IN in EU or OUT from EU

IN the EU or OUT

  • IN

    Votes: 275 50.8%
  • OUT

    Votes: 266 49.2%

  • Total voters
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25 Jun 2003
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You must have good personal reasons to justify your strong views; have you worked in Europe or lived there; had any business deals there? have you spent time sailing around the Med? did you get the opportunity to mix with the locals or with other Brits and Europeans in marinas or during cruising; do you have any Euro friends who work and make a living in Europe?.

Its ok life will go on after you know...Business with Europe will continue,
you can still cruse the Med but we wont be carrying Europe anymore and paying for it with the austerity...WE are the worlds 5 largest economy after all...they cannot ignore us...And in fact they need us more than we need them i would say....Dont you just hate all the Laws and rules they put upon the UK...we can make our own!


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25 Jun 2003
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Btw i must admit to being very thick as i accidentally voted to stay in on this take 1 off staying in and add 1 to leaving...!

steve yates

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16 Oct 2014
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Can the uk survive out with the Eu?
Of course.
That's not the issue, it is should we leave or stay? Those arguing it will be better in or better out, are all making assumptions based on opinion. No one knows. And whoever is right, now, could well be wrong in 10 years time.

I am an in, for one major reason.

The tieing together of the European countries together economically has led to the longest lasting peace in Europe for hundreds of years. No wars, for my parents, or for me, and hopefully not for my children. The Balkan civil war, that could easily have led to another world war a few generations ago as everyone took sides and looked for an advantage.

That peace,to me, is worth putting up with any number of bureaucrats and idiotic institutions.

It's not an economic or a national identity issue at all for me. Pure pragmatism.


Active member
31 Jan 2008
The Balkan civil war, that could easily have led to another world war a few generations ago as everyone took sides and looked for an advantage.
With respect, the breakup of the Yugoslavian federation and the resulting civil war in the Balkans was a prime example of the EU dithering and vacillating and achieving nothing. That continued until the US (and to some degree Russia) banged some heads together and instituted the Dayton Agreement, which, despite limitations that, to this day, include the unstable Bosnian political situation, but nevertheless resulted in peace in the region after more than 3 years of horrific war.

Definitely not the EU's finest hour. In fact, similar to the present migration crisis - total lack of agreement and resultant chaos.

Retired in Crete

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24 Feb 2012
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.There are reams of tripe talked about periferal issues but it boils down to whether you believe we will be more prosperous in or out. No one knows so I ask again----Do you feel lucky?

So it all comes down to money does it? If that is the case what value do you put on the right to self determination, to not be governed by the unelected faceless ones who you cannot get rid of?

We need the views from those who live in an EU country, preferably, a Med country and who make their living in the yachting industry or who work there and enjoy the sea and the sun or from those to have retired in the Med, fully or partly. The majority of those who live in the UK semi or partly retired with limited exposure to the outside world, still believing that a 1960's long keel yacht is the best, are very likely to vote for OUT.

That would include me then! I will vote out for the sake of my children and grand children.

Those advocating staying in stress the possible problems of an exit vote but one thing that never seems to be mentioned is what the future inside the EU will be like. There will be a EU army (navy & air force?), Britain will have to give up its seat at NATO to the EU (How will this give us more influence in the world?) The TTIP will allow foreign companies to sue governments if legislation reduces their profits. (How many billions would this have cost had it had applied when tobacco advertising were banned and all the anti smoking legislation introduced?) How many million immigrants will Britain be forced to take as their quota? Britain will have to share its nuclear weapons with the EU army.

The leave side need to start “project fear”. Staying in is far more frightening than leaving.



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15 Jul 2009
Bristol Channel
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So it all comes down to money does it? If that is the case what value do you put on the right to self determination, to not be governed by the unelected faceless ones who you cannot get rid of?

That would include me then! I will vote out for the sake of my children and grand children.

Those advocating staying in stress the possible problems of an exit vote but one thing that never seems to be mentioned is what the future inside the EU will be like. There will be a EU army (navy & air force?), Britain will have to give up its seat at NATO to the EU (How will this give us more influence in the world?) The TTIP will allow foreign companies to sue governments if legislation reduces their profits. (How many billions would this have cost had it had applied when tobacco advertising were banned and all the anti smoking legislation introduced?) How many million immigrants will Britain be forced to take as their quota? Britain will have to share its nuclear weapons with the EU army.

The leave side need to start “project fear”. Staying in is far more frightening than leaving.


We will not and can not share nuclear weapons with EU and we will not give up the NATO position, Greece and other EU members are in NATO too. Immigration is a problem for all EU countries and needs to sorted out.


Active member
31 Jan 2008
EU has encouraged access to even more sailing places, like Croatia; surely, this is good for yachting.
How? I first cruised Yugoslavia in 1980, before part of it ever became Croatia, and continued up until 2014, my last year there, less the years of the civil war, of course. It was easier and cheaper then with no demands for extra documentation such as the T2L paper that they prescribe these days as proof of VAT payment. No other EU country demands such payments and documentation as does Croatia. You have picked a very poor example that certainly does not support your case.

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New member
25 Jun 2003
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Of course the two world wars were Germany's fault...No chance of that happening again .Merkel
is hardly Hitler....quite the opposite i would say...shes left wing and Christian isn't she?
Putin is the danger but were not talking about leaving Nato just the Eu.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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As compared to the two world wars?

I dont recall the Balkan conflict leading to anything like a potential world war.

The Russians took the side of the Serbs-subsequently leaving egg on their faces when the extent of their genocide and war crimes became apparent-while the EU and Nato wallied about before doing anything aproaching halfway useful or constructive.
A prelude to Armageddon-never on your life!

It was driven by a wave of localy whipped up Nationalism, religous intolerance and ethnic strife going back to the Ottaman Empire and subsequenly WW2 where many Croats assisted the Germans and fought with them against the Partisans.

It was the iron grip of Marshal Tito that held the fractured Yugoslav societies together. Once communism was gone we witnessed the polItics of religous and ethnic intolerance as a local and very bloody war.

IMHO, of course........................
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