Fletcher Arrow streak gts


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13 Nov 2011
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Hello to all forum users. I'm a new member and the reason for me using this forum is to get all the info i need to purchase a speed boat with the knowledge to get the right boat for my purpose. I promised myself i would own a speed boat in time for my 40th birthday (next year) and as my wife and little boy love the water it would be a great way to spend a summer.
Having spent the last year reading up on boats i find myself swaying to the fletcher brand (second hand). The fletcher arrow streak gts with the inboard motor stands out to me and its this reason im here. If any members have experience with the flletcher brand good or bad then i would love to hear from you,like wise if you would recommend another boat. I have it in my head that inboard is better than outboard so please feel free to tell me the pro's and con's. I'm wanting to use the boat for both lakes and open water (on calm days) so i was thinking that a 19ft speed boat would be more stable than lets say a 14ft boat,again i have no reasoning for my thinking other than what i have read.
I have never owned a boat before and i do live just about as far from the sea as you can get however i do spend a good part of the summer in Cornwall (28 days this year). I am as green as they come when it comes to boats so any advice tips and experiences would greatfully be recieved.
Safety Where to launch how to launch etc etc. Thanks in advance, fastasfox


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23 Nov 2010
The Tropics of the English Riviera!
Hi and welcome to the forum!

I acquired my first boat (a Fletcher ArrowFlyte 14') from a friend a couple of years ago and don't regret it one bit! The first thing I discovered with the 14' is that there isn't much room when used as a family boat! I'd say that 17'-19' is certainly a better size to start with. I've still got the 14', it's great fun and easy towed even with a family car, but also now have a 21' Arrowbolt as a project and ultimately replacement.

Inboard vs Outboard probably depends on use - for Skiing etc I think the 2-Stroke's take a lot of beating, but we've found our old Evinrude on the 14' quite noxious when pottering about at slow speed (rivers etc). I personally would go for inboard unless you're looking at watersports or one of the much cleaner Evinrude Etecs (which are market leaders on both emissions and frugal fuel use for 2 strokes)

The second downside we found was the smaller the boat, the more dependent you are on the weather! As most of our use ison the sea, this is quite an important consideration and one of the main reasons for the 21' - to enable us to go further afield.

If you do decide on Fletcher, it's probably worth you registering on the Fletcher forum too for specific Fletcher experiences - http://fletcher-boats.ning.com It's mostly Fletcher owners and registered users get a discount from Fletcher on any parts etc. :) This forum is however, much more active, very knowledgeable, friendly and a fantastic source of advice!

You might also be interested in coming to the SW Fletcher Rally in June next year - link in signature or send me a PM for more details. :D

Best regards,



31 Aug 2001
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I have had 16 with 90hp ob. 17 GTS small mercruiser inboard and a 21 GTS with a 5.7 inboard and great cuddy for storage and full camper covers Loved every one.

Good British boats with a great hull shape. 21 needed trim tabs really.

The 19 seems very popular and great for sleeping onboard


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28 Nov 2008
Isle of Wight
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I owned a Fletcher 19gts until recently and loved the boat and the Fletcher brand... the cuddy is good for storage and getting out the rain but not much more than that although we did stay on board once (that was enough and we upsized)...

what's your budget if you don't mind me asking?

some may steer you towards the 4.3l engine but to be honest, ours had a 3.0l and it was ample and economic... see here



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13 Nov 2011
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Thanks rbcoomer, I read through your blog the other day and i think i can see what you see when you purchased your 21ft fletcher, a nice boat in the future me thinks.I get a bit sentimental over stuff that needs fixing up and i think its a great way to get to know your boat from top to bottom. I can relate to your story when you collected the boat as its the kinnda thing i would do (our little island aint that big is it). I will be watching your blog with interest.
In your opinion would you not be able to use a boat with a inboard motor for water sports ie donuts skiing etc? or would that mean you need a bigger inboard motor.
You mentioned a fletcher rally in june,when in june as we come down to Cornwall for the first two weeks in june ( holywell bay) i love that place, so would be an ideal opportunity to get to know the brand. where in the south west is it? all the best ff.


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13 Nov 2011
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Thanks for the posts.
Ogaryo im looking to spend around 4k, i know not to expect too much but i will be looking for a boat with all the basics in good servicable condition and the rest i will sort in good time. Do you think this is a realistic budget for my first boat?
The water looks calm in your vid wher was it shot?
Thanks ff


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23 Nov 2010
The Tropics of the English Riviera!
Thanks rbcoomer, I read through your blog the other day and i think i can see what you see when you purchased your 21ft fletcher, a nice boat in the future me thinks.I get a bit sentimental over stuff that needs fixing up and i think its a great way to get to know your boat from top to bottom. I can relate to your story when you collected the boat as its the kinnda thing i would do (our little island aint that big is it). I will be watching your blog with interest.
In your opinion would you not be able to use a boat with a inboard motor for water sports ie donuts skiing etc? or would that mean you need a bigger inboard motor.
Inboards are certainly fine for watersports, but I believe this is where the 2-Stroke is better. I think I'm correct in saying they have more consistent power throughout the rev range and thus accelerate better and thus pull us a skier with relative ease. The downside is that you'll use more fuel unless you have a much newer engine - which itself would probably be twice your stated budget! (£8-10K+ for a 130hp Etec! :eek:)

4-Stroke engines (i.e. all inboards and some outboards) tend to have more of a 'band' of top power, much like a car (i.e. between certain revs - for example 4000-4500rpm). Downside I'd say is that they cost more - not just the purchase, but to fix if there are problems! Others will offer much more advice on this than I can as a novice boater myself, but from what limited knowledge I have there are some very expensive bits within engine/outdrive package! As a guide, look at replacement costs for outboards and then look at inboard/leg etc - don't forget service costs! :eek:

You mentioned a fletcher rally in june,when in june as we come down to Cornwall for the first two weeks in june ( holywell bay) i love that place, so would be an ideal opportunity to get to know the brand. where in the south west is it? all the best ff.
Rally-wise, primarily on 3rd of June, but we'll do loads of group runs etc in the days either side too! (Dartmouth, Topsham and possibly Salcombe - weather permitting so some fantastic boating locations)

For the 3rd, we have hired the use of MDL's Events Pontoon at Brixham. We'll have some maintenance talks by a local marine service company and a hull/gel-coat 'how to' repair session, plus Fletcher will be there, a BBQ on the beach (£ @ cost), a raffle and some cruises around Torbay etc.

2011 was our first and we didn't really know what to expect, but we had around 28 boats, 23 of them Fletchers! Some came and went, but others stayed the whole weekend and had a great time! We were taken aback by distances traveled - The Midlands, South East, Nottingham, Sheffield - to name but a few! We're planning on the basis of 35-40 boats in 2012...

Above all, don't be put off! It's certainly one of the best things I've ever done (25 years too late :eek:) and you'll find there are always boating-folk willing to help or advise if you are stuck or don't know how to do something. This forum for example has been tremendous for me and there are loads of dedicated folk who never seem to tire from helping us 'newbies'... (Thank you, you all know who you are!) :D


28 Sep 2011
Deepest darkest Kernow
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I have a Fletcher 18gts with the 3.0 Mercruiser inboard and it's been great. It's just big enough to sleep on for a night or two and is economical yet will still hit around 30 knots. I've pulled ringos and wakeboards even with 3 on board. A good all round first boat. Oh and I'm down in Cornwall if you're 'passing' and wanted a look.


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13 Nov 2011
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gpssti4 you have my favourite speed boat in my favourite county, what part of Cornwall? I stay at Holywell bay about 5 miles out of newquay. I have been to quite a few places around the world and lived in the caribbean for 3 years and i can honestly say without a moments hesitation cornwall is my favourite place on earth. If my little boy didnt have such great grandparents i would move tommorow.
I think you have hit the nail on the head by stating that you had managed to tow ringos etc,as i think the fletcher would meet my requirments ie a boat to have a bit of fun with not too serious and just enjoy being out on the sea.
The Idea is to purchase a boat use it on inland waters until june then on our first trip to cornwall bring the boat and leave it in storage over the summer so we can pop (well i say pop 340 miles pop) down to enjoy another 2/3 times and on the last trip return the boat back home.
Stay in touch i might just take you up your offer, Thanks Paul.
ps you managed to sleep on the boat?


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16 May 2001
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I used to have a Fletcher 161 Arrowstreak GTO with an outboard engine. I bought it new in 1989 and loved so much I kept it for 10years. Great boat for water skiing and also used it for diving although a little bit tight for space with all the gear, but weight never seemed to be an issue.

The outboard was a 80hp and boat length 16.1ft.

I would consider an outboard as it will give you more space in the cockpit as the inboard takes up space. Mine had a Mercury engine and in the first few years had a few problems with realibility but seemed to get better with age. With 2 people onboard it would so around 50mph on a good day.

Never had any issues with the build quailty and mine was with the Red gelcoat option as a streak (go faster strip), that never faded even after 10years. Mine was driven hard quite often and there were no gel cracks/grazing at all.

I don't think you will go wrong with a Fletcher, all I would say, go for the largest possible size boat you can afford, if you can look towards 20ft onwards.

I have fond memories of my Fletcher, simply a great boat.


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13 Nov 2011
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Thanks chap,food for thought. In your opinion is 4k about the right figure to pay for a 90`s fletcher 18-20ft?. Would you be kind enough to explain what a power trim is and what it does. Thanks Paul.


28 Sep 2011
Deepest darkest Kernow
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Hi Paul,

I'm in Penzance, so about 45-60 minutes from Newquay. I keep my Fletcher in the harbour on a mooring (and in the car park in the winter)
I think this size of boat is ideal to tow as it's not too big (as long as you have a good tow car) and can just about navigate the the smaller roads in Cornwall.
Pricewise, I paid £8400 for mine two years ago along with a poor condition twin axel trailer. I noticed that one sold recently on eBay for just under £8000, so I guess that's the sort of price you'll be looking at.
Yes, we've slept on her - popped over to Newlyn for the evening (all of 1 mile!) and it was fine for the two of us. I think that if you put the camper cover up you'll be able to sleep a child (maybe even two small children) on the rear sun lounger (pulls out to extend the rear seat and uses the infill cushions from the cuddy)
And, yes, Cornwall is great. I moved home after living in Bucks for 11 years!
Drop me a PM if you want and I'll send my contact number so you can arrange to come a have a look at Annie Dru.



gpssti4 you have my favourite speed boat in my favourite county, what part of Cornwall? I stay at Holywell bay about 5 miles out of newquay. I have been to quite a few places around the world and lived in the caribbean for 3 years and i can honestly say without a moments hesitation cornwall is my favourite place on earth. If my little boy didnt have such great grandparents i would move tommorow.
I think you have hit the nail on the head by stating that you had managed to tow ringos etc,as i think the fletcher would meet my requirments ie a boat to have a bit of fun with not too serious and just enjoy being out on the sea.
The Idea is to purchase a boat use it on inland waters until june then on our first trip to cornwall bring the boat and leave it in storage over the summer so we can pop (well i say pop 340 miles pop) down to enjoy another 2/3 times and on the last trip return the boat back home.
Stay in touch i might just take you up your offer, Thanks Paul.
ps you managed to sleep on the boat?


28 Sep 2011
Deepest darkest Kernow
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I think that we are talking about slightly different boats here lol As you can see mine is a little later - a 1998 sports cuddy cruiser. This looks to be heavier than the one in the eBay advert. The one you posted looks a good buy, does it have the cuddy? I couldn't look at the advert ad I'm on an iPhone (with poor signal)!


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13 Nov 2011
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Fletcher 18ft

No cuddy just a straight forward speedboat,now i know why you say you slept on your boat (dont think ya would have been too comfy on the boat on ebay.) You had me a bit concerned if im honest as i thought i had my expectations too high. So now we are on the right page do you thinjk that the budget is realistic?
Nice boat by the way ,i take it you use it quite often as its mored not stored?


28 Sep 2011
Deepest darkest Kernow
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lol true! Yes, I would say your budget is spot on. There's plenty of boats on eBay for that sort of money. I would certainly be looking to buy now as the prices will go up come spring.
I use mine most weeks during the season, it's much less hassle with it on a mooring too, I just turn up, hop on and away we go!!!
Good luck with your search, I'm sure you'll find the right boat.