New member
Hi all I am new to sailing been out in red letter day sailing loved it but busy life has never let me keep going. I watch YouTube videos everyday couples sailing away all over the world. Now 64 but still fit have bought an old dinghy off a farmer were it has been abandoned for years. He doesn't have any details on it or what it is. It's definitely not a sloop fibreglass hull wooden deck with epoxy tape stitching. Round wooden mast with what looks like two positions for the mast squared bottom that fits into 18mm squared plywood bases approx a foot apart one boom I think and another piece approx same length but with two plywood triangles at one end. Can anyone help. Could it be a gaff cutter it 3m long and approx 4ft something wide. I have various sails in bags 1 definitely a job as it says it on the bag. A 2 stroke outboard and set of canoe orrs most of deck fittings are in a plastic box. Apart from that the hull is good and no rot on the deck. Any comments appreciated.