First proper boat


2 Sep 2003
North London
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Hi all,
I am hopefully going to be getting a new boat next year as I edge towards retirement :cool:
I have had a 20’ Regal cuddly, jet skis and Honwave SIB previously. Will be used around Poole area initially then hopefully a bit further afield as experience/ confidence grows.
Plan is to keep in the water 7 months and keep on a trailer at home over the winter.
Happy to buy new or second hand, budget £115-140k ish
Must haves are:
  1. on deck table
  2. sun bed area
  3. toilet
  4. small overnight facilities for two - double berth and basic cooking facilities
  5. outboard power
  6. decent covers to be able to enclose deck area fully
  7. trailerable home (a few miles only so can be on the limit as I have 3500kg Disco)
Short list currently Axopar 25/28, Cap Camarat 7.5 / 9.0WA, new Saxdor 27 I saw at the boat show, Quarken 27.

Any comments or others I should be considering ?


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11 Jun 2006
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we have an axopar 28, it has a very good hull, it goes very well.

There are a couple of others on here who have axopars & saxdors too.

That quarken looks nice too. I think the cap camarat will sacrifice the ability to go fast(er) comfortably in a heavy sea for additional space inside - but have never driven one so dont know.

HAve you looked at a Ryck 280? RYCK 280 | Stylish, fast and safe ( They look nice.

Nimbus T9 (i think): Tender T9 Walk-around for all activities (

I have no idea on the trailerability of any of these boats though. I think that trailering will limit your choice substantially.


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20 Mar 2004
Bristol UK
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I also saw at the Boat show the IDEA 80 ( 2022 Idea 80 - Wolf Rock Boat Company )

Looks very similar to the Cap-Camarat / Jeanneau's / Beneteau etc of similar size with the added benefit (s) of being lighter (1999 kg + trailer + engine) and a second double berth under the helm area. I reckon with a 350hp you'd get it under 3000kg which makes it just about towable with a hefty 4x4. I think a lot of the 895 cabin type boats will be over the 3500kg with the engine and trailer.

The Jeaneau / Cap Camerat's need to be a 9m to get that berth - and then you are over the trailable limit. You may not care about any of this - however you seemed to get as much room on their 8m as the others 9m boat, but it was a lot cheaper- it was the same price as the other 8m boats about but seemed to have more room -I confess I forget the price now - but something like £85,000 incl basic engine up to about £100k with a 350 with plenty of kit on - which was more like the price for everyone else's 8m as well - but they only had 2 berths and a smaller toilet and so on....

Just an idea - no connection with the company.


2 Sep 2003
North London
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I love the Axopar 28, but problem is the berth is aft whilst the heads sits under the console with on deck front access, so really not ideal for mid night trips to the loo. Showing my age now but don’t want to do a Robert Maxwell :oops:


Well-known member
25 Sep 2020
Commonly in Denmark. Dizzy Too, most of the time.
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Wanting to trailer such a boat will limit your choices massively

I would revisit investment and operating budgets, and take into account your wishes also in relation to "soon to retire", "travel longer", "few miles to home".

When you are no longer quite young, comfort becomes increasingly important. You move differently, sleep differently, appreciate space and a cosy indoor environment, and much more.

Merry Fisher 895 island bed:

If the boat is on the hard in the marina in winter and you live nearby, you can keep an eye on it or work on it as easily as if it were at home. This frees you from thinking about a trailer (and a car to tow it - even next cars). And MOT's.

Outboards can be a good choice but limit the selection, especially of used boats.

The mentioned Merry Fishers are nice and actually comes with diesels on shafts too.



2 Sep 2003
North London
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Wanting to trailer such a boat will limit your choices massively
But will reduce berthing costs considerably. Indicative quotes for a full annual pontoon berth down south are £7-10k which is a helluva lot, to me at least. If I can have it at home for 4/5 months it will reduce annual running costs significantly. If there’s other options please enlighten me


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29 May 2012
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But will reduce berthing costs considerably. Indicative quotes for a full annual pontoon berth down south are £7-10k which is a helluva lot, to me at least. If I can have it at home for 4/5 months it will reduce annual running costs significantly. If there’s other options please enlighten me

Normally the winter months are dirt cheap compared to the summer months. So it maybe doesn’t make that much difference by the time you factor in trailer & trailer servicing & tow car costs.


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12 Dec 2019
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But will reduce berthing costs considerably. Indicative quotes for a full annual pontoon berth down south are £7-10k which is a helluva lot, to me at least. If I can have it at home for 4/5 months it will reduce annual running costs significantly. If there’s other options please enlighten me
My last boat was an MF805 which is similar size to the ones you mention - annual berthing contract at Port Solent (premier marina group) was ~£4K.
I now dry stack my new boat (21ft) and got an 18 month deal for 3k. I think your estimates are too high.


Well-known member
25 Sep 2020
Commonly in Denmark. Dizzy Too, most of the time.
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My last boat was an MF805 which is similar size to the ones you mention - annual berthing contract at Port Solent (premier marina group) was ~£4K.
I now dry stack my new boat (21ft) and got an 18 month deal for 3k. I think your estimates are too high.

Plus dry stack potentially saving on antifouling and anodes etc.


2 Sep 2003
North London
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My last boat was an MF805 which is similar size to the ones you mention - annual berthing contract at Port Solent (premier marina group) was ~£4K.
I now dry stack my new boat (21ft) and got an 18 month deal for 3k. I think your estimates are too high.
Umm strange, do the marinas quote much higher on their websites as that’s all I took those rates from ? I,ll call Cobbs Quay tomorrow and get a proper quote, thank you


21 Nov 2021
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Umm strange, do the marinas quote much higher on their websites as that’s all I took those rates from ? I,ll call Cobbs Quay tomorrow and get a proper quote, thank you
I can recommend Cobbs particularly if you get a boat with an air draft less than 3 m as you won’t be so restricted by the twin bridge openings. We have a Quicksilver 905 Weekend there and pleased.


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7 Nov 2015
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But will reduce berthing costs considerably. Indicative quotes for a full annual pontoon berth down south are £7-10k which is a helluva lot, to me at least. If I can have it at home for 4/5 months it will reduce annual running costs significantly. If there’s other options please enlighten me

I agree way to much berthing cost and I would not pay that ever. As an example in Suffolk I pay £125 a year for a swing mooring via a fairways mooring. Look into any fairways committees in your area


2 Sep 2003
North London
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Thanks all for the replies, all very helpful. Particularly re a more enclosed boat, I think you’re right.
We viewed the Merry Fisher range today, love ’em, We’re now thinking around berthing at Poole and staying onboard for a few nights every other week throughout the summer. The 795 is perfect bar the berth which is just too small for me and Mrs H to sleep on comfortably. So, 895 is perfect bar the price ?. Only saw one on the hard and did feel huge but as I mentioned I’m not used to this size boat and in the water they shrink and provide stability so with a bit of training I’m sure would be fine.
Cobbs Quay is about £5k for annual berthing so all in all a bit of man maths required at this point. You only live once vs pension needs to last a fairly long time ( hopefully) type thoughts
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Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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Thanks all for the replies, all very helpful. Particularly re a more enclosed boat, I think you’re right.
We viewed the Merry Fisher range today, love ’em, We’re now thinking around berthing at Poole and staying onboard for a few nights every other week throughout the summer. The 795 is perfect bar the berth which is just too small for me and Mrs H to sleep on comfortably. So, 895 is perfect bar the price ?. Only saw one on the hard and did feel huge but as I mentioned I’m not used to this size boat and in the water they shrink and provide stability so with a bit of training I’m sure would be fine.
Cobbs Quay is about £5k for annual berthing so all in all a bit of man maths required at this point. You only live once vs pension needs to last a fairly long time ( hopefully) type thoughts

In the Poole area there are far more economic places than cobbs