Leopard, Emma, France, Coliholic, B1


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3 May 2002
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Re: for sale one mrs sailbad???

now come on.
Either i can molest the contraband or the husky maidens.
you cannot ban me from both.
and who will mrs sailbad end up with if we divorce?

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer


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6 Aug 2001
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It may well have been , I'm sure you'd know better than me..I g was told RNLI by soneone.

Whiskey...??? Whiskkey??? Turn what into whiskey??

The Med??

Even the yotties couldn't drink that much...then again perhaps that is what it really is and you recylce it all and it gets called the Solent...

still waiting to get a boat


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: for sale one mrs sailbad???

Remember! You've got to get married, Before gettin' divorced!! It's neccessary!


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3 May 2002
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Re: for sale one mrs sailbad???

so its one expense after another?
actually am quite looking forward to getting married now.

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: for sale one mrs sailbad???

Nope. It's in the story now and cant be changed. You can content yourself with melting down TCM's rocker box covers and making posh anodes out of them.
Hmm. Maybe we could leave Mrs Sail Bad with Cuteyholic for company./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<font color=blue> [Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.


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6 Aug 2001
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Doh...when you have to explain them, gets a little lost.

Don't get married...save money on the divorce...

Por Mrs Sailbad , how did she end up on the Island with the Cannyballs....I reckon jfm went and kidnapped her on one of those Rib-eye things and then lost her overboard in the coral reef. Then cutyholic went and resued her so now he's there with his own Girl Friday (Poor, poor woman)

still waiting to get a boat


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Told you we could write a much beter story than that lot.
So lets see where are we now.

Diana 2. Voyaging back to Plymouth with all speed. ( So as to keep the grass skirted madens fresh. for customary Clearance testing.)
Sailbad sat on the back with huge fire to melt the gold rocker covers and feeling a bit miffed at having lost his new wife to cutyholic and the cannibles on desert island. Little knowing that CC Scot is still lurking round the corner waiting to kidnap the x Mrs Sailbad now girl friday and use her for cook and bottle scrubber on Engander. Coliholic hearing of the plan, is attempting to foil it by dressing up in grass skirt and two coconuts.

<font color=blue> Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.


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6 Aug 2001
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Back on the deserted Island , Cutyholic woke up soaking wet and with a raging headache. Then he discovered that he had fallen out of his gently-rocking hammock into the lagoon and hermit crabs were unsuccessfully trying to enter his cranium.
This being Saturday Morning, Girl Friday still wearing her Laura Ashley wedding dress had been assigned to the most useful thing he could think of doing to her. i.e. Cooking. However as she had been used to a diet of beans in order to fill Sailbad's sails , he was out of luck there.

Meanwhile, Sailbad had concerns of a more immediate nature. His fire had been strategically placed over Diana 2's crew quarters and surprisingly had melted not the gold rocker covers as intended for anodes but a hole above ..the BED.

Peering down , the 220lb Stevedore called Emma looked up at the prying eyes...more on this later.

Back at the Island CCScott was back in business, and happily estimated that at his current rate of progress he would cover the remaning 3 miles to our island by Monday morning...until he saw the Oil Rig loom up ahead of him surrounded by THOUSANDS of little MBoats all rafted together,,, what can this be so close to our island he thought. well readers what should he do , investigate or continue on his quest to find the ex Mrs- sinbad before cutyholicturns nasty? And where is Ms B? Is there any Whiskey left in Plymouth? Has Byron lost it?..did he ever have it?
will the evil Loma* appear and destroy our plot as he did our whites?

Are the journos herabouts already smashed out of their skulls as it's 1400 hrs on a Friday..?

Most importantly will Diana 2 make it with her precious cargo, and is TCM still atthe controls or has she been hijacked by the right-wing Massaccio guerrillas??

For the next loadof drivel please insert your own chapter?

still waiting to get a boat


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Meanwhile

Meanwhile. Colin Scot ignores the oil rig and the motorboaties frantic waving and heads straight for the island. In the dark he mistakes cutyholic for girl friday, on account of the grass skirt and coconut bra and throughing one of his big sails over him, chucks him in the dinghy and makes his getaway leaving Mrs Saibad to the wicked ways of the natives. Mrs Sailbad, who had realy planned thi whole encounter was quite looking forwards to the encounters with the three dozen big black men and had quite forgot about Sailbadthesinner.

It was still dark when Colin got back to Englande and he was quite surprised at the weight of girl friday as he heaved her over the side. Anyway he got her in bed besides him and went to sleep with his arms wrapped round her. Thinking of the fun he would have in the morning when not as tiered. /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif

<font color=blue> Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Meanwhile

There is no way on earth I would mistake coliholic for Lou, No matter how tired I was or how dim the lighting! I demand a re-write!


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6 Aug 2001
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Re: Meanwhile

Cutyholic woke up with a terrible pain in the ar**. This was yet another surprise for him. Only the previous evening he had been walking along the beach on our island and he had been hit over the head. Feeling light-headed he had just remembered his grass skirt and coconut bra being ripped off. Through the haze he remembered seeing Syd walk off with his favourite clothes, the grass skirt and coconut bra, leaving him with just byron's tutu to wear.
Where was Syd? He thought not that far away , he was of course wrong cos Syd was 'bundled' up on Englander.

Meanwhile Emma the 220 lb Stvedore looked up and said 'I'm going to have that man ' having jumped naked out of bed (cos he always slept naked) , sailbad's eyes popped out of his head in surprise as he saw that....

(next please)

still waiting to get a boat