Identifying my dinghy


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3 Feb 2004
Boat (over winters in) the Clyde
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It is these days (see the Mirror class rule 1.7.3). I don't know when the rule change happened (maybe at the same time that Bermuda masts were allowed).
The inboard sheeting of the jib started when I was still racing Mirrors, so mid 1970s. Around the same time that metal masts (with wooden ends and still wooden Gunter) was permitted - I had a Needlespar with Musto & Hyde sails.


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24 Jun 2018
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So I live in East Kilbride Glasgow.what would be your advice for an adult beginner. I thought I could just find somewhere to learn level 1 and 2 over a few weeks. But July August seems only youth training. really wanted to get this do before winter so next spring I could join a club and get out on the water and really learn. I guess it's like learning to drive once you've passed you can't really drive until you get more experience
If time and finances permit head to one of the Mediterranean sailing schools, Nelson, Ocean Elements, Mark Warner etc. Much more pleasant learning in the sun and falling into warm water and if there is a significant other they can sit in the sun drinking cocktails with umbrellas in. Much better than sitting under an umbrella and shivering while you learn


New member
21 Jun 2024
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Unlike the other poster, I think it is wi orth while doing your RYA Level 1 & 2 if a beginner. No it won’t make you an expert, but perfectly sufficient to start you sailing on somewhere like nearby Strathclyde Loch.
Not sure whether they still do adult training there - but a trip to Loch Ken, Port Edgar, etc won’t be too far from where you live.
Don’t set off sailing round Arran till you have a lot more experience - but plenty of Lochs and sheltered places to gain experience.
Thanks for that. East Kilbride has level 1 next week 3 nights in August so starting there and see what's next