Maritime magic in the Med!



I have just returned from a few months in Puerto Pollensa in the North of Mallorca and felt I had to recommend a company called Maritime International to anyone thinking of visiting this little boating paradise. I knew the port well from previous visits and it was my intention this year to purchase a boat. I was expecting a huge trawl around the island to even stand a chance of finding something I liked, but Maritime International was the second place I went to in the port and, it turned out, the last.

Frankly I was spoilt for choice and the hardest part was deciding which boat I didn't want to buy. My budget wasn't huge so the boat I settled on needed quite a lot of work doing to it, but Maritime International were able to carry this out quickly and efficiently for me, and I also kitted the boat out with chandlery from their own store.

It was such a relief to be able to carry out what could have been a hugely complicated operation all through one company, with the minimum of fuss. Now back in the UK, I am taking advantage of their Guardinage service and feel I can rest assured that they are taking the best possible care of my new baby! I recommend them without any reservations whatsoever. All their contact details are on their website:


New member
20 Oct 2003
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Really usefull tip. They certainly have heaps of boats on their web site. As you have obviusly gone through the process that I am just commencing (buying a secondhand boat) did you gain a feel for tha amount that Brokers load the yacht price up to allow for price negotiation ? I am used to real estate negotiations but boats are a new game.



The first place I went to was very similar to my personal real estate experiences - very sales-oriented, but the guys at Maritime International were far less in-your-face and seemed genuinely interested in getting me the best deal. For this reason I really didn´t get the impression that they had hiked the price up at all for negotiation purposes (and I´m generally a very shrewd negotiator!), however we did manage to agree on a price slightly below what was being asked. As for other brokers, I didn´t feel the need to bother. Good luck!