Hot stearn gear.


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Boat out of water. First time we've seen her bottie and overjoy'd at what appears a blemish free version of the child like equivelent. However as SWIMBO attempts to climb aboard she emits loud cry and shakes hand vigerously. Electric shock of minor magnitude. Her counternance not improved by my falling about laughing and through watering eyes declairing it to be static. Smoldering she attempts to board again only to get similar result. I suggest she tries again and like a narna she does, only to get another tingle. Further investigation is required as wife threatening physical abuse of my person. Investigation reveals that all stearn gear, bathing platform etc are live, infact the whole of the boats fittings connected to the cathodic protection systen is live.
After asking around nobody else has the same problem so I assume the boat yard suply is ok and that my system has been linked up to the shore supply to reduce the potential between the shore and the anodes.
I have heard of this being done but on the river where moorings are sheet piled to prevent errosion of props etc.
Question time.

Does anybody know if:
a) This is a common arrangement.
b) How should it be done.
c) As we have had no problems while the boat is in the water and the annodes etc. are working correctly proctecting all the metal work, should we leave it alone.
d) Is SWIMBO justified in demanding new shoes and increased clothing allowance as industrial injury settlement.

In view of its social ramifications I would prefer question "d" to be answered by male poster only, so Pauline go back to the kittens and knitting needles.




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30 May 2001
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Don't know about A, B or c but if it gets any worse you can borrow mySWMBO to test it out further. Increse the power and you have the perfect thief deterent!

Has PaulineB knitted you that cardie yet!! ;-)


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Don't know about anti theft device but it certainly prompted a relocation of the Saturday late night drinking session. No cardie yet, kittens playing with the wool but I'm still living in hope.



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16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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I would like it to be known by all on this forum that 'Secret Santa' sent me a pair of knitting needles and a 2002 kitten calendar - now who do you think put him up to that ??

Chrispy, I won't answer question 'd' but I WILL be advising Mrs P on her 40th birthday present - you've still got a few years to save up for it.



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16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Don't like the sound of this. The only time I've come across this problem was when a generator developed an earth fault on a charter boat, didn't trip the supply and consequently put about 24V through the ships rails, sterngear and so on. Very tingly with wet hands and meant that we weren't too keen on one hand for the ship rule.

Timely find. Needs checking, especially as connecting your wife up to the shorepower should have tripped the supply. You might also want to check the 12V side; it's not beyond the powers of possibility that damp hands and salty surfaces gave a jolt from the ship's supply.

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21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Certainly started checking things out. McDuffs have been consulted and are sending all the bumf.
Not realy supprised that the wife didn't trip the supply. Probably due to her inherant high resistance to everything not connected with shoes clothes etc. But will be fitting new breaker probably 30 or 60 mA trip value. I suspect the problem is an over enthusiastic previous owner. Never have found out if the 12V -ve should be connected to the cathodic circuit to even out the potentials. Certainly on the Chem sites we run all the neutrals and power supply returns to a common earth mat to prevent earth loops. Further investigation needed here I think.
See you on Friday



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18 Nov 2001
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If the Cathodic Protection system is still functioning then, logically, the injected (or impressed) current will continue and, with the boat out of the water (and thus losing the anode discharge), the boat might behave not unlike an electrolytic capacitor and discharge energy into whatever is at a lower potential eg the wife.

The shock received might be made worse by some man-made fibres on her person discharging their own static. This could prove v. expensive to bank balance. Incidentally, you don't say whether you also experienced a shock. If not, then prepare for the worst in this (clothing) regard.

Otherwise the ground/earth system of the yard might be less than adequate? If boat close by is discharging to earth then gawd only knows what might be happening.


Re: section d

You can agree to alternative clothes, but for safety's sake they should include rubber shoes at least. She might consider lightweight "chainmail" underwear to keep her warm in the evenings: before she goes to sleep, pop some bread in her pockets and she can make you some toast for breakfast in bed the next morning. If she goes for the ultra-lightweight chainmail then you might consider buying her a large paper hat, new clogs and suggesting that she can be a standard lamp whilst standing up, or a table lamp whilst seated.

You have no case to answer under the industrial injury issue, as they have to take reasonable care, and let's be honest, anyone who has an electric shock and then does the same thing again TWICE is just asking for trouble, aren't they? I mean, if you told her to jump in the lake I don't suppose she'd do it, would she? Well, best not try it... And no, you weren't the skipper cos the it was on DRY LAND see and not even in the water, so her "following orders" argument is no good, see? Case dismissed!


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Re: section d

I have no doubt that your attempts to convince SWMBO of the merits in your argument will keep us all amused for hours on Friday night. She got the chainmail night ware as a weding present from her mother but I must admit I've never considered the toaster variation. Just goes to show how an outside observer can see the alternatives to an otherwise hopeless situation.
Do you think we could hitch her up to a wind-up radio and listen to the weather forecast while breakfast is cooking?


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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12Volt both domestic and starting. The one good thing is that by tentertive touching of all the metal bits we know know exactly what is connected to the anodes and that all the connections are in good shape.


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Certainly fur lined rigger boots protect the wearer (me) form the shocking experience. The system is certainly protecting the props etc because the anodes are well worn and there is no electrolosis in any of the metal work. Having only had the boat a short time I don't know when the anodes were fitted. But even if this is only 1 years work I'm still inclined to consider 2 anodes a year a cheap option when compared to the alternative. As the anodes are in a position where they can be easily inspected and replaced whilst still in the water I'm almost inclined to let sleeping dogs lie.
Please no comments about the sleeping dogs, I'm in enough trouble as it is.


Re: section d

no need for the weather forecast. Just stick her on the deck and the fog will clear. Or trail her from the bow cleat and the heating will reduce the waves due to some improbable thermodynamics.


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18 Nov 2001
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Re: section d & RTA Sec 123

Not quite, m'lord. Well known case of comatose drunk in car with keys in ignition got done. Therefore and beforeheretoonotherhand, the Cap't still in charge if capable of control irrespective of whether on dry land or not...see


Re: ah but

My learned friend makes a good point BUT: the road traffic act doesnae apply to a boat, nor to a desk nor a lounge, unless they are being driven along the road.


Re: section d

Been watching this thread but keeping out of it since there are too many questions to answer before a serious diagnosis can be found, but all this talk of chain mail nightwear has got me really worried! Tripping the wife is one thing; electric panties could really give her too much of a tingle!

Seriously, I think you have a problem that deserves serious attention. What was SWMBO standing on when she got her thrill? What was she holding on to? Have you tried disconnecting the boatyard supply and switching off any inverters etc. on board to establish whether the problem still exists? If it doesn’t and she was standing on the ground (wet?) try reconnecting the shore power with the supply turned off and see if she trips again. I suspect that you may have a significant DC current leak that could cause serious destruction to metallic parts of your boat. DC damages boats, AC trips wives. What are your rudders and stocks made of?

On the question of anodes a lot depends on what sort of water you are mostly on (salt or sweet), what type of anodes are fitted etc. etc. but it sounds to me as if your anodes are being eaten away too effectively, again a sign of electrolytic rather than galvanic activity and DC stray currents. I know a man who had a faulty bilge pump in his boat (quite a big boat mind you). The pump was allowing 3 milliamps of current to leak through the bilge water into the hull plating, raising hull potential by 0.154 volt (not enought to shock anybody!). No isolating transformer was fitted and the boat was plugged into the shore. Cost him £40,000 to repair the damage caused in about a year! If you want to email me privately with more details I may be able to be of further help.


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21 Nov 2001
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If the 240 volt supply has the earth connected to the anodes this could cause these symtoms. Some people believe that the anodes are for "earthing". Respectfully suggest wife tries again to confirm problem, then disconnect mains supply to see if it has improved! regards.