Don’t watch much, but saw that they are selling the catamaran to build their own boat? Why? Super boat given to them. Is it to scale down? Anyone have a clue?
Scale up then. Interesting.
It is a while since I watched the series but I thought they were given the boat as long as they agreed to cruise the Med for a while and similar things. Not too harsh on Outremer because they got a lot of publicity for giving away a single boat . If they gave it away. If they sold it for a discount Outremer did even better out of the deal. Don’t blame them for wanting some land time.
I thought their catamaran was ideal for them. To want to go faster, their choice I suppose. They have covered alot of miles already.He wants to go faster. Personally, I do no like their new trimaran - living space seems really small and basic for the length - but it can achieve mobo-like speeds in the right wind.
I really enjoy the Ruby Rose laid back style. Have you seen the video of the construction methods of their new cat in Vietnam? Well worth watching.Certainly their sponsorship of La Vaga has put Outremer on the list for me. There's also another channel upgrading from a new Lagoon 52S, which did well under storm conditions IMHO, to an Outremer - because of speed.
I am in the Ruby Rose camp... going to spend years living on it and want a proper bed that isn't a pain to make in the mornings.
It seems pointless to me. Less space and comfort in exchange for that extra speed, which by the way you will rarely be able to use as all family sized cats and tris throttle back in high sea states, such as you have when you get the winds to enjoy the speed.He wants to go faster. Personally, I do no like their new trimaran - living space seems really small and basic for the length - but it can achieve mobo-like speeds in the right wind.
As Riley said they don't really need as much accommodation as they have and the advantage of a faster boat is that they can often sail clear of bad weather. They've already crossed the Atlantic 3 times including a North Atlantic winter crossing with Greta Thunberg and so they know something about ocean cruising.He wants to go faster. Personally, I do no like their new trimaran - living space seems really small and basic for the length - but it can achieve mobo-like speeds in the right wind.
I'll bet the seas were even more impressive when there. Images never capture the drama so well.Leopard 39 in Winter. Cape Town to Brisbane in 64days non stop - 65kts+ - Surfed @ 34kts.