Marina Security

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Fortunately very little theiving on the East Coast
Untrue. My friend returned from Ramsgate 2 weeks ago & his dinghy had been stolen. I spoke to the Aqua Fuzz on his behalf at Bradwell. They said put details on their website. However, their website takes one's details then crashes when it refuses to accept the phone No.
They themselves do not want to engage with conversations about theft.
Last year some other friends had their dinghy nicked off the mooring complete with outboard.
A few years ago there was a heavy spate of stuff being removed from cruisers in the Blackwater area.
An SSC member had someone aboard his boat & they chucked his wash boards overboard. The members caught the miscreants in their dinghy. When the police were phoned they were told that they must let them go. In spite of pictures being taken plus pictures of their car etc no action was ever taken. The yacht's owner was a police constable.
Bradwell marina operators complain that the hose attachments get taken at regular intervals, plus, sometimes, the hose as well. Seems petty to take such a small item as a hose attachment, but when I posted an article about it here on the forum many forumites seemed to think it fair game. So some of our forumites are simply just as bad as other thieves. Especially when they lose something to thieves, then proudly announce buying a cheap replacement on the well known exchange web site


Well-known member
16 May 2004
Azores, Terceira.
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Seems that the thieves who attacked my boat were considerate. Boat was ashore in the yard. Cut the padlock hasp, removed starter motor and a few other items they thought of use including a set of wood egg cups. Closed washboards and hatch. Superglued padlock hasp back in place so theft went unnoticed for some time as everything looked OK.
But that was back in the last century, probably a better class of thieves then.
Police were practicing polite disinterest though.