Place blocks and 2 jacks at points INSIDE trailer frame on ground suitable to take boat weight at fore end.
If possible place beam across jacks ... across under hull
Jack up enough to claer trailer and then blocks under to take boat.
Let down jacks and do same at aft end ... hopefully here you should have a boat stern overhang clear of trailer.
Now move trailer forward until frame touches forward blocks.
Repeat lift of front of boat and move blocks back until you can move trailer again ..... keep repeating until trailer is out from under the boat.
It sounds a right mess .... but once you ythink about it and start its actually quite easy - just takes time !! I have done this with motor boats and bilge keel yachts up to 30 ft without problem.
The main thing I advise is NOT to use the jacks, unless they are broad base or trolley style to support the boat while moving trailer .... the silly little hydraulic ones are too small on the base and liable to topple. Second the jack should be capable of lifting approx. 1/2 the boat weight.
Lower the nose with a jack under the trailer towing arm by . . .
Jack up nose till jack just supports some weight
Release jockey wheel and raise off ground as much as possible
Lower the nose under jack control
Block up boat stern overhang clear of trailer.
Jack up the trailer towing arm, chock and repeat
until nose is high enough to clear the trailer
Then continue as Nigel_L suggests
The only difference in our methods is that I use the leverage of the trailer to assist.
That the method using the trailer is good ... this is not a HEAVY boat at 20ft ... as the method that I use for Club boats up to 30 ft and usually sail jobbies with a lot more weight ....