ripped out during the garmin 8000 install. I'm happy to donate foc to your wonderful project.

I need to do a stock check but I think I can pull together a 19x GPS mushroom, three or 4 GMI10 units (2 for each helm), and enough Ts and drop cables to make a small n2k network. N2k is not ethernet or Cat5 cable; it's 4 or 5 core with special connectors which are eBayable. For this to be any use you need one plotter with n2k port, and that plotter can then read the GPS data and also talk its data onto the n2k network. It sounds like you have that. That one n2k-enabled plotter can then talk GPS data via its nmea 0183 output so as to feed data to the other non n2k plotter. Maybe someone on here can do a schematic.

My 19x gps mushrooms are the latest and greatest 10hz variety. Can you find out from garmin if your plotter can handle 10hz rahter than the typical 1 Hz?. I'd like to be sure it all works with your existing kit rahter than ship you a pile of stuff that just wont work, as I might as well just eBay it myself


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24 Nov 2006
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Thats very kind of you jfm. Just for the record, I'm engaging on a project to fill a Sq78 sized mooring with something, but I don't have anything to fill it with.. got anything lying around you could donate? ;)