New member
I\'m having a bad day, no week?
AND it's all down to this B***y computor and the internet! Since my H/D blew up and I lost the lot, sites that I just clicked on worked the very best. Now however, anything I wish to retrive/look at/work on becomes at least a 2 hour marathon with the inevitable result that I never get to see or do it.
It started early this week with a simple request, via this forum, to d/load some free PC chartware just so that I could do a small amount of prelimanry passage planning, after many repeated (failed) attempts I noted that my 40 GB H/D has now only got 5 GB's available to me. Me 'putor is now suffering from the signs of aging i.e. it's got really slow and can't be rushed into anything resembling "quick" dispite my having broadband and I've got at least 20 PCP logo's on my desktop.
The latest in this long line of failures is my inability to find the accident reports on the MARS site. Dispite it being in my "favourites" buttons it insists on going to the MAIB site where I can find any amount of reports about the PLA / what the Gaul was doing / which MP said what and when in parliament but your average yacht being run down ,,,, no chance.
Now I fully expect that there are members out there that are dealing with these infurnal machines for a living, but please spare a thought for people like me that have been told I can't survive without one and anything resembling a web address looks like gobbldygook. Saying things like "go to tools double click on options and then just follow the instructions" or "just go to this site and zoom in on the Solent" never seems to work for me. I get to the site and there is no chart of the Solent, no zoom button. Instead I get bogged down in all sorts of button clicking trying to find a chart. This has a similar effect on me as someone, who is perfectly at peace with the world but goes out to play golf and after 2 really bad shots is ready to commit suicide.
Why can't I have a comptor like the one used by Picard on Star Trek where I can simply say "find me all the reports involving accidents on yachts between Jan 03 and Jan 04" and it goes off and does it?
Why does it need me to know which button (right or left) to click and when?
Why does the internet have an in-built response to want to send me down blind ally's?
This situation has reduced me to a jibbering wreck. so if I don't make any further posts I could have taken the easy way out and "gone and killed myself", however I may just try to commit suicide by drinking myself to death with scotch a method recommended to me by my me o'll pals Jimi and Ken.
Suicidal Boatman.
Wheres that Scotch bottle. OMG I've only got Bells, No Glen single malts at all,,Gezzs thats the very end.
Good by cruel world.
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AND it's all down to this B***y computor and the internet! Since my H/D blew up and I lost the lot, sites that I just clicked on worked the very best. Now however, anything I wish to retrive/look at/work on becomes at least a 2 hour marathon with the inevitable result that I never get to see or do it.
It started early this week with a simple request, via this forum, to d/load some free PC chartware just so that I could do a small amount of prelimanry passage planning, after many repeated (failed) attempts I noted that my 40 GB H/D has now only got 5 GB's available to me. Me 'putor is now suffering from the signs of aging i.e. it's got really slow and can't be rushed into anything resembling "quick" dispite my having broadband and I've got at least 20 PCP logo's on my desktop.
The latest in this long line of failures is my inability to find the accident reports on the MARS site. Dispite it being in my "favourites" buttons it insists on going to the MAIB site where I can find any amount of reports about the PLA / what the Gaul was doing / which MP said what and when in parliament but your average yacht being run down ,,,, no chance.
Now I fully expect that there are members out there that are dealing with these infurnal machines for a living, but please spare a thought for people like me that have been told I can't survive without one and anything resembling a web address looks like gobbldygook. Saying things like "go to tools double click on options and then just follow the instructions" or "just go to this site and zoom in on the Solent" never seems to work for me. I get to the site and there is no chart of the Solent, no zoom button. Instead I get bogged down in all sorts of button clicking trying to find a chart. This has a similar effect on me as someone, who is perfectly at peace with the world but goes out to play golf and after 2 really bad shots is ready to commit suicide.
Why can't I have a comptor like the one used by Picard on Star Trek where I can simply say "find me all the reports involving accidents on yachts between Jan 03 and Jan 04" and it goes off and does it?
Why does it need me to know which button (right or left) to click and when?
Why does the internet have an in-built response to want to send me down blind ally's?
This situation has reduced me to a jibbering wreck. so if I don't make any further posts I could have taken the easy way out and "gone and killed myself", however I may just try to commit suicide by drinking myself to death with scotch a method recommended to me by my me o'll pals Jimi and Ken.
Suicidal Boatman.
Wheres that Scotch bottle. OMG I've only got Bells, No Glen single malts at all,,Gezzs thats the very end.
Good by cruel world.
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