After going through a set of AGM batteries in just over 2 1/2 years, I believe the time has come to change over to lithium. My existing system has about 480AH of capacity but I
found this is down to a small fraction of that now following my system giving low voltage alarms after discharging about 50AH.
I have a system with a Victron multiplus inverter charger ( C/12/1600/70). This regulary is used to power mains systems drawing typically 100A and ocasionally more. This summer was typical in that for weeks at a time the battery bank sat at 80% SOC or less. I have about 200W of solar on a partially shaded deck but that is insufficient to recharge the batteries each day when we are aboard. Accordingly I am tempted to switch to lithium as they are claimed to better survive in those situations.
I have looked at the options and have come down to two options
1 Go for quality and buy a single 200AH Victron lithium FE04 with a Smart BMS 12/200 to manage the alternator. This with the neceserry cables costs about £2100. It has the advantag of a single DC31 size battery giving room to expand the bank if needed.
2 Go for a cheaper e.g. Renology probably requiring 3 100 AH units to give the maximum current required for the inverter (150A) with a 60A DC to DC charger costing about £1550. Advantage greater capacity but quality?
There seems a large host of low cost lithium about but not much info about its reliability and the value of any guarentee given most of the companies are relativly new.
Has anyone any views as to the best or other options?
found this is down to a small fraction of that now following my system giving low voltage alarms after discharging about 50AH.
I have a system with a Victron multiplus inverter charger ( C/12/1600/70). This regulary is used to power mains systems drawing typically 100A and ocasionally more. This summer was typical in that for weeks at a time the battery bank sat at 80% SOC or less. I have about 200W of solar on a partially shaded deck but that is insufficient to recharge the batteries each day when we are aboard. Accordingly I am tempted to switch to lithium as they are claimed to better survive in those situations.
I have looked at the options and have come down to two options
1 Go for quality and buy a single 200AH Victron lithium FE04 with a Smart BMS 12/200 to manage the alternator. This with the neceserry cables costs about £2100. It has the advantag of a single DC31 size battery giving room to expand the bank if needed.
2 Go for a cheaper e.g. Renology probably requiring 3 100 AH units to give the maximum current required for the inverter (150A) with a 60A DC to DC charger costing about £1550. Advantage greater capacity but quality?
There seems a large host of low cost lithium about but not much info about its reliability and the value of any guarentee given most of the companies are relativly new.
Has anyone any views as to the best or other options?