I have a 6 week old Bavaria 36 based on the Solent that we are very pleased with. We have 360 miles on the log and have had 8.2 knots as maximum speed. It is beautifully finished and also economical 0.4 gal/hr over first 50 hrs. However we still do not have a kedge anchor. What is the ideal kedge both for use - light so it can be lowered into the dinghy and released, good holding power and also a good price/performance ratio. I have seen the correspondence on the Bruce. My feeling is that an aluminium Spade, model 80 of 7 kg would be good but what do experienced members of the forum think and what do they use. Also suggestions on the best place to buy and how much chain, metal type and length are considered best.
<hr width=100% size=1>Tony
<hr width=100% size=1>Tony