Boat out of water. First time we've seen her bottie and overjoy'd at what appears a blemish free version of the child like equivelent. However as SWIMBO attempts to climb aboard she emits loud cry and shakes hand vigerously. Electric shock of minor magnitude. Her counternance not improved by my falling about laughing and through watering eyes declairing it to be static. Smoldering she attempts to board again only to get similar result. I suggest she tries again and like a narna she does, only to get another tingle. Further investigation is required as wife threatening physical abuse of my person. Investigation reveals that all stearn gear, bathing platform etc are live, infact the whole of the boats fittings connected to the cathodic protection systen is live.
After asking around nobody else has the same problem so I assume the boat yard suply is ok and that my system has been linked up to the shore supply to reduce the potential between the shore and the anodes.
I have heard of this being done but on the river where moorings are sheet piled to prevent errosion of props etc.
Question time.
Does anybody know if:
a) This is a common arrangement.
b) How should it be done.
c) As we have had no problems while the boat is in the water and the annodes etc. are working correctly proctecting all the metal work, should we leave it alone.
d) Is SWIMBO justified in demanding new shoes and increased clothing allowance as industrial injury settlement.
In view of its social ramifications I would prefer question "d" to be answered by male poster only, so Pauline go back to the kittens and knitting needles.
After asking around nobody else has the same problem so I assume the boat yard suply is ok and that my system has been linked up to the shore supply to reduce the potential between the shore and the anodes.
I have heard of this being done but on the river where moorings are sheet piled to prevent errosion of props etc.
Question time.
Does anybody know if:
a) This is a common arrangement.
b) How should it be done.
c) As we have had no problems while the boat is in the water and the annodes etc. are working correctly proctecting all the metal work, should we leave it alone.
d) Is SWIMBO justified in demanding new shoes and increased clothing allowance as industrial injury settlement.
In view of its social ramifications I would prefer question "d" to be answered by male poster only, so Pauline go back to the kittens and knitting needles.