I dont sail there except that last November I did one trip - my brother and I collected his new boat from Coleraine. The mouth of river Baan (sp?) is a freakish nightmare! We sailed to Port Rush - excellent restaurant on the quay, then to Inverkip on the Clyde, where the boat now lives. Was nice coastline. I was surprised how close Scotland and Ailsa Craig etc looked
You mentioned that on an earlier posting - Silver Dee. Yea Barr Mouth rather hairy loads of water coming into the river with loads of water going out and a 4 or 5 knott tide running sideways to all that. I often have chickened out and turned back upstream. of course wait close to slack tide and it is like a mirror.
I trust you took my advise and stopped at rathlin for the Guinness. Scotish Islands are close to NI. Last year I visited Islay for a jar and it only took an hour to get there.This year I am looking forward to the mull of Kintyre and Crinan canal.