In preparation for boat ownership....


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15 Jan 2002
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
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Having a read through the various posts over the last weeks, I thought that I should post an update on where I am in my search for a floating, bottomless money drain.

I am trying to stem my enthusiasm and jumping into a purchase too soon by keeping busy in other ways. I am currently trying to put the prospects that we have looked at into the right perspective, and trying to prepare myself for boat ownership by the following:
1) Attempting to complete all the outstanding tasks in the home (as defined by SWMBO)
2) I have now completed winterisation of my motorbike (Ducati).
3) I have removed the interior of my car (Mid 80’s V12 Jaguar) and have started a restoration process, which should keep me busy for quite some time and should become a tail-chasing prospect along the line of boat ownership.

I have also for some considerable time kept ropes lying around in the home for the family to practice the various knots and made sure that we have frequent MOB manoeuvres on the settee with scramble net recovery over the back. I did try to rig up a lifting boom from one of the first floor windows to get some more distance between the MOB victim (in the garden) to increase the difficulty of MOB recovery, but SWMBO put her foot down there….
Perhaps the best thing I have done, was during a recent spell of wet weather, I tested the fire alarm at 2AM to got every one out of the house and I kept them busy out there checking the condition of the house and proximity to the garden shed. Keeping them out there until truly soaked to the skin. This of course was to simulate boating and mooring up during a typical British summer (inspired by recent article in MBY). My Mother-In-Law (MIL), who was visiting at the time, was not amused about these procedures at all. Her image of us owning a boat is simply for her to visit on selected weekends, and being served G&T’s on the aft deck in beautiful sunshine. The MIL actually alleged the following morning that I was trying to deter her from coming along with us, in case an actual purchase took place. I of course had to point out to her that no such thing was in my mind, and that I only do these exercises for safety and to ensure that all the crew and visitors are prepared for the eventualities that boating may present to us (anchoring in poor weather, gas & anchoring alarms etc.).
That will have to be enough about my & the family’s preparation for boat ownership and I should go on to tell you about my search for the perfect vessel. However, I want to point out that now truly believe that the family and myself are getting pretty close to being prepared for boat ownership.

The prospects we have looked at include twin-engine fibreglass 38 – 46 footers to 21 metres, mid ’70’s, wooden boats. I have to admit that the latter ones are very tempting indeed, but good ones are far between, but do offer a rather large potential, so have dismissed the fibreglass ones for now.
We have now suspended our search, as we believe that we may very well have found what we are looking for, but want to “chill out” a bit and evaluate what this entails, before making an offer, subject to survey. Of course we run the risk of the vessel being sold by the time we make up our mind, but then I have to be philosophical and think that we were not meant to be her new owners, and I’ll go back to my garage and continue working on my car dreaming…

I will try to post two of my broker experiences tomorrow with a summary of how two of the vessels were presented to us, but need to compile that tonight, or first thing tomorrow, as I have some documents to review now.

<hr width=100% size=1>Alf


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27 Jan 2003
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2) I have now completed winterisation of my motorbike (Ducati).

sissy fair weather rider heh

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15 Jan 2002
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Not at all sir....

In the true spirit of boat ownership and circular maintenance tasks, she is back on the road again this morning (beauitful day crisp & dry, so could not resist the temptation) and as such, I truly expect the bike to need the same thing done over again, with some changes to the procedure within the next couple of weeks.


<hr width=100% size=1>Alf

Nauti Fox

Well-known member
28 Oct 2003
If you get any problems with the bike give me a call.I run a Ducati workshop for my sins(must have done something terrible in a previous life)

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15 Jan 2002
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Broker 1 & Baglietto 20M

On the phone and via e-mail, I could not fault the person. Very courteous and more than willing to answer all the questions I wanted to have responses to in advance of me travelling to Spain to view the boat. (Not Spanish broker though).

The boat was described as in very good condition and only needing a bit TLC. All the technical bits, engines re-conditioned, brand new generators, recently painted etc., made this sound like it could fit the bill.

It is worth saying here that I did not travel down to Spain just for this, this was combined with a trip to our apartment at Costa Del Sol, so was going down there anyway.

Enough about that trivia… Arrived at agreed time to view the boat, which at first eyesight looked very good and as described in the literature I had received. Whilst walking out towards the boat, we met the broker, who was Dutch and very pleasant. He told us that he had been at the boat for 15 minutes and had opened up all the doors and windows to air off a bit as the owner had not used the boat for a while. Initially this jarred a bit, as the owner (in accordance to some of my information) used an engineer from a local boatyard, to open the boat up once a week and to run generators, engines and make sure that everything was OK. So here we go, up onto the aft deck and agreeing that we (SWMBO + me) wanted him to show us around first to get an initial feel, then we would want to roam around by our self individually before me inspecting the engine, tank and generator areas. Fine in principle… right…. Now to the more disappointing part…. Most of the wood, which Italian boatyards pride them self over was covered by a combination of various paints… white with various images painted (parrots on one and a swordfish on another…). I could have forgiven some of this, but even the helm position was painted over with brown matt colour. There were dust all over (later discussions revealed that the owner had used it as live aboard, but not for two years)… caps hanging with thick layers of dust, curtains bordering on being sticky, roof covering in three cabins split, roof covering in main saloon showing signs of water damage etc. Damp damage down in the cabins (4 off) and the master cabin’s bed base starting to rot. Disappointing I have to admit, but once again a broker who obviously did not communicate with the owner of how important it is to present a vessel in a clean, tidy state. A closer inspection of the saloon area displayed that although the owner had gone through a lot of effort (and presumably money) to re-fit new furnishing (semi-circular settee and a nice dining area + storage cabinets…. plenty of storage…), they had laid down a carpet (on top of teak floor) before fitting the new furniture. So if you were to replace the carpet, you’d have to cut the carpet out, potentially damaging the floor… and if I wanted to keep the teak flooring, there would be bits of carpet sticking out from underneath the furnishing. At this point in time SWMBO was ready to leave, but I did ask her to be a bit more patient as I wanted to see the engine space…. Completely different story down here …. Perfect condition, very tidy and very well looked after. New 16KW Genny (5hrs) under workbench, separate (also new with less than 5 hrs) 6KW genny in brand new sound box, and proper working space all around the engines. Un-fortunately the broker admitted to be completely a novice on any technical systems onboard, so he was of little use, but it did mean that I got free roaming down there for quite some time. In the mean time SWMBO had done her second, more detailed review of the cabins and had moved up to the fly bridge, where a brand new seating area for 8, with table had been created, just behind the upper helm and in front of two rather large sun beds.
Structurally the boat appeared sound, and mechanically, I would be surprised if she was not OK, but the really disappointing parts was that her deck leaked, dampness had damaged large parts of her interior spaces and cabins, the painted walls and helm area and generally the condition of the lower deck space, and the fact that there were no sign what so ever of any fire detection or fighting equipment anywhere on the boat, and yet was advertised as only needing a little bit of TLC. I have had communications wit the broker later, who is willing to take any offer (however insulting) and present this to the owner… My concern though is : Am I really willing to take on such a large project and spending a major amount of time re-furnishing the interior spaces…. Or as an alternative… how much will it cost me to re-fit the interior of 4 cabins (three with en-suite facilities) + the crew cabin, which had it’s own facilities. I have left his one as a “potential” and “if the price is right”, subject to survey, but want the broker to speak things over with the owner, whilst I look at a couple of other prospects. I am in no doubt, that the boat could be brought back to her former glory, but not convinced that this was meant for me to do.... So the search continues and a Cantieri di Pisa, 21 metre is found….

<hr width=100% size=1>Alf


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27 Jan 2003
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well thats all right then Duke, lovely machine

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27 Jan 2003
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Re: Broker 1 & Baglietto 20M

presenting a boat for sale in that condition defies logic Alf

by the way you missed a good crack with tcm on the YM prep
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Well-known member
15 Jan 2002
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
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Re: Broker 1 & Baglietto 20M

Makes three of us to think so about the presentation of a boat...., but positive experiences to follow next...(read Saturday)

Yup... I know, but time constraints due to work comittments, which pays, made it impossible....

However, with an appartment 5 min from Calahonda, there are a number of possibilities for new ventures... and please keep me posted on YM preps planned (I believe you may have my direct e-mail address, but PM me if you don't).

<hr width=100% size=1>Alf