Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Has anyone come up with a TRUE UV resistant varnish? Am using International but the stuff is always gone after not more than three month. Any alternatives?
I have varnished teak, which people always say is the most difficult.
I put the first coat on 4 years ago, with a minimum of 7 that first year, then 2 coats a year since, the lustre keeps improoving all the time. I always thin by about 10% which makes it easier to apply.
I suspect that you are not putting enough coats on initially. anthying less than 4 is just a waste of time.
I use either blakes or International, which ever is available.
Try Coelans, german product, expensive, but brilliant stuff, I use it on teak and iroko on my boat in Portugal and the med, two years and not a mark on it. The blurb says it will last eight years in med weather from what I've seen already I can believe it.
Saw this stuff at the SBS - looks very good and can even be used for coating rubber/plastic etc as flexible.
They do have a website at but it wont tell you anything!!!!
Product is sold in UK by KJ Howells in Poole
I've used Le Tonkinois (see PBO 419) for some years now and found it to be excellent in all respects - and if you have to revarnish small areas you can hardly see the repair.
The french navy have used it for years. It can be a little more demanding to apply - it's got no anti-bubble or anti-skin additives like many modern varnishes.
And for the sake of good order it must be said that my ex-wife is the importer here in Denmark, but believe me, it's great stuff - and yes, it does stay on teak and brings out the colour very nicely.