Greek Cruising Tax update from the CA

Tony Cross

Well-known member
14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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I hear the British CA is helping to reduce the burden on the EU helping Greece get more revenue in ,
at first I did get on my hight horse and defender the CA even tho I not a member , but I have to admit he has a point .

No he doesn't have a point at all. What he forgets, or chooses to ignore more likely, is that without the efforts of the CA over many years (and that mostly means Chris Robb) the situation now would be a thousand times worse.

Do you really think that if the CA had done nothing, or outright opposed the tax as other sailing associations uselessly did, that things would be better now?

Do you really think that without the CA's involvement the Greeks would have shrugged their shoulders and said 'oh well in that case let's not bother with this tax'?

The simple fact is that the CA realised that the Greeks were going to do this whatever, and thus by seeking to make it workable have benefited ALL sailors in Greece. To suggest that the CA is helping Greece get more revenue in is an outrageous lie, you might as well have suggested that the crew of the Titanic were actively helping the iceberg!


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Knock on hull yesterday. It was a couple of German liveaboards asking about the TEPAI. They are having problems with the app. and getting the 20-digit code. Apparently the Port Police shrugged and sent them away. Someone (PP?) has told them that they need to go at a Government Office (local council type by sound of it). The nearest one is 20kms away. I don't think it is solely Brits who are confused and having problems paying.

EDIT: I spoke to them again and they did get the 20-digit code but are having trouble paying. They also had problems entering some data correctly and tried again with a second email address. That seemed to somehow link to the previous attempt and now shows 2 vessels. One from their first attempt and now one from their second attempt (both on the second registration email). They are getting a lift to an office 20km away to try to sort it out, I'll try to find out how that goes.

I'm still going to wait for another few days before registering. I might do a little more anonymous "testing" again, the first few attempts didn't go down well with the app. Pity a few thousand others don't decide to try some testing. :D:D
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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No he doesn't have a point at all. What he forgets, or chooses to ignore more likely, is that without the efforts of the CA over many years (and that mostly means Chris Robb) the situation now would be a thousand times worse.

Do you really think that if the CA had done nothing, or outright opposed the tax as other sailing associations uselessly did, that things would be better now?

Do you really think that without the CA's involvement the Greeks would have shrugged their shoulders and said 'oh well in that case let's not bother with this tax'?

The simple fact is that the CA realised that the Greeks were going to do this whatever, and thus by seeking to make it workable have benefited ALL sailors in Greece. To suggest that the CA is helping Greece get more revenue in is an outrageous lie, you might as well have suggested that the crew of the Titanic were actively helping the iceberg!

Easy Tony think of your heart :)
I sure I talk for everyone one when I say we all appreciate how much Chris Robb have done to keep us all info and the work he done ,
I also think if the Greek was left to it we be seeing some thing very different happing , let's face it they can't even get a payment system working without Chris help .

I didn't answer your question ,
"The simple fact is that the CA realised that the Greeks were going to do this whatever"
Government do also sort of stuff , it's what people do to stop them that matter other wise three be WW3 going on right now
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Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Has anyone worked out a way to pay by Credit Card? Is this an option at all?

I looked for this ages ago and it is in the FAQs as Chris has said. The Greek gov. kindly thought to allow payment by Credit Card to simplify payment. Unfortunately, they also decided to make it a bit harder as well.

As far as I remember, you need a Greek TAXISnet account (Greek tax number?) and also a Credit/Debit card issued by a Greek bank. I imagine that rules out Credit Card payment for most of us. You might almost believe that they don't want payment from non-Greek residents. :D
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Knock on hull yesterday. It was a couple of German liveaboards asking about the TEPAI. They are having problems with the app. and getting the 20-digit code. Apparently the Port Police shrugged and sent them away. Someone (PP?) has told them that they need to go at a Government Office (local council type by sound of it). The nearest one is 20kms away. I don't think it is solely Brits who are confused and having problems paying.

I'm still going to wait for another few days before registering. I might do a little more anonymous "testing" again, the first few attempts didn't go down well with the app. Pity a few thousand others don't decide to try some testing. :D:D

Hi M
Has helpful as ever, your a gent , I sure they found help very helpful .

Now here a man people need to take a leave out of his book , who doing the right thing , waiting till it's all sorted .

By the way M the list of free harbour berth on the west coast of Italy we finding are getting longer , once all complied I send them over .

Tony Cross

Well-known member
14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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Easy Tony think of your heart :)

Oh that didn't raise my heartbeat, you haven't seen me even close to angry yet. :cool:

Government do also sort of stuff , it's what people do to stop them that matter other wise three be WW3 going on right now

Only the Greek voters can tell the Greek government what to do. The rest of us are guests here and we have to put up with whatever the elected government of the Greek people chooses to do. If you don't like that then leave. That's really the bottom line. :)


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Has FB med sailing and other sailing forum It isn't only English speaking people that post there ,

Quite a few non-Brits on Med Sailing trying to register, and predictably having problems. Doubly difficult for them trying to do it in a second language.

I have not even looked at it yet, seems unlikely anyone is going to ask me for a receipt for a week or two.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Oh that didn't raise my heartbeat, you haven't seen me even close to angry yet. :cool:

Only the Greek voters can tell the Greek government what to do. The rest of us are guests here and we have to put up with whatever the elected government of the Greek people chooses to do. If you don't like that then leave. That's really the bottom line. :)

Tony I have left , don't need you to tell me that ,
I sure they not going to miss my contributions and in return won't for one second miss paying them any tax .

As for seeing you angry , really I don't give a Monkey ,
I was just making light of your reply and hope you sew the funny side of it ,


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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I have asked them to Shut the registration down whilst they sort the mess before it is a total disaster.
The tax MUST also be delayed till it works.

Port Police must Stamp dekpa.....

This is a disaster happening and as each day goes on they will loose control.


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
I have asked them to Shut the registration down whilst they sort the mess before it is a total disaster.
The tax MUST also be delayed till it works.

Port Police must Stamp dekpa.....

This is a disaster happening and as each day goes on they will loose control.

Sounds like a good idea Chris. Unfortunately, those responsible won't want to lose face and they'd also have problems with people who have managed to pay already. I suspect that they'd want a refund unless back payments were due when it was relaunched. I guess they might take the site down, do some decent testing and then ask for payments since 1st May.

It does seem to be a real mish-mash. Some non-EU owners are managing to pay at Customs Offices but this option isn't open to EU people. I was planning to try paying via local bank but one person reported they'd refused to take payment because the form did not have a due date printed on it. SEPA is my fallback but would prefer to do a face to face transaction is possible.

Nothing like a well planned and smoothly implemented project is there? I'd have been sacked for managing such a poor roll-out.

Thanks for all your efforts and good luck trying to persuade Greek Gov. to sort things out.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Sounds like a good idea Chris. Unfortunately, those responsible won't want to lose face and they'd also have problems with people who have managed to pay already. I suspect that they'd want a refund unless back payments were due when it was relaunched. I guess they might take the site down, do some decent testing and then ask for payments since 1st May.

It does seem to be a real mish-mash. Some non-EU owners are managing to pay at Customs Offices but this option isn't open to EU people. I was planning to try paying via local bank but one person reported they'd refused to take payment because the form did not have a due date printed on it. SEPA is my fallback but would prefer to do a face to face transaction is possible.

Nothing like a well planned and smoothly implemented project is there? I'd have been sacked for managing such a poor roll-out.

Thanks for all your efforts and good luck trying to persuade Greek Gov. to sort things out.

Mike there been one report saying he paid at the PO now if it true or not is another thing , you know how people make it up as they go alone .


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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New Info from the Greeks

Dear Mr. Robb,

All banks have been informed to take payment. Only National Bank showed a problem but it will be solved.
The problem with HELLENIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATION S.A.(OTE) has been solved. It will take one day for all servers to be informed. It would be ready until tomorrow. Emails that are pending will be sent back immediately tomorrow.

The payment will be received as follows:
- For SEPA payment in 3 working days.
- For no SEPA payment in 4 working days.
The solution of the problem with HELLENIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATION S.A.(OTE) will also solve this problem.

If it takes 3 days to enter the system they MUST be entering it manually. I did a same day SEPA transfer on Friday. My bank confirms it was received Friday.
Manual entry of money is totally unacceptable, and will bring massive reconciliation problems in future.

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
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I was told by a French boat ,you go to a public notory, they fill the form for you and issue the paper that you need to go to the bank.
Will try tomorrow.

This tomorrow , Went to the KEn office, who said you must have a 4 digit cost issued by the Port police, Went back to the police who said they have no idea what the code is ?
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Earl Grey

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22 Feb 2019
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How about reading the FAQS document? It's in it near the end.
I am getting rather tired of those that are too lazy to read.

Vic. I don't want help pay the Greeks. The point was to get the system right so it was fair and easy.
We have ended up with the real dogs bollocks.

I also asked people not to pay for at least a week whilst it settle down. No one listens. I think it's a case of curiousity killed the cat.

Chris.......fair Cop...apologies.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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How about reading the FAQS document? It's in it near the end.
I am getting rather tired of those that are too lazy to read.

Vic. I don't want help pay the Greeks. The point was to get the system right so it was fair and easy.
We have ended up with the real dogs bollocks.

I also asked people not to pay for at least a week whilst it settle down. No one listens. I think it's a case of curiousity killed the cat.

Chris I can only say your a better man then me , I would had told them all to piss off a long time ago ,
You done your bit .
Now who's round is it ?


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Sounds like a good idea Chris. Unfortunately, those responsible won't want to lose face and they'd also have problems with people who have managed to pay already. I suspect that they'd want a refund unless back payments were due when it was relaunched. I guess they might take the site down, do some decent testing and then ask for payments since 1st May.

It does seem to be a real mish-mash. Some non-EU owners are managing to pay at Customs Offices but this option isn't open to EU people. I was planning to try paying via local bank but one person reported they'd refused to take payment because the form did not have a due date printed on it. SEPA is my fallback but would prefer to do a face to face transaction is possible.

Nothing like a well planned and smoothly implemented project is there? I'd have been sacked for managing such a poor roll-out.

Thanks for all your efforts and good luck trying to persuade Greek Gov. to sort things out.

I think I was loosing my rag a bit there - as I was having no feed back at all - have lived with software for years I know that quick action is needed to stem the flow when something like this happens.

There is still a lot to get done outside of this - The DEKPA regs are stupid and in conflict with the TEPAI out ofr use rules - I know how many people fall foul of this through unplanned ill heath (as if it ever was planned - but the Greeks seem to think so) as I get the calls from members. The Ministry of Shipping say its nothing to do with the TEPAI.. Its like hitting your head against a rock if total ignorance.

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
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I was told by a French boat ,you go to a public notory, they fill the form for you and issue the paper that you need to go to the bank.
Will try tomorrow.

This tomorrow , Went to the KEn office, who said you must have a 4 digit cost issued by the Port police, Went back to the police who said they have no idea what the code is ?

What next?