I'm looking for advice about the conversion to diesel of two AQ 140 petrol engines (Volvo) on 280 legs in a Failine Fury 28 . The hull shape is planing and concerns have been expressed about the outcome if I instal two Ford FSD diesels at 2 X 75hp. They may be noisey ;they may not make 20 Knots . THey may not be powerfull enough to plan;Does anyone have experience of this conversion?
Best Regards Gerry Boylan
I'm looking for advice about the conversion to diesel of two AQ 140 petrol engines (Volvo) on 280 legs in a Failine Fury 28 . The hull shape is planing and concerns have been expressed about the outcome if I instal two Ford FSD diesels at 2 X 75hp. They may be noisey ;they may not make 20 Knots . THey may not be powerfull enough to plan;Does anyone have experience of this conversion?
Best Regards Gerry Boylan