Ooh, i havnae bin here for ages! The boat is fab, the weather vcalm, and I amhere in SofFranbce on a crap internet cafe keybrd WITH EMMA...who is unforty dueto bogoff to caribeeon big sailyboatv soon.
Tomorrow, coliholic and B1 are due to fly over to be "crew" which means that they will be be scaring themselves shitless as we cross the Ligurian sea towards Livorno/Pisa. Coliholic has been up and down the Ouse a million times, and B1 has even been to the the thames estuary once or twice, so I know I'm in safe hands
and there's even a dabger that Emma mite come along BUT mite not cos of massive burger-cooking committments on her next boat which is full of ossies.
Tomorrow, coliholic and B1 are due to fly over to be "crew" which means that they will be be scaring themselves shitless as we cross the Ligurian sea towards Livorno/Pisa. Coliholic has been up and down the Ouse a million times, and B1 has even been to the the thames estuary once or twice, so I know I'm in safe hands