Info from EA re Water Resources


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Following received from EA via email to TNUF:
Water resources

West Thames received average rainfall over winter as a whole, but we had a very dry March and April and this stopped any further groundwater recharge. As a result flows are dropping off earlier than normal (by about 3 months), particularly in the Cotswolds and minor aquifers such as the Thames gravels. June has also been a dry month and we could see more below normal (or notably low) river flows and groundwater levels going into summer especially if the current weather continues.

At present we have no plans to introduce restrictions to navigation and every effort is being made to maintain levels for through passage while, at the same time, allowing the water companies to abstract the water that they (and we as consumers) need, and conserving the river’s ecology. Be aware that with low flows and as a result low gradients on the river, water depths in the upper part of a reach close to the tail of the next lock upstream, may be less than usually experienced for the same head water at the lock below.

We will keep you informed if, or as, the situation develops.


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Don't worry about it. There'll be flooding in a few months due (in part) to the lack of dredging.

What you need is an authority running the river who plan ahead and keep up to speed,our nice new dredger compliments the comprehensive reburbishment of all the lock facilities which have enhanced users enjoyment of the Medway no end.
Of course boaters down here have much more modest expectations as to what services are provided for their enjoyment of the river.

Why not ask the EA to run your river most boaters down here are very happy indeed.:)
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Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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A far more interesting question is...... how much of Londons water is extracted from aquifers in Kent and Sussex and the surrounding counties . ? :)

"The people living in south-east England are supplied with water that is stored underground as groundwater within water-bearing rocks called aquifers. In the south-east of England up to 70 per cent of public water supply is derived by pumping groundwater from the Chalk aquifer"

Just a guess but suspect a very small proportion of Londons potable water is extracted from the Thames and every single drop in the Thames comes from outside the area in feeder streams and rivers ?
The Darenth in Kent was sucked dry by the demand for water to supply elsewhere.

Latest data here....
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