Med boaters - will you get to your boat this year?


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18 Jun 2016
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We are planning to take the boat over from Denia to Ibiza next week, we plan to anchor. We have our antigen tests with us to do before we leave Denia bit doesn't anyone know if we have to present ourselves anywhere in Ibiza to show the test pass or is it only if we go into a marina?
I would assume (but this is just my assumption and would be interested if anyone has a definitive answer!!!) you’ll only need to show the negative test result either a) when checking in to a marina, or b) if the guardia civil come around the anchorage and pick you out for a document check …..but in this case if you’ve been on anchor for a few days your negative test certificate might be outside the 48/72 hour ‘limit’ so what happens then??
Am also under the impression that if you are fully vaccinated you don’t need to do the test anyway.


Active member
28 Jul 2016
Milton Keynes - Boat in Croatia
I would assume (but this is just my assumption and would be interested if anyone has a definitive answer!!!) you’ll only need to show the negative test result either a) when checking in to a marina, or b) if the guardia civil come around the anchorage and pick you out for a document check …..but in this case if you’ve been on anchor for a few days your negative test certificate might be outside the 48/72 hour ‘limit’ so what happens then??
Am also under the impression that if you are fully vaccinated you don’t need to do the test anyway.

Yes, pretty much how I assumed it would work. I'll try and contact a marina there to see if they're aware of the situation regarding anchoring. I'm fully vaccinated now (2nd was last week) but my girlfriend has only had the 1 dose so far....


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31 Oct 2007
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Goodness, I've only been back a couple of weeks and suffering from boat withdrawal symptoms already!

OK, I will save the Bouba-Traps for the shores around Dover and Devon in the UK, just fitting the Rubber/Hypalon sensing tips on the end now, (love the pics really):-



Well-known member
15 Jan 2019
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You seem to conflate the inocculation programme with the ability to travel where you wish. Oddly enough the aim of vaccinations is to reduce infection, serious ilness and deaths, particulalrly within the UK.
We can travel within the UK.
The travel restrictions are aimed at preventing Covid variants getting into the UK.
I don't see this "It is my personal belief that it is totally illegal preventing me from travelling". You know that the goverment make the Law?
Or are you relying on some wooly construct connected to Human Rights legislation?
Perhaps you could test the law, and report back.
Yawn. If you are going to run around making asinine comments at least look at the time stamp to contextualise re things like travel restrictions either within or outside the U.K. . Perhaps also the topic of the thread. To which the above refers. Otherwise you make yourself look stupid. Better still run back to the Lounge.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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Just picked this up from my Empuriabrava Facebook community (mostly French folk)

No document is necessary (neither QR code or certificate) for entering Spain by land.

Les dernières informations du gouvernement : Aucun document n’est nécessaire (ni QR code ni certificat) en cas d’entrée sur le territoire espagnol par voie terrestre.

Espagne- Dernière Minute

I edit
This is for French people going into Spain (well, it’s in French) , I guess we shouldn’t assume it’s the same for us.
Last edited:


Well-known member
23 Sep 2008
Costa Brava
Just picked this up from my Empuriabrava Facebook community (mostly French folk)

No document is necessary (neither QR code or certificate) for entering Spain by land.

Les dernières informations du gouvernement : Aucun document n’est nécessaire (ni QR code ni certificat) en cas d’entrée sur le territoire espagnol par voie terrestre.

Espagne- Dernière Minute

I edit
This is for French people going into Spain (well, it’s in French) , I guess we shouldn’t assume it’s the same for us.
Note further down:-

Pour les personnes non vaccinées, un test PCR ou antigénique est exigé au départ de l’Espagne vers la France. Ce test doit dater de moins de 24 heures. Cette règle entre en vigueur à partir du dimanche 18 juillet.

Which means that if you are not vaccinated, you will need a test to leave Spain to enter France. (And presumably some proof???)

This might not be intended to cover leaving Spain by land. But it does not say that.


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29 Jan 2014
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Note further down:-

Pour les personnes non vaccinées, un test PCR ou antigénique est exigé au départ de l’Espagne vers la France. Ce test doit dater de moins de 24 heures. Cette règle entre en vigueur à partir du dimanche 18 juillet.

Which means that if you are not vaccinated, you will need a test to leave Spain to enter France. (And presumably some proof???)

This might not be intended to cover leaving Spain by land. But it does not say that.

Here is the latest information for entry into or passage through France, taken from the official government website, updated on 17 July ...

Pour voyager dans l'Union européenne, il n’est actuellement pas nécessaire de justifier du motif de son déplacement, mais des obligations de test préalable sont nécessaires. Parmi les pays de la liste verte, l’Espagne, le Portugal, Chypre, les Pays-Bas et la Grèce sont mis sous surveillance à compter du 17 juillet au sein des pays de l’espace européen, avec un test exigé au départ de moins de 24h pour les personnes non vaccinées (contre 72h pour les autres pays de cette liste).

Depuis le 1er juillet,
le pass sanitaire est reconnu pour les déplacements internes à l’espace européen, sous la forme d’un certificat européen.

In summary, for "green list" countries (which includes all EU countries but not the UK which is amber) you need either an EU health pass or a negative test result obtained within 72 hours of entry. You get the EU health pass after having both doses of an approved vaccine or providing proof of recovery from Covid. The rules for people entering France from Spain, Portugal, Cypress and Greece changed on 17 July and unless you have been double vaccinated, you now need a negative test result less than 24 hours old.

Rates in France are climbing again and are now approaching 200 per 100,000 in many of the main tourist areas, and are much higher in some. Local Prefects (regional governors) have been given authority to reintroduce measures on a selective basis as they see fit. It seems masks, curfews, etc. are on the way back, but probably not until the end of the summer tourist season.


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11 Nov 2005
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
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Last year, a group of us in Sant Carles took our bikes up into town for dinner out.
At the time, Spain had a strict mask wearing campaign in place and we forgot to wear our masks.
As we turned out of the marina the Guardia Civil was waiting (in their usual place!!)
We all fumbled and put our masks on but one of the Guardia came over to us.
I thought we were going to get done but he very politely suggested that we were "exercising" and at that time exercising could be done without a mask.
We, obviously, weren't exercising but I think that kind of attitude from the police shows "common sense".
Mistake learned - we used our masks from then on so that police man was the real winner - he got us following the laws without any commotion.
I wish that attitude would be used more.
In fact, having just got back from 6 weeks in Spain, I think they are far more relaxed than our UK bureaucratic systems.