Hi I have some small chips and cracks in my gel coat.
Do I fill these with gel coat or flow coat?
Thanks for your help.
Do I fill these with gel coat or flow coat?
Thanks for your help.
Thank you very much.if your still puzzled. Gel coat is applied to the mould then the glass is built up on it.
Flow coat is used for work like you want to undertake. It contains a wax that rises to the surface to make it cure. When it has set you need to sand it to remove the film of wax. Then re coat and sand. Then you can polish it. You can get primary colours to add to flow coat to match the colour you are trying to achieve.
Now I suggest you watch some YouTube films to get a better understanding.
I’ve tried useing gel coat and a film covering and it was a disaster. Flow coat is easier to work with. You can add colours to get a match then add the setting stuff prior to application.
It's good stuff at a sensible price, I've used it on chips and cracks to repair the off white coloured gelcoat on a Lark dinghy I'm refurbing, mixed with a tiny bit of cream pigment it's a very good colour matchI have a pot of Occulati Gel Coat for repairs - dings and chips .... does not need any extra to cure surface ...
This storm damage is filled with it - once weather improves - it will be ground back and then painted to match rest of hull ...
Stucco Gelcoat Filler White Two Component Pack For 200 Gr | eBay
Simple .. works.
Top tip, If buying Gelcoat & Wax in Styrene make sure you dont mix the wax in syrene & catalyst containers up.
Few years back bought 2.5 ltrs of white gel for doing lockers in our Sabre, Got wax in a plastic jar as well, Bloke says you will need catalyst too & gives me some in an identical pot, Didnt half get hot quick! Grrr!
The wax is premixedFine - but there are pots like the Occulati that work without need for extra component ...
The wax is premixed