GPS navigator group statement



The GPS Navigator Group has been approached by the Distributors of Seapro, EURONAV UK to issue the following statements :

a) The use of and distribution of Pirated Software could be regarded as Theft.

b) Any messages on the Group that may be connected with item a) should be removed

I make it clear to all - that GPS Navigator Group does not support illegal operations or matters and all material that may be misinterpreted or misused by other has been removed.

We would like to advise all that GPs Navigator group is a community of people interested in developing and increasing understanding of the GPS in all forms. We actively help, assist, promote and provide genuine comment / ideas to all our members. We welcome all observations, comments, ideas etc. that benefit our group and anyone interested to join. This may have caused the group to cross that line.

Currently we have over 490 members across the world including, Software authors, Commercial and private persons .....

I am disapointed that our genuine offer to help has fallen to this and that Commercial interest dictates the Sword instead of joining and promoting their products.

Best Regards
Nigel C. Luther

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


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27 Jun 2002
Medway, UK
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With regard to a),
Did they also say they were in favour of motherhood and apple pie too? If not, they were certainly failing in their duty to maintain a world full of brain dead sheep.

Honestly! Words fail me.



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28 Dec 2002

Rudeness towards people who are trying to make a living producing and selling software does none of us in the forum any credit and it is bad manners.

Stealing software is theft, it is quite plain and simple. If you think that a software product is too expensive, don't buy it. But don't insult people who try to make a living in the marketplace.

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24 Feb 2003
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hey nigel do you ever have rest?

always time for a word on here, running the gps group, and now getting the manufactures on board, almost as busy as i used to be,

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27 Jun 2002
Medway, UK
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I do write software myself, as it happens, and spent a while (20 years ago) when it was my primary source of income. [Just wish more people would use my software (pirated or not), but that's by the by.]
What I was commenting about was the fact that everyone knows it's theft. Why re-iterate it? It's a statement of the blindingly obvious. We're all adults & know this. The statement nigel_luther was forced to put out is as a result of overbearing and un-necessary pressure where it's not needed.
Unless I'm terminally naive (distinct possibility, I suppose), I think most people deliberately avoid piracy. Those that don't, would probably break the law anyway - so forcing a statement from nigel_luther won't make a blind bit of difference. Either way, it un-necessarily hectored everyone about something we all know we are in favour of anyway - hence my reference to motherhood & apple pie.
Finally, being hectored by a watchdog and theatened to stay in line - that's what happens to sheep isn't it?



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New member
28 Dec 2002
Forgive my mistaking your post for rudeness. I didn't realise that it was simply meant to be sarcastic.

I have no knowledge of whether Luther was forced to issue a statement, but I do know that his GPS group has had references to Seapro software being available from DONKEY in a form which does not need a dongle. If I were Seapro I would want to remind people that theft is wrong, even if you believe that everybody knows it. If it were me and I had the resources I wouldn't request a reminder, I would start to trace some illegal users and sue them, but that would make lawyers richer and nobody can actually want that!

Sorry if I misunderstood your original post.


PS I too am in the software business, and I did pay full price for my Seapro software, but I am happy to give you free access to our next software issue in November to show no hard feelings.

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27 Jun 2002
Medway, UK
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Looking back at my original post, it is easy to read it that way. My apologies. I was meaning to be sarcastic, but sometimes the sarcasm can only be heard in the tone of voice with which you read something - not in the words that are actually written down. I must go & brush up my english (or wash my brain out with soap & water, either'll do).

Thanks for the offer, but I shall decline.

I admit that I now like all software to be freely available - to the extent that I included this statement as the license agreement for my most recent publicly released software (development of flat plates from 3D profiles with curvature in 1 axis):-

"Program Copyright Richard (R.W.W).
Permission is hereby granted to anyone who wants to, to use, distribute and
modify the program in any way they want free of charge for non-commercial use.
HOWEVER.... if the program is modified, the modifier MUST:-
1) Acknowledge the R.W.W copyright material somewhere.
2) EITHER send the modified program back to R.W.W for a cursory accuracy check
OR state somewhere visible to the user that the program has been modified
and the accuracy of the changes has not been verified.
3) Not sell the modified program without discussions with R.W.W.
Commerial use must be discussed with R.W.W first.
There - those conditions aren't too onerous are they?

There may well be massive legal holes in it - but I don't care. I reckon the wider the distribution of free/PD software the better. I've benefitted so much from other people's generosity that it's time to return the favour a little.



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Let me correct the lot of you ....

This is to all who have posted NOT particularly <RicahrdandTracy> ..... I should have placed it one space down to the next postee !!!!

I was not FORCED to issue the statement.
I did this voluntarily
I was approached by Seapro to clear up an aspect of the Group that had developed - rightly or wrongly.
The Group was and still is an open group that had no editorial filtering / control.

The statement that Kim kindly posted for me - as I approached him to look at it BEFORE it was posted to ensure that nothing could be out of line with YBW etc. - was put out with my name as I REQUESTED.

Now anyone that considers that I should be prosecuted / otherwise disposed off should check their facts and situation that was prevailing first. Seapro and the group are now along with other Software / GPS bodies happily workjing together in the group. We have agreed to let it be ..... why do others seem to think they are Judge and Jury ?

Therefore I respectfully ask that all reference should be limited to relevant present matters.

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by nigel_luther on 01/10/2003 17:50 (server time).</FONT></P>


New member
28 Dec 2002
Re: Let me correct the lot of you ....

Dear Nigel,

I hope that you are not interpreting my posting as a suggestion that you should be sued, I had no such intention. But I would gladly support prosecution of people who do use CRACKED versions of commercial software without having paid the appropriate licence fee (except of course that the prosecution would have to be without involving Lawyers, who we all know are LTWS (Lower Than Whale S--t).)

Regards, from one of your group members

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What is the difference between ....

What is the difference between a Dead snake and a Dead Lawyer in the road ??

There are skid marks before the snake !!!

As you well know the Group may have crossed the line, we all get a bit carried away sometimes in all sorts of things. It was pulled back before it could have become serious.

As to dire things to do to me ....... I suspect that many may not like me - that is the way of life and the world .... but I do try to be helpful and fair. I run a serious set of businesses that rely on trusting my operators / surveyors and laboratory techs. Without that I have a problem - like the recent one where I had to fire 1/2 the lab staff ...... I apply similar to the outside world and I sometimes come a cropper. I must learn to be more 'suspicious' maybe !!!

Anyway - I wanted to post the previous to stop any more comments that may have got out of hand from anyone ....

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !