I'm having a bad day, no week?


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12 Nov 2002
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I\'m having a bad day, no week?

AND it's all down to this B***y computor and the internet! Since my H/D blew up and I lost the lot, sites that I just clicked on worked the very best. Now however, anything I wish to retrive/look at/work on becomes at least a 2 hour marathon with the inevitable result that I never get to see or do it.

It started early this week with a simple request, via this forum, to d/load some free PC chartware just so that I could do a small amount of prelimanry passage planning, after many repeated (failed) attempts I noted that my 40 GB H/D has now only got 5 GB's available to me. Me 'putor is now suffering from the signs of aging i.e. it's got really slow and can't be rushed into anything resembling "quick" dispite my having broadband and I've got at least 20 PCP logo's on my desktop.

The latest in this long line of failures is my inability to find the accident reports on the MARS site. Dispite it being in my "favourites" buttons it insists on going to the MAIB site where I can find any amount of reports about the PLA / what the Gaul was doing / which MP said what and when in parliament but your average yacht being run down ,,,, no chance.

Now I fully expect that there are members out there that are dealing with these infurnal machines for a living, but please spare a thought for people like me that have been told I can't survive without one and anything resembling a web address looks like gobbldygook. Saying things like "go to tools double click on options and then just follow the instructions" or "just go to this site and zoom in on the Solent" never seems to work for me. I get to the site and there is no chart of the Solent, no zoom button. Instead I get bogged down in all sorts of button clicking trying to find a chart. This has a similar effect on me as someone, who is perfectly at peace with the world but goes out to play golf and after 2 really bad shots is ready to commit suicide.

Why can't I have a comptor like the one used by Picard on Star Trek where I can simply say "find me all the reports involving accidents on yachts between Jan 03 and Jan 04" and it goes off and does it?

Why does it need me to know which button (right or left) to click and when?

Why does the internet have an in-built response to want to send me down blind ally's?

This situation has reduced me to a jibbering wreck. so if I don't make any further posts I could have taken the easy way out and "gone and killed myself", however I may just try to commit suicide by drinking myself to death with scotch a method recommended to me by my me o'll pals Jimi and Ken.

Suicidal Boatman.

Wheres that Scotch bottle. OMG I've only got Bells, No Glen single malts at all,,Gezzs thats the very end.
Good by cruel world.

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4 Jul 2001
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Re: I\'m having a bad day, no week?

G'day Peter,

What operating system are you running on? XP, 98 or other, And are you running Internet Explorer Version 6 (to get the IE version go to any web page, click on help at the top of the screen, a drop down window will show, click on the bottom one named "about internet explorer" this will display the version number.

Once we know this, we 'might' be able to point you in the right direction.


<hr width=100% size=1> Old Salt Oz /forums/images/icons/cool.gif Growing old is unavoidable. However, growing up is still optional.


Active member
13 Nov 2003
Oh dear

I'm one of those smug gits who used to use 'puters for a living and they still drive me around the bend.

What I'd suggest is take up a good hobby like sailing then you don't need to play with the retched things.

Seriously, I'm intrigued to know how you have filled up 35Gb of disk, do have lots of pictures or movies on your machine?

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60Gb and still asking for more !!!

I have a desktop with 40Gb ..... full, an IBM Thinkpad with 20Gb .... full, and this one a Maxdata with 60Gb ..... near full !!!!! - my IT man hates working on my machines !!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
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11 Feb 2003
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Re: What can I say?

As another IT geek, I too am intrigued to know with what rubbish you have filled your disk? 40GB is a pretty big disk, even if there are larger around.

If your system is really bunged up - buy Drive Image (or borrow.. sorry FAST) and a new bigger disk. DI will let you copy your bootable drive onto the new one, then swap them over and boot off the new bigger one. First job is to defrag the new disk, and format the old.

Even with full developement environment for .NET and two languages, I have plenty of room left on a 20G disk. :))

<hr width=100% size=1>Black Sugar - the sweetest of all

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: What can I say?

A bad week eh?

I'll tell you about a bad week! Its got sod all to with computers, you can get someone in to fix them.

We were supposed to exchange contracts on monday, move next Weds, all the phone calls up and down the chain, yes yes yes all ok, removal company booked, time off work booked, then on Monday pm get a call fron solicitor, B*****d at the bottom of the chain, no survey, no deposit. Now stay calm I think, no can't, been here before, exactly the same happened in Dec.
Lost house then we were buying so extra survey fees extra solicitor fees more strees, now that is likly to happen again, do I need say anymore!

BAAAAAAD WEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the lips are moving when the estate agent speaks, he's probably lying

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9 Nov 2003
West Lothian, Scotland
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Re: Buy a Mac.

You beat me to it, Ken - that was just what I was going to recommend! My 17" flat screen iMac is the proverbial canine's spherical bits and the MacOS X operating system has stability and ease of use to die for. I am forced to use a PC at work - bleurgh!


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Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Re: Buy a Mac.

Not a computer, more of a religion . . .

Mac OSX is certainly no more stable than Windows XP and IMHO far less.

Mac error messages when the machine does crash are - incredibly - even less informative than Windows error messages.

Mac now change OS's even more often than Miicrosoft, and with less support for older OS's.

There is virtually no free software for the Mac, and very little cheap software.

Bill Gates is not a very attractive human being - but Steve Jobs is not the Archangel Gabriel either.

Betamax was a better video system - but not many people use one now - get a life.

- Nick

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11 Jun 2002
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Re: What can I say?

180 Gb disk on new computer now 60% full. Hundreds of GB of external disks reaching 50% full. Not difficult once you load CD's, photos, and start doing video editing in bits and pieces (temporary, and being transferred back to DV tapes or DVD)
I've put 25% of my CD collection onto the drive in windows media 'lossless' format - takes up a huge amount of space, and will have to buy additonal drives to accomodate the lot. Well worth it though, as I now play albums that were lost at bottom of piles whenever I like just by doing a quick search.

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12 Nov 2002
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Re: What can I say?

In my case Chris its loads of un-openable free chart software. I've just spent the last couple of hours deleting anything to do with charts.'putor is now running faster and I've got my disk space back.

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12 Nov 2002
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Re: I\'m having a bad day, no week?

That’s a mystery to me in itself.

I was able to find out that I’m running IE v.6 but when my ‘putor fires up it says it’s loading Windows 98 but I have found that if I try to d/load anything it does not recognise W98 but thinks I’m running W95.
I have checked my cardboard box and disk and it defiantly says W98SE. So work that one out?

I would add that before complete H/D crash I was running Windows ME but the only windows disk I had was 98SE which was reloaded.

If I try to d/load any Zip files I get locked into a WinZip loop saying that I’m using a version that is totally illegal (Classic) which I don’t understand as I have always been able to d/load Zipped files.

I am near total brain failure here


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23 Jun 2001
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House buying stressful? That's nothing. In the very, very early stages of a relationship, I've just blown more money than I can really afford on Valentine's Day flowers and am waiting for the reaction!

That's stress. I've done house buying; crashed more computers than I care to remember; run by the lee in F9; been made redundant twice; spent a month facing a trumped-up discipline charge and now I know what it is to feel nervous!

Now, boys, we did all remember that today is the Feast Day of the patron saint of overpriced florists, did we not?

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9 Nov 2003
West Lothian, Scotland
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Re: Buy a Mac.

Fair point about Windows XP - we use 2000 at work, which may be part of the problem. However, I have used MacOS X since it was introduced and none of the machines I have used it on have ever crashed. Individual programmes may from time to time, but no re-starting is involved. I remember, with some nostalgia, the old Macs and the error messages, but I have never seen one on MacOS X.

And then there aren't many computers where it is a pleasure just to sit down and look at it........!


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Active member
13 Nov 2003
Oh do tell did your true love respond?

I did the same kind of thing 24 years ago and now the gal's me wife!

I hope that it all went well.

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4 Jul 2001
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Re: I\'m having a bad day, no week?

G'day Peter,

The first thing you need is an up to date version of winzip, as the one you have sounds like it has been loaded from another machine and it's free trial time has expired or it's corrupt.

So download another copy (Look for one with file that ends with EXE) and it will not need to be un-zipped. Also consider one of the alternative free zips that are available and will not have a time-bomb in them for when the trial period is over.

Armed with this you should be able to get your Chart program up and running.

Also run scan disk but first, hold down the 'Ctrl' (Control) key and press the 'Alt' key and still holding both keys down press the 'Delete' key ounce only, in the box that shows you need to close off all but "Explorer and Systray" then run 'Scan Disk' Go> start>programs>accessories>system tools>scan disc: select thorough and tick the marked auto fix problems, this take some time to run depending on how sick your system is.

Let's know how you look after this and we can move to the next task.


<hr width=100% size=1> Old Salt Oz /forums/images/icons/cool.gif Growing old is unavoidable. However, growing up is still optional.


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4 Jul 2001
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Re: I\'m having a bad day, no week?

G'day Peter,

To make sure your system is close to up-to-date, and assuming you have Windows 98SE (this download is ONLY FOR 98SE) download the following:

It will automatically install all the up-dates and make your disk defragging very fast.

I have this running on my own machine and to date no problems, but needless to say I can take no responsibility for what it may do to your or other forumites who download it.

It is an EXE program so you will not to unzip it.

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.softpedia.com/public/cat/13/9/13-9-191.shtml>http://www.softpedia.com/public/cat/13/9/13-9-191.shtml</A>

Avagoodweekend (what's left of it anyway).........

<hr width=100% size=1> Old Salt Oz /forums/images/icons/cool.gif Growing old is unavoidable. However, growing up is still optional.


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23 Jun 2001
Liverpool, UK
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Many thanks Chris,
Tearful "you shouldn't have" (times seven) phone call half an hour later! It seems, courtesy of advice of crewmate from Cork Week 96/ 98 that I had not only her favourite florist but her favourite designer at that florist! My feeble attempts at appearing a caring sharing type in touch with my feminine side were substantially enhanced when her ex assisted her sons in buying her V-Day presents: Thorntons chocolates (v good) factory seconds (vv bad!) Any fule kno that when blokes buy chocolates for girlies you buy a few chocs in a posh box!!

Big bags of Thornton seconds are for girlies to buy themselves on way home to curl up on sofa in front of Bridget Jones Diary DVD (bad column in Indie, turned into v bad book and vv bad movie)!

Next task - to meet the lady. Isn't Internet romance brilliant?

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12 Nov 2002
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Re: I\'m having a bad day, no week?

I've deleted anything to do with freeware charts and quite frankly I don't have the B**ls to start doing anything else like pressing delete keys whilst holding down other keys. Sounds like a recipe for disaster in my hands.

I'll jog along with what I have for now, I just won't bother with any Zipped files.
My YC have a system of automatic Zipping of files over a certain size, I've already told them that if they come zipped to me I won't be able to read them so send anything up piece meal.

Thanks for the help?


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