Details of nearly loosing my mast while crossing the Atlatnic <font color=blue><A target="_blank" HREF=> - now cruising nowhere near you</font color=blue>
So glad to hear you've made it to anchor safely. Haven't been to Mindelo but have visited the islands a couple of times and, as you say, the people are super. I'm sure you'll get a lot of help once they understand your repair needs, and you are probably in the best island to get it.
The very best of luck and I hope that once the problems are sorted, you'll have a chance to relax and enjoy the islands.
Just been through the site, your poor head sail too.
I hope you can get sorted and find a crew to continue the trip without any more headaches. Agree about crew, you need to share things, it hardly seems right to get excited about a whale when you are alone etc.
Well done for finding that energy to jury rig when it sounds like you were near the bottom, at least now you know you can do it, you just don't want to. Good luck finding a crew / soul mate. Stingo could do with some deck decoration anyway/forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Your words brought back memories of almost exactly the same thing happening to me in the middle of the South Atlantic 18 months ago. Chainplate shearing, roller gear thrashing about in the lifelines - except there were three of us to manage the situation. Heroic effort to get through this on your own. Huge achievement.
Must admit that I was really impressed by the power of this forum. You were not alone out there. We were all thinking of you after Jimis post and it was great to see those that were able to contribute doing what they could.
This forum is one hell of a resource!
Wishing you the best of luck with repairs to boat and self and looking forward to future anecdotes.
Your notes were as interesting as usual John, albeit with less of the humour than before. It is great to read what you have written for yourself, rather than second hand, because it means you are safe and well on terra firma with friendly people around you.
The most important over-riding factor, is that you have gone much further along the journey than 99.999% of the people who dream about it, or even think they have the capability to do so. Hopefully, maybe after a few days rest and recuperation, you will be able to see this as a success albeit that, like all good plans, there may need to be decisions to approach things differently.
All IMHO of course, I wont take offense if you swear back at me, even under your breath!
Good luck with getting Stingo sorted as soon as practiically possible.
<hr width=100% size=1>It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
Ouch- the stuff of nightmares. I must admit when I first saw the photo that you had a crewmwmber sitting on the foredeck- the person with the white jacket and blue hat. Having looked more closely, I'm not sure they'll have been much use.
<hr width=100% size=1>Life's too short- do it now.
Sounds like you've been having a s****y time. Get the boat fixed, then fly back to the UK and join us for the Cherbourg weekend. If nothing else it might lift your spirits a bit and you can go back refreshed and ready to press on to Brazil.
Just rememebr as lonely and as tough as it may seem there's plenty people here following the web site and supporting you.
Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, and safe journeys.
Thank you all for your messages of encouragement. It's been wonderful knowing so many of you are out there and prepared to help in whatever way you can. Words fail me when I try say how much I appreciate it.
I have found a local who has already finished most of the stainless steel repairs and the repairs to the furling gear. He's done a really good job.
I was feeling very down about the whole episode, but am over it now...
After a few beers last night, just to get some sense back into my head, I have decided to continue onto Brazil single handed. I will probably hang about here for a few weeks because I here already so I may as well make the most of it. Thanks for the course TK. Can you polt me one for Natal and let's see if we agree.
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue><A target="_blank" HREF=></A> - now cruising nowhere near you</font color=blue>
Thanks Jimi but I have enough on board for the next six months.
Will be back in the UK in Jan ~ have to go back to work for six months because the couple that are running my little business want to take a sebatical.
I look forward to many a beer with you all.
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue><A target="_blank" HREF=></A> - now cruising nowhere near you</font color=blue>