well it'll be soldered in place, so need careful desoldering, rs components prob. sell similar ones, or leave it be & if poss. solder wires/pins to other side & make a different arrangement for connection.
Use a desoldering pump or desoldering braid which you'll be able to get at any electrical shop (Maplins etc) It'll be fiddly but, with care you'll get it off. Make sure you don't overheat surrounding components.
Otherwise I agree with Andyball, if there's space just solder another connector in and bypass the broken one.
Also carefully break up the plastic block so that you can remove each each pin individually. Otherwise you'll have to heat all the pins at the same time!
Thanks for all the hints. I have been wondering how to do it for weeks when it suddenly occured to me that I can remove the whole board and get to it from behind, job done in 2 mins!!