Med boaters - will you get to your boat this year?


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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It’s eco based .
1-The 24 M exclusions inc this area too .
2- The maritime sites of scientific interest - clearly marked .
3- Possibly holding tank s - we have been accosted @ anchor by friendly gentle persuasion guys on ribs , handing over a eco info pack .

Naturally as you can imagine the Fr just ignore all of the above .Actually seen yachties discharge raw sewage , when they are supposed to on the tank .

It could be regs esp life jackets.Lost count how many peeps 3 families we have seen on ribs .No way they store 12 LV inc child’s + adolescents .Again they just ignore / cheat .


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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You can anchor just about anywhere here , as long as it’s outside the orange ( yellow in Fr ) beach buoys .
The bottom here is predominantly just sand or tiny rocks , crucially none of this endangered weed for the “ greens “ to have hissy fits over .
Plus the boat density and thus potential eco damage is tiny compared to the SoF .
You get used to the relative isolation , takes a while but guaranteed not to be disturbed afternoon napping ?

Deleted User YDKXO

My experience flying from Nice to Heathrow on Saturday -

Checked in online, straight through security and passport control. They now stamp your passports to make sure you know that you are not in the EU anymore.

Not once was my test result checked or anything else on COVID.

Back at Heathrow, straight through auto passport gates, nothing checked further inc no test results or passenger locator form.....

Basically it was like it was pre covid....????

Similar experience to us then a few weeks ago except it took us about 1hr to get through passport control on return to T5 but no Covid documents were physically checked in either direction by officials. They seem to have subcontracted that to the airlines

Deleted User YDKXO

News just in (it was on the telly but so far I can’t find a link), the authorities are cracking down on boaters around Porquerolle. Record number of fines (over 100) including 4 who lost their boat licenses.
What they were stopped for I don’t know, was it reckless behavior or just routine stops I don’t know.
The point is, make sure your paperwork is impeccable
Will update if I find more information

Nah, you think we're stupid? Youre just trying to scare us British great unwashed from visiting your favourite anchorages:rolleyes:


Well-known member
6 Sep 2016
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WTF does that mean? Its all in a foreign language

What I want to know is whether any of this is going to stop me dropping my hook in the Porquerolles in the future, playing loud music, emptying the holding tank and leaving the generator running all night?
Yes, in the future. They are going to put some buoys up that you can tie up to (or anchor near, I’m not too sure). It’s going to take 16 months, but they’ve been talking of this for donkeys years. But now they want to halve the number of visitors to the island. While it’s easy to control the amount of ferry ticket sales, it’s much harder to stop visitors in their own boats. But they will

Deleted User YDKXO

Yes, in the future. They are going to put some buoys up that you can tie up to (or anchor near, I’m not too sure). It’s going to take 16 months, but they’ve been talking of this for donkeys years. But now they want to halve the number of visitors to the island. While it’s easy to control the amount of ferry ticket sales, it’s much harder to stop visitors in their own boats. But they will

Has anyone asked the residents of the islands whether they want their income halved?


Well-known member
6 Sep 2016
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Has anyone asked the residents of the islands whether they want their income halved?
I don’t know. Part of being a nation park means that things aren’t always done on a local level. The main island of Porquerolle isn’t really part of the nation park, and yet it is. There are park rangers and you have to obey them. If some of the inconsiderate visitors took home their trash, it would certainly help. Interestingly they are concentrating on day trippers only.


Well-known member
6 Sep 2016
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Just to put things in perspective, we haven’t opened the pool glass covers much recently, just been so busy. The other day I tried to swim, and I can’t explain how hot it was. Burnt my feet and when I eventually got it it scalded my face. I couldn’t find the pool thermometer because I was curious. Anyhow we cooled it all down over a couple of days and nights and now it’s really pleasant and refreshing. I also bought a new thermometer and it now reads a healthy 37c


Well-known member
6 Sep 2016
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The boat is now, finally, back on the water. A quick test drive got 19.7 knots (probably could have got the magical 20 the other direction) which isn’t bad for a boat that has multiple layers of anti foul and is loaded with stuff.
Just need a weather window?

Deleted User YDKXO


The boat is now, finally, back on the water. A quick test drive got 19.7 knots (probably could have got the magical 20 the other direction) which isn’t bad for a boat that has multiple layers of anti foul and is loaded with stuff.
Just need a weather window?

Congratulations. I was wondering why you were spending so much time on this forum rather than actually boating. Hope you have a great season in her. The boat that is. Where are you planning on going (other than the Porquerolles)?


Well-known member
6 Sep 2016
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Congratulations. I was wondering why you were spending so much time on this forum rather than actually boating. Hope you have a great season in her. The boat that is. Where are you planning on going (other than the Porquerolles)?
I don’t know ! We don’t have plans at the moment but I’m also sure we won’t go on any longish voyage just yet.
However that won’t stop me getting in the car with my dog and driving to Antibes. My dog will of course stay on your boat to make sure that you treat your dog well ??


Well-known member
31 Oct 2007
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Do you need a dog to join this club?

We do not have one, but some friends in the marina have, they feed her on tinned Tuna and some form of crunchy bites. As they come down their pontoon in the morning and turn left, when we are on our boat 'Orange' turns right, she smells the bacon and chicken from 15m away. Have to say SWMBO is bringing pressure to bear on me, as I retire in December...

Mmmm rather feed the neighbours dog, she's a friendly and pretty little thing, she's off for her annual 3m sail around the islands with her crew, Neil and Claire, here they are on the back of our boat:-


Deleted User YDKXO

I don’t know ! We don’t have plans at the moment but I’m also sure we won’t go on any longish voyage just yet.
However that won’t stop me getting in the car with my dog and driving to Antibes. My dog will of course stay on your boat to make sure that you treat your dog well ??

That mutt of yours isnt coming anywhere near our pedigree hound unless he's had his balls cut off?